Contents Vol 19
<plain_text><page sequence="1">THE JEWISH HISTORICAL SOCIETY OF ENGLAND</page><page sequence="2">THE JEWISH HISTORICAL SOCIETY OF ENGLAND {Transactions SESSIONS 1955-59 VOLUME XIX THE JEWISH HISTORICAL SOCIETY OF ENGLAND UNIVERSITY COLLEGE, GO WER STREET, LONDON, W.C.I. 1960</page><page sequence="3">PRINTED IN GREAT BRITAIN BY R. H. JOHNS LTD.; NEWPORT, MON.</page><page sequence="4">THIS VOLUME IS INSCRIBED TO THE MEMORY OF ISRAEL ABRAHAMS TO COMMEMORATE THE lOOTH ANNIVERSARY OF HIS BIRTH AND OF THE REV. SOLOMON LEVY (1872-1957) IN GRATEFUL REMEMBRANCE OF THEIR PIONEER ACTIVITIES AND BOUNDLESS SERVICES IN THE SOCIETY'S CAUSE</page><page sequence="5">Contents Page Preface ......... ix The Middle Period of Anglo-Jewish History (1290-1655) Reconsidered, by Cecil Roth 1 Portrait of Anglo-Jewry, 1656-1836, by Alfred Rubens . . . .13 Sephardi Jews and the Early Years of the Bank of England, by J. A. Giuseppi . 53 Sussex Hall: The First Anglo-Jewish Venture in Popular Education, by Rev. Arthur Barnett .......... 65 Isaac Leonini Azulay, by R. D. Barnett . . . . . .81 The Origins of the Jews' Free School, by Salmond S. Levin . . .97 The West Metropolitan Jewish School, 1845-1897, by Curtis Cassell . . 115 The Origins of Scottish Jewry, by A. Levy . . . . . .129 The Cemetery of the Resettlement, by Master A. S. Diamond . . .163 The Iconography of Menasseh Ben Israel, by Alexander Behr . . .191 Starrs of Aaron of York in the Dean and Chapter Muniments of Durham, by Eleazar Birnbaum .......... 199 Memorial Addresses: Owen Elkin Mocatta ......... 207 Rev. Solomon Levy ......... 208 Wilfred Sampson Samuel ........ 210 Laws of the Society ......... 215 Officers, Council, Etc. . . . . . .218 Publications of the Society ........ 220 Index ........... 223 LIST OF ILLUSTRATIONS Menasseh Ben Israel ........ Frontispiece Plate Facing Page 1. A 17th Century Impression of a Jew . . . . . .16 2. "moggedorio the good clerk" . . . . . .16 3. Henry Simons ......... 16 4. Chelsea Figure of a Jewish Pedlar; Red Anchor Period, 1754-8 . . 17 5. Jewish Dealer in Old Clothes ....... 20 6. Caricature of a Jewish Pedlar ....... 20 7. Moroccan Jew ......... 21 8. Rag Fair .......... 21 9. The Razor Seller, 1826 ....... 24 10. Caricature of a Jewish Pedlar on Board Ship . . . .24 11. Silhouette of J. Abraham, by A. Edouart, dated 1829 . . .25 12. Trade Card of J. Abraham ....... 25 13. Trade Card of Michael Myers ....... 28 14. Michael Myers' Fish Shop ....... 28 15. Isaac Nathan ......... 29 16. Caricature of a Jewish Boxer ....... 32 17. Dutch Sam Defeated by Knowlesworthy . . . ? .32 18. The Royal Exchange ........ 33 19. Salvadore House ........ 33 20. Portrait by Sir Joshua Reynolds, Priscilla Franks . . . .36 21. Portrait by Sir Joshua Reynolds, Moses Franks . . . .36 vii</page><page sequence="6">illustrations viii Plate Facing Page 22. Portrait by Sir Joshua Reynolds, Phila Franks . . . .36 23. Raphael Franco ......... 37 24. Hart Abraham ......... 40 25. Jewish Funeral in London ....... 40 26. Signing the Loyal Address to George III . . . .41 27. Jew Taking the Oath before Voting at Westminster Election, 1758 . . 41 28. Charles James Fox Caricatured as a Jewish Pedlar .... 44 29. John Bull as the Wandering Jew ...... 44 30. Lord George Gordon in Newgate ...... 45 31. Medal of Lord George Gordon, by Thomas Spence . . . .45 32. Medal of Lord George Gordon, by Thomas Spence . . . .45 33. Richard Brothers Restoring the Jews to Jerusalem . . . .48 34. Napoleon Plotting to Wipe England off the Map . . . .48 35. Abraham Furtado ........ 49 36. Isaac Lyon Goldsmid ........ 49 37. The Earliest Political Satire by A Jew . . . . .50 38. Caricature of Lord George Brougham . . . . . .51 39. "Is She a Jewess?" ........ 51 Corner of a Banking Hall, c. 1694-5 ...... 56 Grocers' Hall as Rebuilt after the Great Fire . . . .57 Joseph Leonini, alias Isaac Azulay, about 1790 . . . .88 Hebrew Pocket Notebook of Isaac Leonini Azulay, .... fT88 Frontispiece and Title Page of "El Delinquente Honrado" . . . ff88 Hebrew Letter from Hacham Hida Azulay to his Grandson, Isaac Leonini Azulay .......... 89 Joseph Hart Myers (1758-1823) ....... 104 Joseph Van Oven ........ 105 Jewish Cemetery in the Glasgow Necropolis . . . . .136 Minute of Edinburgh Town Council, Dated 9th September, 1691 . ffl36 Portrait of Dr. Asher Asher . . . . . . .137 Burgess Certificate of Isaac Cohen, Dated at Glasgow, 22nd September, 1812 . 144 J. C. Otto's "Public Program" . . . . . . .162 General View of the Cemetery behind the Beth Holim . . .163 Memorial Plaque Celebrating the Laying of the Foundation Stone . .176 Surrender of Lease by Sarah How, 1683 . . . . .184 Map of Mile End Old Town . . . . . . . ffl84 Declaration by Alvaro da Fonseca (alias Jahacob Jeserun Alvares) . .185 Menasseh Ben Israel, Engraving by Salom Italia . . . .196 Portrait described as Menasseh Ben Israel, by Govert Flinck . . ffl96 Portrait described as the Wife of Menasseh Ben Israel . . . ffl96 Rembrandt Van Ryn, An Old Man Seated . . . . .197 The Hebrew Portions of the Starrs of Aaron of York . . . 200</page></plain_text>