Book Notes: American and British Jews in the Age of the Great Migration, Lloyd P. Gartner
Edgar Samuel
<plain_text><page sequence="1">American and British Jews in the Age of the Great Migration, Lloyd P. Gartner (Vallentine Mitchell 2009) isbn 978 o 85303, pp. 290, ?55.00. In a sense this book is a sequel to Lloyd Gartner's great work, The Jewish Immigrant in England 18/0-1914, which cut new ground by studying the letters and reports from England published in Yiddish newspapers in Russia and Poland. What is unusual about this book is that, although it is a collection of twelve previously published essays, it keeps closely to its theme throughout and reads as a single book. I was especially impressed by two chapters about Romania and the thoroughly researched and important Chapter 9, 'Anglo Jewry and the Jewish International Traffic in Prostitution, 1885-1914'. On the negative side, the book has been marred by editorial sloppiness. Chapter 5, 'North Atlantic Jewry', was read to a joint conference in London in 1970 of this Society with the American Jewish Historical Society and pub? lished by this Society in Aubrey Newman (ed.) Migration and Settlement (1971), but this is not explained. Yet at the end of the text, the reader is con? fronted with the remarks made at the Conference by five other participants, which the publishers could easily have omitted. Chapter 6 on 'Eastern European Immigrants in England' is noted as 'Paper delivered to the Society on 11 July 1985', but our Society is not actually named. 233</page><page sequence="2">Book Notes Having said that, American and British Jews in the Age of the Great Migration is an important book which adds detail as well as an over-arching view of the history of the Great Migration. Edgar Samuel</page></plain_text>