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Contents Vol 11

<plain_text><page sequence="1">THE JEWISH HISTORICAL SOCIETY OF ENGLAND.</page><page sequence="2">THE JEWISH HISTORICAL SOCIETY OF ENGLAND. ^Transactions SESSIONS 1924^1927. VOLUME XI. PRINTED FOB THE SOCIETY BY SPOTTISWOODE, BALLANTYNE &amp; CO. LTD. 1 NEW-STREET SQUARE, LONDON, E.C. 1928. All rights reserved</page><page sequence="3">NOTE. The Society as a body is not responsible for the statements made or opinions expressed by the authors of Papers.</page><page sequence="4">THIS VOLUME IS DEDICATED TO THE MEMORY OF Dr. ISEAEL ABEAHAMS: 1858-1925, A FOUNDER OF THE SOCIETY, HONORARY SECRETARY, 1893-1904, PRESIDENT, 1904-1905, AND HONORARY EDITOR OP PUBLICATIONS, 1893-1925; NINA SALAMAN: 1877-1925, MEMBER OP THE COUNCIL, 1918-1925 ; Sir ISIDOEB SPIELMANN, C.M.G., P.S.A.: 1854-1925, A POUNDER OF THIS SOCIETY, PRESIDENT, 1902-1904; H. S. Q. HENEIQUES, E.G.: 1866-1925, PRESIDENT, 1918-1920; AND ISEAEL ZANGWILL: 1864-1926 PRESIDENT, 1924-1926</page><page sequence="5">CONTENTS. PAGE preface . . . ... . . . vii Jews in Elizabethan England. By Lucien Wolf . . 1 Appendix of Documents : (i) List of Marranos in Elizabethan England, p. 33; (ii) The Denunciations, p. 35; (iii) Dr. Hector Nunez arid the Peace Negotiations of 1585-86, p. 50; (iv) Papers relating to Alvaro Mendez, p. 56. A Jewish Aid to Marry, a.d. 1221. By Miss Helena M. Chew, M.A., Ph.D. . . . .92 New Light on the Resettlement. By Cecil Roth . . .112 (i) " The End of the Earth," p. 113 ; (ii) An Unknown Appeal of Menasseh ben Israel, p. 114; (iii) Raphael Supino and the Re admission, p. 118; (iv) The Reports of Francesco Salvetti, p. 126. Appendix of Documents: (i) The Circular Letter of Menasseh ben Israel, p. 136; (ii) Letter of Gilles Chaissy, p. 137; (iii) Despatches of Francesco Salvetti, p. 137 ; (iv) Despatch of Giovanni Sagredo, p. 141. Additional Note, p. 142. The Jewish Cemetery at Ballybough in Dublin. By Bernard Shillman, B.L. ......... 143 Appendices: (i) Copy of Deed of Lease for 1000 Years of Jews' Burial Place at Ballybough at a Peppercorn Rent, p. 155; (ii) Copies of Original Letters relating to the Jewish Cemetery at Ballybough, from Minute Books in the Archives of the Spanish and Portuguese Synagogue, Bevis Marks, London, p. 158; (iii) "Jewish Antiquity in Ireland" (from the Inspector, Dublin, 1850), p. 161. Postscript by Lucien Wolf. Note on the Early History of the Dublin Hebrew Congregation . . . . .162 Amy Levy. By Miss Beth Zion Lask.168 xv</page><page sequence="6">xvi CONTENTS. PAGE Francis Francta?the Jacobite Jew. By Marchs Lipton, M.A. . 190 Postscript by Lucien Wolf. Francis Francia's Relations . 202 Leone da Modena and England. By Cecil Roth . . . 206 Appendix: Hebrew text of letter of Leone da Modena ("To England, to a Gentile there "), p. 226. Nina Salaman, 1877-1925. By Herbert M. Loewe, M.A. . . 228 Sir Isidore Spielmann, 1854-1925. By The Rev. Ephraim Levine, M.A. 233 I. A., 1858-1925. By C. G. Montefiore . . . , . . 239 Henry Straus Quixano Henriques, K.C., 1866-1925. By Lucien Wolf. .247 Israel Zangwill, 1864-1926. By Lucien Wolf .... 252 Laws, Bye-Laws, Honorary Officers and Members of the Jewish Historical Society of England. 261 Index. 289</page><page sequence="7">ILLUSTRATIONS. Nina Salaman ....... . Frontispiece Letter of Alvaro Mendez to Queen Elizabeth, with autograph signature ........ facing p. 1 Encyclical Letter of Menasseh ben Israel, with autograph signature . . . . . . . . facing p. 116 Menasseh ben Israel's Tombstone . . . . ? p. 118 The Jewish Cemetery at Ballybough in Dublin City . ? p. 143 Amy Levy ......... 99 p. 168 Sir Isidore Spielmann, C.M.G., F.S.A. ? p. 233 " I. A.". ? p. 239 H. S. Q. Henriques, K.C. ? p. 247 Israel Zangwill . . . . . . . . ? p. 252 Illustration in Text. page Autograph of Alvaro Mendez ...... 29 xvii</page></plain_text>



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