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<plain_text><page sequence="1">THE JEWISH HISTORICAL SOCIETY OF ENGLAND</page><page sequence="2">THE Jewish Historical Society of England PART VI This volume is dedicated to the memory of WILFRED SAMPSON SAMUEL F.S.A., F.R.Hist.S. (29th November, 1886, to 13th December, 1958) THE JEWISH HISTORICAL SOCIETY OF ENGLAND UNIVERSITY COLLEGE, GOWER STREET, LONDON, W.C.i. 1962</page><page sequence="3">Printed in England by W. HEFFER &amp; SONS LTD., CAMBRIDGE</page><page sequence="4">CONTENTS Page Bethahaim Velho Burial Register. 1 Census Lists of 1695 . 73 Jewish Holders of Bank of England Stock - - - 143 Membership of the Great Synagogue - - - - - 175 Plymouth Aliens List. 187 Chancery Proceedings 1750-1800 . 195</page></plain_text>

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