Contents Misc 5
<plain_text><page sequence="1">THE JEWISH HISTORICAL SOCIETY OF ENGLAND</page><page sequence="2">THE Jewish Historical Society of England fllMscellames PART V ESSAYS in memory of E. N. ADLER (24th July, 1861, to 15th September, 1946) THE JEWISH HISTORICAL SOCIETY OF ENGLAND UNIVERSITY COLLEGE, GOWER STREET, LONDON, W.C. 1 1948</page><page sequence="3">PRINTED IN GREAT BRITAIN BY STEPHEN AUSTIN AND SONS, LTD., HERTFORD</page><page sequence="4">CONTENTS Elkan Nathan Adler : In Memoriam. By the Rev. E. Levine.117 Bibliography of the Works of Elkan Nathan Adler 122 Jewish Entries in the Curia Regis and Elsewhere. By Hilary Jenkinson.128 Three Letters of Anglo-Jewish Interest. By Rabbi L. Rabinowitz.135 The Jewish Fellows of the Royal Society. By Dr. Redcliffe N. Salaman.146 Tentative List of Jewish Underwriting Members of Lloyds. By Wilfred S. Samuel . . .176 A Sabbathaian Will from New York. By Gershom Scholem.193 The Jewish Obituaries in the " Gentleman's Maga? zine " : Corrigenda and Addenda . . .212 Index to Parts IV and V.214 The Society as a body is not responsible for the statements made or the opinions expressed by the authors of Papers. vii</page></plain_text>