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<plain_text><page sequence="1">THE JEWISH HISTORICAL SOCIETY OF ENGLAND</page><page sequence="2">THE JEWISH HISTORICAL SOCIETY OF ENGLAND /HMscellames PART III printed for the society by PURNELL AND SONS, LTD. Patjlton (Somerset) and London 1937 All rights reserved</page><page sequence="3">founded 1893 The Mocatta Library and Museum, University College, Gower Street, London, W.C.I. HONORARY OFFICERS AND COUNCIL Ipreslfcent. Cecil Roth, Esq., M.A., D.Phil., F.R.Hist.S. \Dlce=ipreslt&gt;ents. Elkan N. Adler, Esq., M.A. Rev. Michael Adler, D.S.O., B.A. Haham Dr. M. Gaster. The Very Rev. Dr. J. H. Hertz, Chief Rabbi. Rev. S. Levy, M.A. Dr. C. G. Montefiore, M.A. Dr. R. N. Salaman, M.A., M.D., F.R.S. Gustave Tuck, Esq. TJreasurer. Gustave Tuck, Esq. IbonorarE Secretary Rev. Arthur Barnett, B.A., 3 Russell Mansions, London, W.C.I. IbonoratB Boltor of publications. Rev. Michael Adler, D.S.O., B.A. Ibonorarg Solicitors. Messrs. Adler &amp; Perowne. Council, Dr. L. D. Barnett, M.A., D.Litt. Rev. E. Levine, M.A. Prof. Norman Bentwich, M.A. Dr. A. B?chler. Dr. Charles Duschinsky. Dr. M. Epstein, M.A., Ph.D. Paul Goodman, Esq., F.R.Hist.S. Philip Guedalla, Esq., M.A. A. M. Hyamson, Esq., F.R.Hist.S. Hilary Jenkinson, Esq., F.S.A. Neville Laski, Esq., K.C. Rev. Walter Levin. and the Hon. Officers. E. Lipson, Esq., M.A. Herbert Loewe, Esq., M.A. Sir Philip Magnus, Bart. Owen Mocatta, Esq. C. M. Picciotto, Esq., M.A. J. M. Rich, Esq., M.A., LL.B. Rev. M. Rosenbaum. Alfred Rubens, Esq. Charles Singer, Esq., M.A., M.D., D.Litt., F.S.A.</page><page sequence="4">CONTENTS page Preface 1. The Lesser London Synagogues of the Eighteenth Century. By Cecil Roth ......... 1 2. The Jews and the Great Plague. By Wilfred S. Samuel 7 3. Medieval Jewish MSS. in the Library of St. Paul's Cathedral, London. By Rev. Michael Adler . . . . . 15 4. The Jewish Money-Lender and the Charters of English Jewry in thetr Historical Setting. By Rev. Dr. James Parkes . . ..34 6. Btbliography of "I.A." By Rev. S. Levy .... 41 6. The Jewish Oratories of Cromwellian London. By Wdlfred S. Samuel.46 7. The Family of Mordecai Hamburger and thetr Association with Madras. By R. J. D'Arcy Hart .... 57 8. The Origin of the Canterbury "Treaty" of 1266. By Rabbi Dr. L. Rabinowitz.76 9. Jew Brokers of the City of London. By Dudley Abrahams 80 10. Miscellanea, (i) Australian Letter of 1848. (ii) Jews and the French Invasion, 1795. (iii) Curiosities from the Records, (iv) Isaac Alvarez, Court Jeweller, (v) Names of Ships, (vi) Jews' Yearly Gift to the Lord Mayor, (vii) A Jewish Naval Officer under the Stuarts ?..... 94 Index.109 vii</page><page sequence="5">ILLUSTRATIONS From the Muniments of St. Paul's Cathedral. facing page A. Latin Charter of an Agreement concerning land between the Canons of St. Paul's and Benedict the Jew. c. 1152 18 B. Do. with Abraham son of Simon, c. 1152 .... 18 C. Latin Charter of Ralph de Diceto, Dean of St. Paul's and Chapter, who rent land to Peter Blund. c. 1197 . . 20 D. Latin Charter of sale of land and a shop by Roger, son of William Fitz Isabel, to Peter Blund. 1202 . . 22 E. Latin Charter of Peter, son of William, son of Alulf, con? cerning Aaron, son of Abraham, and Eustace de Faucon berg, Bishop of London, and land in Acton?with Hebrew Starr signed by Aaron. 1223 ...... 26 F. Latin Charter of Paulinus de Bampton, the Dean and Chapter of St. Paul's, and Peter the Archdeacon con? cerning sale of land of Alan of Shoreditch?with Hebrew Starr signed by Aaron, son of Abraham, con? cerning land in Haggerston in the parish of Shoreditch. 1255 . 26 G. Grant by King Edward I. of Jewish Houses in Ironmonger Lane to Isabella of St. Alban's, after the Expulsion (with royal seal). 1291.32 From the Record Office of the City of London. Broker Certificates of Elias Paz, 1697, and Mordecai d'Almeida, 1716.80 viii</page></plain_text>

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