Contents Vol 18
<plain_text><page sequence="1">THE JEWISH HISTORICAL SOCIETY OF ENGLAND</page><page sequence="2">THE JEWISH HISTORICAL SOCIETY OF ENGLAND {Transactions SESSIONS 1953-55 VOLUME XVIII THE JEWISH HISTORICAL SOCIETY OF ENGLAND UNIVERSITY COLLEGE, GO WER STREET, LONDON, W.C.I 1958</page><page sequence="3">The Society as a body is not responsible for statements made or opinions expressed by the contributors to this volume. PRINTED IN GREAT BRITAIN BY R. H. JOHNS LTD., NEWPORT, MON.</page><page sequence="4">THIS VOLUME IS INSCRIBED TO THE MEMORY OF ALBERT M. HYAMSON</page><page sequence="5">Contents Page Preface ............ ix Don Pacifico, by Albert M. Hyamson ....... 1 Jacob Waley (1818-1873): Presidential Address by Bertram B. Benas . . 41 Jewish History and Archives : Presidential Address by Sir Hilary Jenkinson . 53 Some English Examples of the Mediaeval Representation of Church and Synagogue, by Lewis Edwards .......... 63 Israel Zangwill, by Joseph Leftwich ....... 77 Francis Town of Bond Street (1738-1826) and his Family, with further Notes on Early Anglo-Jewish Artists, by Alfred Rubens . . . . .89 Anglo-Jewish Silver, by A. G. Grimwade . . . . . . .113 Anglo-Jewish Architects and Architecture in the 18th and 19th Centuries, by Edward Jamilly .......... 127 Eighteenth Century Anglo-Jewry in and around Richmond, Surrey, by Rachel Daiches-Dubens . . . . . . . . . . 143 Portuguese Jews in Jacobean London, by Edgar Roy Samuel . . . .171 Anglo-Jewry and the Development of American Jewish Life, 1775-1850, by J. Jacob Neusner ........... 231 Sir George Jessel, 1824-1883, by Israel Finestein . . . . . 243 Medieval Sources for Anglo-Jewish History : The Problem of Publication, by Sir Hilary Jenkinson ......... 285 Memorial Addresses : Albert Montefiore Hyamson ......... 295 Redcliffe Nathan Salaman ......... 296 Corrections to Vol. XVII ......... 299 Laws of the Society . . . . . . . . . .301 Officers, Council, Etc. ......... 304 Publications of the Society ......... 306 Index ............ 311 ILLUSTRATIONS Albert M. Hyamson ......... Frontispiece Medieval Representation of Church and Synagogue : 1. Howden Church . . . . . . Facing Page 68 2. Rochester Cathedral ... ... 55 55 3. Southrop Church ...... ? ? 4. All Souls College, m.s. ...... 55 53 5. Canterbury Cathedral ...... Facing Page 69 6. Abingdon Apocalypse ...... 53 33 Francis Town and Early Anglo-Jewish Artists : 1. Francis Town ....... Between Pages 92 and 93 2. Benjamin Town 35 ? ? 3. Rev. Thomas Towne ...... 55 55 35 4. Cattle Fair, by Charles Town ... . ? ? ? 5. -8. Trade Cards of Aaron Hart, Levi Isaacs, Philip Abrahams, and Phineas Daniel . . . Between Pages 108 and 109 9. Miniature by Catherine da Costa .... ? ? ? 10. Abraham da Costa .... ? ? ? 11. Rabbi Moses Ephraim .... ? ? ? vii</page><page sequence="6">viii illustrations Between Pages 108 and 109 Between Pages 116 and 117 12. Sarah Judith de Castro 13-15. Miniatures Attributed to Daniel 16. Jacob A. Mosely ..... 17-20. Trade Cards of Benjamin Levi, Moses Mordecai, Ezekiel Abraham Ezekiel, Yates and Hess 21. Jacob Levi . ..... 22. Benjamin Eliakim Yates ..... 23-24. Miniature by Solomon Polack Anglo Jewish Silver : 1. Bells : by Samuel Wastell ; and from Amsterdam 2. Bells : Perhaps by Richard Edwards ; and by Gabriel Sleath .... 3. Bells : by Abraham de Oliveyra 4. Bells : 1732; and by Abraham de Oliveyra 5. Bells : by Edward Aldridge ; Exeter, circa 1790 1823, from New Synagogue 6. Hanukah Lamp, by John Ruslen, 1709 7. Hanukah Lamp, by Jacob Marsh, 1755 8. Laver and Ewer, by Abraham Portal, 1768 9. Sabbath Lamp, by Abraham de Oliveyra, 1734 10. Sabbath Lamp, by Abraham de Oliveyra, 1726 11. Lord Mayor's Dish, by John Ruslen, 1702 12. Lord Mayor's Cup, by John Payne, 1772 . Anglo-Jewish Architects and Architecture : Facing Page 1. Great Synagogue, Duke's Place; Spanish and Portuguese Synagogue, Bevis Marks; New Synagogue, Great St. Helens . . . .130 2. Fitzwilliam Museum, Cambridge (Geo. Basevi) ; Pelham Crescent, South Kensington (Geo. Basevi) . . . . . . .131 3. Brighton Station (David Mocatta) ; Junior Carlton Club, Pall Mall (David Brandon) . . . . . . . .134 4. City of London School (Davis and Emanuel) ; Reform Club, Manchester (Edward Salomons) . . . . . . . .135 5. Chatham Memorial Synagogue (H. H. Collins) ; New West End Synagogue, St. Petersburg Place (Audsley and Joseph) ; Central Synagogue, Great Portland Street (N. S. Joseph) . . . . .140 6. The Seat of Abraham Goldsmid, Esq., Morden ; Mr. Uzielli's Mansion in Piccadilly ; Jews' Hospital, Lower Norwood Eigtheenth Century Anglo-jewry in and Around Richmond : 1. 1715 Print of Richmond ...... 2. Sale Catalogue of Moses Hart's Pictures . 3. Phila Franks ; Benjamin Goldsmid .... 4. Isleworth House ....... 5. Mrs. Judith Levy, "The Queen of Richmond Green" . 6. No. 4, The Terrace, Richmond (once Home of Abraham de Paiba) Sir George Jessel : Zadok Aaron Jessel Sir George Jessel ....... . 141 Facing Page . 144 . 148 . 149 . 152 . 153 . 164 243 GENEALOGICAL TREES The Franks in Isleworth, Teddington and Mortlake . ... Page 151 The Fernandes Family of Antwerp ... . . Between Pages 180 and 181 The Nunes and Mercado Families ..... ? ? ? Aaron Jesel and his Descendants ... . ? 244 245 The Family of Sir George Jsesel ... . ? 252 253 Edward Jessel and his Children ... . . ? 260 261 Albert Henry Jessel and his Children . . ? ? ?</page></plain_text>