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Contents Vol 43

<plain_text><page sequence="1">PSI JEWISH B? HISTORICAL ? STUDIES Transactions of the Jewish Historical Society of England</page><page sequence="2">JEWISH HISTORICAL STUDIES</page><page sequence="3">MALCOLM BROWN</page><page sequence="4">JEWISH HISTORICAL STUDIES TRANSACTIONS OF THE JEWISH HISTORICAL SOCIETY OF ENGLAND VOLUME 43 THE JEWISH HISTORICAL SOCIETY OF ENGLAND 2011</page><page sequence="5">The Society as a body is not responsible for statements made or opinions expressed by contributors to this volume. ? The Jewish Historical Society of England 33 Seymour Place, London wih 5AP ISBN 978-O-902528-45-1 The Society is grateful to the following, who have sponsored the publication of this volume of Jewish Historical Studies: Acacia Charitable Trust Bow Park Investment Co. Ltd (in the name of I. Massil) The Essex Branch of the Society Michael Heller Stephen Massil Rothschild Foundation Europe Cesare Sacerdoti Professor Max Sussman Ronny Tager A donor who wishes to remain anonymous. Printed in Great Britain by The MPG Books Group , Bodmin and King's Lynn</page><page sequence="6">THIS VOLUME IS DEDICATED BY THE JEWISH HISTORICAL SOCIETY OF ENGLAND TO MALCOLM BROWN, FSA Former President and former Chairman of the Executive Committee of the Society</page><page sequence="7">Contents Preface LLOYD P. GARTNER Israel Finestein, historian of Anglo-Jewry DAVID STEPHENSON Jewish presence in, and absence from, Wales in the twelfth and thirteenth centuries JONATHAN ROMAIN River Jews: medieval Jews along the Thames as a microcosm of Anglo-Jewry CHARLES MEYERS The denunciation of Peter Freire EDGAR SAMUEL Antonio Fernandes CarvajaPs grandmother SHARMAN KADISH Jewish funerary architecture in Britain and Ireland since 1656 EDGAR SAMUEL Some eighteenth-century refugees from Brazil STEPHEN MASSIL Naphtali Hart Myers (1711-88): New Yorker and Londoner JOHN COOPER Nathaniel Mayer Rothschild (1840-1915), the last of the Shtadlanim CECIL BLOOM Sir Mark Sykes: British diplomat and a convert to Zionism ALAN SWARC The early French connection to Israel RORY MILLER The look of the Irish: Irish Jews and the Zionist project 1900-48 Vll</page><page sequence="8">Contents MARTIN SUGARMAN A supplement to 'Breaking the codes: Jewish personnel at Bletchley Park' 213 BOOK NOTES Sven Ostritz (ed.) Die Mittelalterliche J?dische Kultur in Erfurt 223 Fernando Diaz Esteban (ed.) Americay losjudios espanoles 224 Gerry Black, Service with a Smile: A History of the League ofJewish Women since 1943 225 J. Z. Muller, Capitalism and the Jews 226 Anthony Julius, Trails of the Diaspora, a History of Anti-Semitism in England 227 Francesca Trivellato, The Familiarity of Strangers: The Sephardic Diaspora, Livorno and Cross-cultural Trade in the Early Modern Period 230 Jeremy Pfeffer, 'From One End of the Earth to the Other : The London Bet Din, 1805-1855, and the Jewish Convicts Transported to Australia 232 Lloyd P. Gartner, American and British Jews in the Age of the Great Migration 233 John Cowell, Furriers, Glaziers, Doctors and Others: A History of the Preston Jewish Community 234 Jonathan Schneer, The Balfour Declaration: The Origins of the Arab-Israeli Conflict 234 Susan Soyinka, From East End to Land's End: The Evacuation of the Jews' Free School, London to Mouse hole in Cornwall during World War II 238 Martin Sugarman, Fighting Back: British Jewry's Military Contribution in the Second World War 239 Contributors to this volume 241 Notes for contributors 243 Society officers and council 245 Branches of the Society 246 Index 247 viii</page><page sequence="9">List of Illustrations cover: The Sassoon Mausoleum, Paston Place, Kemp Town, Brighton frontispiece: Malcolm Brown jewish funerary architecture Plate i Ballybough Jewish cemetery 63 Plate 2 Georgian tombstones at the Jews' Lane Burial Ground, Fawcett Road, Southsea 64 Plate 3 Bath Jewish Burial Ground 65 Plate 4 Urmston Jewish Cemetery, Manchester, Sephardi section 67 Plate 5 Tombstone at Merthyr Tydfil Jewish Cemetery 68 Plate 6 Deane Road Cemetery, Liverpool, detail of the screen wall 72 Plate 7 Hexagonal Ohel at Newport Jewish Cemetery 74 Plate 8 Gothic-style tombstones at Manchester's Old Reform Cemetery 79 Plate 9 Montefiore Mausoleum, Ramsgate 81 Plate 10 Sassoon Mausoleum, Paston Place, Kemp Town, Brighton 83 Plate 11 Dolphin's Barn Jewish Cemetery, Dublin 87 Plate 12 Ohel interior, Ecclesfield Jewish Cemetery, Sheffield 87 addendum on bletchley Plate 1 John Croft 215 ix</page></plain_text>



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