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Bibliography of "I. A."

Rev. S. Levy

<plain_text><page sequence="1">5 Bibliography of "I. A." (Dr. Israel Abrahams, M.A., 1858-1925.) "Jewish Studies in Memory op Israel Abrahams," published by the Jewish Institute of Religion, New York, 1927, contains a "Select Bibliography of the Works of Israel Abrahams," compiled by Mr. Dudley Wright. The present series of bibliographical notes comprises in the main additions to Mr. Wright's list and in certain instances revisions of some of the items in his references. 1. American Jewish Historical Society. See "Publications of the American Jewish Historical Society." 2. American Jewish Year Book. Israel Abrahams contributed to the American Jewish Year Book 5661, 5662, 5663, and 5664 annual bibliographies entitled " Selected Hebraica and Judaica." The dates of publication of the volumes referred to are respectively 1900, 1901, 1902, and 1903. At the annual meeting of the Jewish Publication Society of America, held on March 25, 1923, at the Dropsie College for Hebrew and Cognate Learning, Philadelphia, Israel Abrahams delivered an address which was published in the American Jewish Year Book 5684 (Volume 25), 1923, pages 441-452. 3. Aspects of Judaism, being sixteen sermons by Israel Abra? hams and Claude G. Montefiore. 1895. Second edition, 1895. D</page><page sequence="2">42 miscellanies. 4. Cambridge Hebrew Congregation. Memorial Service to the late Israel Abrahams, M.A., in the Senate-House, Cambridge, on Thursday, October 22, 1925. The Service included Addresses by H. M. J. Loewe and F. C. Burkitt, and a Reading by C. G. Montefiore. 5. Campaigns in Palestine from Alexander the Great. Edited by Stanley A. Cook. 1927. (Schweich Lectures, 1922.) 6. Essay and Speech on Jewish Disabilities, by Lord Macaulay. Edited, with an Introduction and Notes, by Israel Abrahams and S. Levy. 1909. Second Edition, 1910. 7. Expositor. Second Series, iv. (1882), pp. 111-120. The Witch of Endor. 8. Hebrew Ethical Wills, selected and edited by Israel Abrahams. Two volumes. Hebrew and English. Jewish Publication Society of America: Philadelphia, 1926. 9. Hebrew Union College Annual, Volume I, 1924, pp. 377-385. The Lost "Confession" of Samuel. 10. Hebrew Union College Jubilee Volume (1875-1925), 1925, pp. 317-331. Pico Delia Mirandola. 11. I. A., 1858-1925. By C. G. Montefiore. Transactions, xi, pp. 239-246. 12. Jewish Addresses Delivered at the Services of the Jewish Religious Union during the First Session, 1902-1903. 1904. iv. The Imitation of God. xiv. Impatience in Prayer, xx. The Work of the Jewish Religious Union. 13. Jewish Chronicle, September 14, 1883. Martin Luther and Judaism. 14. Jewish Encyclopedia, viii, pp. 657-659. Monogamy.</page><page sequence="3">BIBLIOGRAPHY OP "i.A." 43 15. Jewish Historical Society of England. See "Transactions of the Jewish Historical Society of England." 16. Judaean Addresses, Selected, III. (1918-1926), pp. 74-80. "Leisure," an address delivered as the guest of honour at a meeting of the Judaeans on April 29, 1923. 17. Mind. Old Series, XI. (1886), pp. 97-106. A Critical Notice of M. Friedl?nder's Translation of " The Guide of the Perplexed of Maimonides." Old Series, XIII. (1888), pp. 468-470. A note entitled, "Aristotle in Jewish Philosophy." 18. Notes and Queries. The heading of each contribution is given in capital letters. In the first bracket is given the nature of the contribution, that is, if it is a "Note," a "Reply " to a query previously published, or a "Query," and its approximate length. Next follows the reference, e.g. 6 S. viii, 226, means that the contribution is to be found on page 226 of vol. viii of the 6th Series of "Notes and Queries." The second bracket gives the date of the issue. "Pi" and "Tau." (Note \ col.) 6 S. viii, 226. (Sept. 22, 1883). Wrong Use of the English Pronouns in Quotations. (Note I col.) 6 S. viii, 345. (Nov. 3, 1883). "Who" and "That." (Note ? col.) 6 S. viii, 346. (Nov. 3, 1883). Western Proverbs in Eastern Authors. (Note f col.) 6 S. viii, 364. (Nov. 10, 1883). Adumbrate. (Reply J col.) 6 S. viii, 399. (Nov. 17, 1883). The Owl as an Emblem of Death. (Reply \ col.) 6 S. viii, 413. (Nov. 24, 1883). "Ici on Parle France als." (Note \ col.) 6 S. viii, 514. (Dec. 29, 1883) . Yore?Zeit. (Reply 10 lines). 