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Contents Vol 12

<plain_text><page sequence="1">^Transactions OF THE JEWISH HISTOKICAL SOCIETY OF ENGLAND. VOL. XII. 1928-1931. PRINTED FOR THE SOCIETY BY SPOTTISWOODE, BALLANTYNE &amp; CO. LTD. LONDON, COLCHESTER AND ETON. 1931. All rights reserved. Price to Non-Members, One Guinea and a Half.</page><page sequence="2">THE JEWISH HISTORICAL SOCIETY OF ENGLAND.</page><page sequence="3">THE JEWISH HISTORICAL SOCIETY OF ENGLAND. {Transactions SESSIONS 1928-1931. VOLUME XII. PRINTED FOR THE SOCIETY BY SPOTTISWOODE, BALLANTYNE &amp; CO. LTD. 1 NEW-STREET SQUARE, LONDON, E.C. 1931. All rights reserved</page><page sequence="4">NOTE. The Society as a body is not responsible for the statements made or opinions expressed by the authors of Papers.</page><page sequence="5">THIS VOLUME IS DEDICATED TO THE MEMORY OF LUCIEN WOLF: 1857-1930, A FOUNDER OF THE SOCIETY, FIRST PRESIDENT, 1893; SEVEN TIMES RE-ELECTED; Professor Sir HERMANN GOLLANCZ, Rabbi, M.A., D.Lit. : 1852-1930, PRESIDENT, 1905-1906 ; AND Canon HENRY PAINE STOKES, LL.D., Litt.D., F.S.A. : 1849-1931, PRESIDENT, 1914-1916.</page><page sequence="6">CONTENTS. PAGE Dedication of Vol. XII. v Preface Vll I. David Nieto and Some of his Contemporaries. By Israel Appendices : (a) Portraits, p. 61; (b) Bibliography, p. 64; (c) I. Isaac Nieto and his Works, p. 78 ; (d) II. Dr. Jacob de Castro Sarmento, p. 83 ; (e) III. The Pardo Family and their Shulhan Tahor, p. 88 ; (/) IV. Israel Meshullam Zalman, Rabbi of the Hambro Synagogue, p. 90 ; (g) V. Daniel Lopez Laguna and his Translation of the Psalms, p. 92 ; (h) VI. Judah ben Ephraim Cohen, First Rabbi of the Hambro Synagogue, p. 94 ; (i) VII. Solomon da Costa Athias' gift to the British Museum, p. 96 ; (j) VIII. Epitaphs on David and Sarah Nieto, p. 99. II. New Material for the Literary History of the English Jews before the Expulsion. By Dr. A. Marmorstein . 103 III. The Jews of Bristol in pre-Expulsion Days. By the Rev. Michael Adler, D.S.O., B.A. .117 Appendices : (i) Jews of Bristol in the Northampton Donum (1194), p. 174 ; (ii) Arrears of Bristol Tallage (about 1221), p. 174 ; (iii) Auxilium for Dowry of Princess Joan (1221), p. 176 ; (iv) From the Tallage Receipt Roll (1223), p. 176 ; (v) From the Tallage Receipt Roll (1226), p. 176 ; (vi) Muniments of Westminster Abbey, No. 9004 (1268), p. 177 ; (vii) Muniments of Westminster Abbey, No. 9005 (1270), p. 177 ; (viii) Inventory of Property of Hak le Prestre (Pipe Roll, 1285), p. 178 ; (ix) In? ventory of Property of Mendaunt of Bristol (Pipe Roll, 1285), p. 179 ; (x) Muniments of Westminster Abbey, No. 6899 (1271), Solomons 1 xvii</page><page sequence="7">XVUJ CONTENTS. PAGE p. 180; (xi) Bonds owing to Bristol Jews at the Expulsion, p. 180 ; (xii) Houses of Bristol Jews at the Expulsion, p. 182 ; (xiii) Names of Jews in Bristol (1154-1290),' p. 185. IV. The Jews of Malta. By Cecil Both.187 V. Looking Backward?Looking Forward. Presidential Address. By Gustave Tuck.253 VI. Sir Hermann Gollancz, 1852-1930. By Herbert Loewe, M. A. 263 VII. Canon Dr. H. P. Stokes, 1849-1931. By Herbert Loewe, M.A. 267 VIII. Laws, Bye-Laws, Honorary Officers and Members of the Jewish Historical Society of England . . . .271</page><page sequence="8">ILLUSTRATIONS. Haham David Nieto ....... Frontispiece (From the collection of Alfred Rubens) Title Pages of Nieto's Matteh Dan, with autograph of Chief Rabbi Solomon Herschell1.facing p. 25 (From the collection of Wilfred 8. Samuel) Frontispiece to the Spanish Translation of the Book of Psalms by Daniel Lopez Laguna, designed by Abraham Lopes de Oliveira ........ facing p. 38 (From the collection of Dr. Cecil Both) Maps of Bristol in the Thirteenth and Seventeenth Centuries ........ facing p. 120 Gustave Tuck ........ ? p. 253 Sir Hermann Gollancz. ? p. 263 Canon Dr. H. P. Stokes. ? p. 267 Book-plate of the Dr. Israel Abrahams Library . ? p. 271 1 This book was presented in 1821 by Chief Rabbi Herschel to Louis Cohen (b. 1799). He was the son of Joseph Cohen, Warden of the Great Synagogue, London, whose father was Levy Barent Cohen, two of whose daughters became Lady Judith (Moses) Montefiore and Mrs. Nathan Mayer Rothschild. Louis Cohen was the father of Ellen, Lady Swaythling, Lionel Louis Cohen, M.P., and his brothers, Sir Benjamin, M.P., Alfred and Nathaniel, and the grandfather of Sir Leonard L. Cohen and Sir Robert Waley Cohen, K.B.E. xix</page></plain_text>

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