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Contents Vol 10

<plain_text><page sequence="1">THE JEWISH HISTORICAL SOCIETY OF ENGLAND.</page><page sequence="2">THE JEWISH HISTORICAL SOCIETY OF ENGLAND. transactions SESSIONS 1921-1923. PRINTED FOR THE SOCIETY BY SPOTTISWOODE, BALLANTYNE &amp; CO. LTD. 1 NEW-STREET SQUARE, LONDON, E.C. 1924. All rights reserved</page><page sequence="3">NOTE. The Society as a body is not responsible for the statements made or opinions expressed by the authors of Papers.</page><page sequence="4">Photo] Samuel Abraham Hirsch, Ph.D. (1843-1923). President, 1909-1910. [ElUott &amp; Fry</page><page sequence="5">THIS VOLUME IS DEDICATED TO THE MEMORY OF SAMUEL ABRAHAM HIKSCH, Ph.D. 1843-1923 SCHOLAR, ESSAYIST AND APOLOGIST AND OF WOLF JAVITZ 1848-1924 ERUDITE AUTHOR OF bfcOE" HH^ITl op which nine volumes appeared in his lifetime</page><page sequence="6">CONTENTS. PAGE Preface.vii I. The First London Synagogue of the Re-Settlement. By Wdlfred S. Samuel (with plans by M. N. Castello, AJtJ.B.A.).1 Appendices : (i) J. Greenhalgh's Letter of 22nd April, describing his visit to the Synagogue, p. 49 ; (ii) Schedule of Documents in the Archives of the Bevis Marks Synagogue, p. 58 ; (\\a) " The Carpenters Agreement," 18th May, 1674, p. 59 ; (ub) Endorsement on lease of 20th July, 1703, p. 65 ; (iii) Schedule of Documents at the Office of the London Parochial Trustees, p. 67 ; (iv) Extracts from Charity Commissioners' Reports, p. 69 ; (v) From Documents in the Archives of St. Katherine, Creechurch (deposited in the Guildhall Library), p. 73 ; (va) Extracts from the Churchwardens' Account Book, 1650 1691, p. 73 ; (vb) Schedule of Conveyances, p. 86; (vc 1) Extracts from Conveyance of 18th April, 1622, p. 92 ; (vc2) Deed of Sale of 20th December, 1656, p. 93 ; (vc 3) Release to Trustees, 28th July, 1657, p. 95 ; (vc 4) Release to Trustees, 13th April, 1709, p. 101 ; (vc 5) Extract from Release to Trustees, 25th August, 1738, p. 108 ; (vd) Extracts from the Vestry Minute Book for the period 1639-1718, p. 109 ; (ve) Extracts from the Workhouse Committee's Minute Books, 1745-1838, p. 117 ; (v/) Extract from a Tradesman's Account for Repairs to the Workhouse in 1745, p. 121 ; (vg) Extracts from a draft of a brief for Counsel in the Bentham proceedings, Spring 1755-Summer 1757, p. 121 ; (vh 1) Lists of intended Jewish witnesses for the Bentham proceedings, p. 124 ; (vh 2) Letter to the City Surveyor, 6th June, 1755, p. 125 ; (vi) Affidavit of Mrs. Nathan Solomon, a domestic servant, 27th June, 1755 (Bentham proceedings), p. 126; (vi) From the British Museum. Extracts from a Crom wellian Register of arrivals in London from Overseas, Febru? ary 1656-August 1657, p. 127 ; (vii) From the Public Record Office. Some of the Pleadings in the Bentham proceedings, p. 128 ; (viia) Chancery information filed on 10th June, 1755, p. 129 ; (viib) List of Chancery Affidavits, Michaelmas Term, 1757, p. 139 ; (viic 1) Extract from J. Bentham's Affidavit, 15th November, 1757, p. 141 ; (viic 2) Affidavit of R. Martin, xvii</page><page sequence="7">xviii CONTENTS. Workhouse Master, 28th November, 1757, p. 141 ; (viic 3) Extracts from Affidavit of R. Jennings and others residing in the Creechurch Lane "corner house," p. 142; (viic4) Extract from J. Hawkins' Affidavit, p. 143 ; (viic 5) Abstract of D. Highmore's Affidavit, 4th August, 1757, p. 143 ; (viic 6) Affidavit of the City Surveyor, George Dance, and others, 1st December, 1757, p. 143; (viic 7) Abraham Martin's Affidavit, 7th December, 1757, p. 145 ; (viii) Text of Label dated July, 1837, inside a chest in the Church of St. Katherine Cree, p. 146 ; Author's Acknowledgments, p. 147. II. The First Pastobal Tour to the Jewish Communities of the British Overseas Dominions. By The Chief Rabbi 149 Appendices: (A) Letter sent by the Chief Rabbi to the Presidents of the Synagogue in South Africa, Australia, New Zealand, and Canada, p. 169 ; (B) The Farewell Banquet, October 6, 1920, p. 170 ; (C) Addresses of the Chief Rabbi and General Smuts at the Johannesburg Banquet, December 6, 1920, p. 176 ; (D) Letter on School Conditions written to the Presidents and Councils of several South African Congrega? tions, p. 181 ; (E) Account of the Bible Lecture at Melbourne in " The Spectator " (official organ of the Methodist Church in Victoria and Tasmania), April 20, 1921, p. 182 ; (F) The Sydney Visit, p. 186 ; (G) A Jewish Centre at Honolulu, p. 189 ; (H) Address of the Corporation of the City of Halifax, p. 190; (I) The St. John (N.B.) " Daily Telegraph " on Chief Rabbi's Address at Canadian Club and Bible Lecture, p. 191 III. A Jewish Family in Oxford in the 13th Century . . 