Contents and Dedication Vol 13
<plain_text><page sequence="1">THE JEWISH HISTORICAL SOCIETY OF ENGLAND</page><page sequence="2">THE JEWISH HISTORICAL SOCIETY OF ENGLAND ^Transactions SESSIONS 1932-1935 VOLUME xin printed for the society by PURNELL AND SONS, LTD., Paulton (Somerset) and London 1936 All rights reserved</page><page sequence="3">NOTE The Society as a body is not responsible for the statements made or opinions expressed by the authors of Papers.</page><page sequence="4">THIS VOLUME OF "TRANSACTIONS" IS INSCRIBED in affection and esteem to GUSTAVE TUCK in grateful recognition of his services to the society as president 1929-1934, as treasurer since 1905, and as the munificent donor of the Gustave Tuck Theatre and Museum and the reconstructed Mocatta Library</page><page sequence="5">I. ' . r. ' ^S^^^^^Kp^ ?v_- ? '_? The Presidential Chair and Platform View of the Gustave Tuck Theatre and Museum</page><page sequence="6">CONTENTS PAGE Dedication of Vol. XIII..v Preface ........... vii I. Review of the Jewish Colonists in Barbados, 1680. By Wilfred S. Samuel ....... 1 Appendix of Documents: II. Aaron of Yore:. By the Rev. Michael Adler. . . 113 Appendices : III. The Portsmouth Community and its Historical Back? ground?First Lady Magnus Memorial Lecture. By Cecil Roth.157 Appendices: IV. The Battle for the Sabbath at Geneva. By the Very Rev. the Chief Rabbi, Dr. J. H. Hertz . . .189 Appendices : V. Nathaniel Isaacs of Natal. By S. A. Rochlin . . 247 Appendices : VI. Kitty Villareal, the Da Costas and Samson Gideon. By M. J. Land a.271 VII. The Oxford Jewry in the Thirteenth Century. By Miss Sarah Cohen. ........ 293 VIII. Eighteenth Century English Jewry Through Foreign Eyes, 1730-1830. By Dr. J. Rumney. . . .323 IX. List of Books upon Jewish Religion, Literature and History circulated to Public Free Libraries . 341 X. The Trust Deed of the Gustave Tuck Theatre . . 343 XI. Laws, Honorary Officers and Members of the Jewish Historical Society of England . . . . .351 XII. Indexes. I. To the Jews of Barbados .... 379 II. General.393 b xvii</page><page sequence="7">ILLUSTRATIONS The Portsmouth Synagogue, 1780: a reconstruction by Georges Lukomski ...... Frontispiece Views of the Gustave Tuck Theatre, the Mocatta Library, and Museum? i, ......... facing p. vii. ii.. ? p- ix. The Testimonial presented to Mr. Gustave Tuck . ,, p. xi. Jews of Barbados i. Map of the West Indies . . . . ,, p. 1 ii. (a) John Seller's Map (1686)?shewing the plantation of David Acosta (b)N.W. corner of Seller's and Morgan's Map (1685) shewing Acosta and Namias plantations: from the British Museum ...... facing p. 14 iii. Militia Muster Roll, shewing several squads of Jews from the Public Record Office .... facing p. 25 iv. Census List of Bridgetown Jews, 1680, from the Public Record Office ....... facing p. 37 Aaron of York i. Deed of Sale of Land for York Cemetery (1230), from York Minster Library ..... facing p. 150 ii. Starr, with Aaron's signature as witness (1250), from Durham Cathedral Library .... facing p. 150 iii. Three Starrs, written by Aaron (1253), from Westminster Abbey Muniment Room ..... facing p. 153 Seal of Portsmouth Synagogue dated 5507 (1747) . . p. 187 League Calendar Committee and Jewish Delegation, Geneva, 1925 .facing p. 192 Map of Medieval Oxford. p. 295 xix</page></plain_text>