6 S. ix, 58. (Jan. 19, 1884). Magpie Superstition. (Note J col.) 6 S. ix, 167. (Mar. 1, 1884). West African Proverb. (Query \ col.) 6 S. ix, 188. (Mar. 8, 1884) .</page><page sequence="4">miscellanies. The Devil at the Chess-Board. (Query ? col.) 6 S. ix, 208. (Mar. 15, 1884). "Ici on Parle Franqais." "French Leave." (Reply J col.) 6 S. ix, 213. (Mar. 15, 1884). Hair Suddenly Turning White. (Reply \ col.) 6 S. ix, 378. (May 10, 1884). The Rod of Sir Walter Scott. (Note \ col.) 6 S. ix, 505. (June 28, 1884). Lothair of Lorraine. (Note f col.) 6 S. x, 166. (Aug. 30, 1884). Talmudic Proverbs. (Note ? col.) 6 S. x, 266. (Oct. 4, 1884). Biblical Misprint. (Note 6 lines) 6 S. xi, 67. (Jan. 24, 1885). Parallel Passages. (Note ? col.) 6 S. xi, 106. (Feb. 7, 1885). Ego Sum Ergo Omnia Sunt. (Reply 7 lines) 6 S. xi, 157. (Feb. 21, 1885). Jerusalem : General Gordon's Idea. (Reply \ col.) 6 S. xi, 494. (June 20, 1885). Jew Brokers. (Reply \ col.) 6 S. xii, 36. (July 11, 1885). Jehuda Ben Halava. (Reply \ col.) 6 S. xii, 76. (July 25, 1885). Parallel Passages. (Note 7 lines) 6 S. xii, 206. (Sept. 12, 1885). Nuts at Feasts and in Games. (Reply \ col.) 7 S. i, 33. (Jan. 9, 1886). Valentine's Day. (Reply \ col.) 7 S. i, 273. (Apr. 3, 1886). The Butchers and the Jews. (Reply \ col.) 7 S. ii, 398. (Nov. 13, 1886). The Binding of Pamphlets. (Note 9 lines) 7 S. ii, 446. (Dec. 4, 1886). Comic Solar Myths. (Reply 6 lines) 7 S. iv, 154. (Aug. 20, 1887). Literary Parallel. (Note \ col.) 7 S. vi, 445. (Dec. 8, 1888). Publications of the American Jewish Historical Society. Letter as President of The Jewish Historical Society of England on the celebration of the two hundred and fiftieth anniversary of the settlement of the Jews in the United States. No title. No. 14, p. 233 et seq. 1906.</page><page sequence="5">bibliography of "i.a." 45 John Quincy Adams and Joseph Hume. No. 22, p. 177 et seq. 1914. A Bordeaux Subscription. No. 23, p. 189. 1915. Johnson of Columbia and the Hebrew Language. No. 25, p. 109 et seq. 1917. Note (incorporated in Miscellanea by Albert M. Friedenberg). No. 26, p. 245. 1918. Israel Abrahams attended the thirty-first annual meeting of the Society, Washington, D.C., Saturday evening, May 5, 1923. He delivered an address which bears no title. No. 29, p. xxii et seq. 1925. 20. Re-settlement Day. ... A sermon (on Isaiah xlii. 10 &amp; 12). Reprinted from the Jewish Chronicle, 1894. 21. Syllabus of a Course of Four Lectures on "The History of the Synagogue." i. Structure and Organisation of the Synagogue. ii. The Bible in the Synagogue. iii. Instruction in the Synagogue. iv. The Liturgy of the Synagogue. Delivered at the Summer Meeting of the Union of Jewish Literary Societies at Ramsgate, August, 1903. 22. The Synoptic Gospels. Edited with an Introduction and a Commentary by C. G. Montefiore. Second edition, 1927. Volume ii, pp. 647-669. "The 'Am Ha-'Arec," by Israel Abrahams. 23. Testimonials. Israel Abrahams, M.A. (1902). Contains (a) Letter of application, dated February 25th, 1902, as a candidate for the vacant Readership in Talmudic at the University of Cambridge; (b) Testimonials from H. Adler (Chief Rabbi); Wilhelm Bacher; T. K. Cheyne; A. Cowley; Gustaf Delman; S. R. Driver; M. Friedlaender; M. Friedmann; A. Harkavy; Israel Levi; D. H. Mueller; and S. Schechter; and (c) Publications.</page><page sequence="6">46 miscellanies. 24. Transactions of the Jewish Historical Society of England and Miscellanies Part I. See Rev. Michael Adler's Index to Contents and Index of Authors, in Miscellanies, Part II, pp. 107-112. The prefaces to Transactions, volumes i to ix, were from the pen of Israel Abrahams. The Prefatory Notes to the Syllabi of University of London Extension Courses in Jewish History were also his work. See e.g. Transactions, volume ix., Preface, pp. xiv-xx. ["I.A." was a Founder of the Society in 1893, Honorary Secretary 1893-1904, President 1904-1905, and Honorary Editor of Publications 1893-1925]. 25. Valeurs Permanentes du Jud?isme par Israel Abrahams Talmudiste de l'Universite de Cambridge. Traduit de FAnglais par Constantin-Weyer. F. Reider et Cie, fiditeurs, Paris. 1925. (French edition of " Some Permanent Values in Judaism." Oxford, 1924.) S. Levy,</page></plain_text>

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