193 IV. The Jewish Question in Anglo-Swiss Diplomacy. By Marcus Lipton, B.A..207 V. Note on Isaac Abendana. By Dr. I. Abrahams . .221 VI. The Historical Associations of the Ancient Burial Ground of the Sephardi Jews. Report of Paper read by The Rev. D. Bueno de Mesquita ..... 225 VII. Menasseh Ben Israel's Marriage Banns. By The Rev. S. Levy, M.A.255 VIII. The First Record of the Hebra Guemilut Hasadim, London, 1678. By Dr. L. D. Barnett . . . .258 IX. Laws, List of Officers and Members and Balance Sheets 261 Index 287</page><page sequence="8">ILLUSTRATIONS. Samuel Abraham Hirsch, Ph.D. Frontispiece THE FIRST LONDON SYNAGOGUE OF THE RESETTLE? MENT. By WILFRED S. SAMUEL. 1 "The House of Life".to face p. 1 2 The London Jews' Petition to Oliver Cromwell . ? p. 3 3 " The Great Gate Leading into Dukes Place " ? p. 8 4 (i) The 1896 " Ordnance Survey " Map of the Syna? gogue Area ...... .to face p. 9 4 (ii) Ogilby and Morgan's 1677 Map of the Synagogue Area . . . . . . . . . p. 9 5 (i) A Modern Ground Plan of No. 5 Creechurch Lane.p. 5 (ii) Historical Sketch-Plan of the Synagogue Site . p. 6 A Ground Plan of the First London Synagogue of the Resettlement ........ p. 7 The Southern Facade of the Creechurch Lane Work? house, 1757 . . . . . .to face p. 8 The Parish Account Book's entry regarding " the work? men . . . that were Imployed in building the Jewes Synagogue".to face p. 9 The " Jews Synagouge " as one of London's Places of face p. 10 Plans showing the Synagogue Property in 1630, in 1657, and in 1674 ....... to face p. THE FIRST PASTORAL TOUR TO THE JEWISH COM? MUNITIES OF THE BRITISH OVERSEAS DOMINIONS. By THE CHIEF RABBI. I. Rabbi Aaron face p. II. The Rev. Isaac Pulver The Rev. Joel Rabbinowitz III. The Rev. A. P. Ornstien Great Synagogue, Capetown IV. The Rt. Hon. J. C. Smuts, P.C., C The Rev. A. P. Bender V. President Street Synagogue, Johannesburg to face plate VI. VI. New Synagogue, Johannesburg . . ? plate V. Jewish Orphanage, Johannesburg . . ? plate V. VII. Bulawayo Synagogue. ? Map I. oudtshoorn synagogue ..... ? Map I. 11 11 13 15 21 42 46 149 154 154 155 155 156 156</page><page sequence="9">XX ILLUSTRATIONS. plate MapI. ? II. VIII. IX. X. Pastoral Tour of the Chief Rabbi through the Overseas Dominions, South Africa . . . .to face plate VII. Pastoral Tour of the Chief Rabbi through the Overseas Dominions. ....... after p. 160 Synagogue and School Building, Perth . after Map II. Synagogue, Hobart, Tasmania, 1844 . . after Map II. West Australian Jewish Soldiers' Memorial to face plate X. Lieut.-Gen. Sir John Monash, G.C.M.G., K.C.B., V.D. . . . . . . to face plate IK. Dr. Joseph Abrahams ..... XI. The First Synagogue in Sydney, 1844 Great Synagogue, Sydney, 1878 .... XII. The Maccabean Hall, Sydney .... Memorial Plaque, Great Synagogue, Sydney XIII. Dunedin Synagogue ...... Dunedin Synagogue?Interior .... XIV. An "Extinct" Synagogue, Timaru, New Zealand Auckland Synagogue. XV. Sir Matthew Nathan, P.C., G.C.M.G. . Sir Julius Vogel, K.C.M.G. XVI. Welcomed on the Arrival of the " Niagara " at Victoria. Jewish Orphanage of Western Canada, Winnipeg XVII. The Rev. Abraham De Sola, LL.D. The Rev. Solomon Jacobs. XVIII. Facsimile Letter from the Mayor of Halifax . ? plate IK. to face p. 161 ? P* 161 ? P ? P ? P ? p. V V&gt; 162 162 163 163 164 164 p. 165 p. 165 166 166 167 167 168 THE HISTORICAL ASSOCIATIONS OF THE ANCIENT BURIAL-GROUND OF THE SEPHARDI JEWS. By THE REV. D. BUENO DE MESQUITA. 11 Card of Invitation (pp. 2 and 3) to the Gathering at " The House of Life".to face p. 225 12 Facsimile of the Article in " Daily Telegraph 5 5 of the 9th July, 1923, occasioned by the Rev. D. B. de Mesquita's Address ........ to face p. 253 MENASSEH BEN ISRAEL'S MARRIAGE BANNS. By THE REV. S. LEVY, M.A. Menasseh Ben Israel's Marriage Banns to face p. 255 THE FIRST RECORD OF THE HEBRA GUEMILUT HASADIM, LONDON, 1678. By DR. LIONEL D. BARNETT. Memorial of the Hebra Guemilut Hasadim. I. Recto to face p. 256 Memorial of the Hebra Guemilut Hasadim. II. Verso to face p. 257</page></plain_text>

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