Branches of the Society Vol 46
<plain_text><page sequence="1">BRANCHES OF THE SOCIETY Birmingham: Dr Anthony Joseph, 3 EdgbastonRoad, Smethwick, West Midlands b66 4.LA 0121 555 6165 Mobile: 07710 44 8897 Venues vary. Meetings 3 times a year: February, May and November Essex: Mrs Sheila Lassman, 39 The Grove, Edgware, Middlesex h a8 9QA 020 8958 3443 lassmans@aol.com or essex@jhse.org Venue: King Solomon School, Forest Road, Barkingside, Essex IG6 3HB Meetings: monthly, usually on second Tuesday Herts and Middlesex: Gerald Norman 01923 854238 geraldn@btinternet.com Kenneth Lancer 01923 855844 ken lancer@usa.net Venue: Allum Lane Community Centre, Room 5 , 2 Allum Lane, Elstree, Herts, wd6 3PJ Meetings: six per year on various Tuesdays from March to May and September to November Israel (Jerusalem): Chairman: Dr Gavriel Sivan Hon. Secretary: Dr. Kenneth Collins, Hagdud Haivri 25, Jerusalem, 92105 00972 (o) 2 571 1797 drkcollins@gmail.com Venue: Beit Avi Chai, 44 King George Street, Jerusalem Meetings: monthly from October to July Leeds: Murray Winer, 107 High Ash Drive, Alwoodley, Leeds, LS17 8RD 0113 2940789 murray.winer@ntlworld.com Venue: United Hebrew Congregation Synagogue, 151 Shadwell Lane, Leeds LS17 8dw Meetings: first Monday of each month Jewish Historical Studies, volume 46, 2014 249</page><page sequence="2">250 BRANCHES OF THE SOCIETY Liverpool: Arnold S. Lewis, 6i Menlove Avenue, Liverpool li8 afin 0151 722 5021 arnoldslewis(ā)gmail.com Venue: King David School Campus, 116 Childwall Road, Liverpool L15 6wu Meetings: seven per year Sussex: Godfrey Gould, 8 Rothbury Road, Hove, East Sussex BN3 5LH 01273 4I9412 g.gould915@btinternet.com Venue: Ralli Hall, Jewish Community Centre, Denmark Villas, Hove, East Sussex BN3 3TH Meetings: usually last Tuesday in month</page></plain_text>