A collection of Ango-Jewish ephemera
Arthur B. Hyman
<plain_text><page sequence="1">A collection of Anglo-Jewish ephemera ARTHUR B. HYMAN I have recently acquired a folio volume, measuring 35 X 21 cm, into which are bound 19 items almost entirely of Anglo-Jewish interest. Their dates, where recorded, range from 23 April 1789 (27 Nissan 5549) to 24 August 1847 (I2 Ellul 5607). Of these documents, 7 are in Hebrew, 9 in Hebrew and English, 2 in English only, and 1 in Yiddish. Three are in manuscript. They total 40 pages. Those in English, and the English sections of the bilingual ones, are discussed here in some detail; the others are only briefly recorded, having been discussed by me in Sinai CIX (Jerusalem 1992) 273-86. The material is presented in chronological order, rather than the haphazard sequence in which it appears in the collection. 1 This item (see fig. 1) is unattested elsewhere. Although undated, it is printed on the same type of paper as that which follows it, which is dated 1789. The single quarto page bears die Royal Coat of Arms at its head, a feature I have not encountered elsewhere in documents of this nature. Its Hebrew text, like the following item of which it is a variant, is a prayer of thanks for the recovery of George III from a serious illness. 2 I have found no record of this Hebrew-and-English item elsewhere (see figs 2 and 3), but there are parallels. One is an Order of Service for the Great Synagogue (sic) in Church Row, Fenchurch Street, of the same date; a second is a Thanksgiving Prayer read in the Great Synagogue (sic) in Leadenhall Street, by the Revd Moses Myers. See C. Roth, History of the Great Synagogue (London 1950) 212-13; idem, Magna Bibliotheca Anglo-Judaica (London 1937) [hereafter MBAJ\ 313: 10, 11; Trans JHSE IX (1922) 125. 3 There is no reference to this elegy (see fig. 4), printed on a quarto page, in the chapter devoted to Rabbi Tevele Schiff in C. Duschinsky, The Rabbinate of the Great Synagogue, London, from 1756-1842 (London 1921) 74-112. There are also discrepancies in the dates: here the date of death is given as Sunday evening, 18 December 1791, while according to Duschinsky (p. 111) he died on 23 Kislev (17 December), which was a Saturday. In note 118 he surmises that he was buried on the same day. If the Hebrew date is correct, as is apparently the case, it corresponds with 19 December, not 17 December as stated by Duschinsky. Moreover, on p. 112, in a reconstructed text of a leaflet dated Tuesday 24 Kislev 1791, he writes that Rabbi Tevele died on Monday 23 Kislev, and was buried on 24 Kislev 5552. Since in Appendix VIII, pp. 260-1, he transcribes two letters dated Tuesday 24 Kislev 5552, it may be concluded that Rabbi Tevele died during the night of Sunday 18 December, corresponding in the Jewish calendar to the next day, 23 Kislev 5552. He was probably buried during Monday 23 Kislev, 19 December 1791. 4 A small folio manuscript page, written in late-Ashkenazi hand, probably prepared for the use of a printer. The text deals with a plea for founding a school that would provide 97</page><page sequence="2">Arthur B. Hyman Jewish education. The author describes the appalling ignorance of Jewish children, who know almost nothing of Hebrew, or of Jewish prayers or observances. The document is undated, but was probably written before the establishment of the Jews' Free School in 1807 (see Trans JHSE XIX [i960] 97-114), though the document may have been copied later. I can attest that during the years 1912-14 Jewish education at the school was miser? ably inadequate, taking place on Sunday mornings between 10 and 12, and provided by teachers who were themselves largely ignorant of the subjects they were supposed to teach. Many of the children in the pre-Barmitzvah class knew more than their teachers. 5 In this document (see fig. 5) Hirschel warns parents not to send their children to the Free School established by the apostate Frey, until his motives are clarified. A week later the Chief Rabbi delivered a second exhortation in Yiddish and English declaring the school to be a missionary institution. That second text is discussed and reproduced by Levin, Trans JHSE XIX (i960) 106-7 and 112-13 5a On the verso of this exhortation by Rabbi Solomon Hirschel is a note in manuscript that reads as follows: 'One of these Papers is for your Brother Jacob and one for yourself that "TOIU/fa Friy set up a free School to Intice the "lU^p "HIPP the Jews - to bring them in the end to ^"Tl. The 3*1 had these papers printed - to give warning to our Jews not to send theyr Children there to School.' The activities of the apostate Frey are documented by Levin, Trans JHSE XIX (i960) 112-13; J- Parkes, Trans JHSE XX (1964) 195; Roth, MBAJ 264: 46, 289: 91, 290: 95-7. 6 These two folio pages in Yiddish, ending with a paragraph in Hebrew, detail the serious deficiencies in the standard and administration of Kashruth. An abbreviated English trans? lation appears in item 7 that follows. This exhortation is dated Tuesday 25 Marcheshvan 5569 am (1808), and is signed by Haham Raphael Meldola, of the Spanish and Portuguese Congregation, and Rabbi Solomon (Hirschel), of the Great Synagogue. It is of interest that a Yiddish text should have been signed by the Sephardi leader. 7 This single folio page (see fig. 6) bears an abbreviated English translation of the previous document. It is, as far as I have been able to trace, the first printed document associated with the recurrent problems within the community concerning the standard and supervision of Kashruth. The document is signed by 'R. de M. Meldola' and 'Salomon Hirschel', and is dated 'London, 25 Mar-Heshvan 5568, 15 November [1807]'. There is a discrepancy of one year between the Hebrew dates given in the Yiddish and the English texts. The civil year is lacking in both versions. It is probable that the Yiddish text-date is the correct one, since the correct day of the week, Tuesday, is also recorded in that version. I have found no other record of these Yiddish and English pronouncements. The Board of Shechitah, which included representatives from both the Sephardi and Ashkenazi com? munities, was founded on 12 April 1804. See Roth, History of the Great Synagogue (London 1950) 225; Trans jfHSE XXI (1968) 3. Complaints concerning Kashruth irregularities continued to disturb the community up to 1940. See B. Homa, A Fortress in Anglo-Jewry (London 1953) 30-6; J.Jung, Champions of Orthodoxy (London 1974) 229; the memoirs of my late father, Rabbi Aaron Hyman, Sinai XCIV (Jerusalem 1984) 170-2. Complaints against Shochetim and Shechitah itself were rare but did occur; see C. Duschinsky, The Rabbinate of the Great Synagogue, from 1756-1842 (London 1921) 17, 116. 98</page><page sequence="3">A collection of Anglo-Jewish ephemera 8 Two octavo pages in Hebrew (see figs 7-10), entitled: 'An order of service, prayers of thanks for peace, by request of the King [George III], on Thursday 19 Tammuz 5574, July 7, A.M. 5574 [1814], in the Great Synagogue in London'. The name of the Hebrew printer 'Chaim bar Sender, bookseller' appears over that of 'H. Barnett, No. 2, Duke's Place'. This service took place after the defeat of Napoleon and his exile to Elba, i have found no other mention of this order of service, but in Roth, MBAJ 317: 29a there is a record of a similar order of service for the same day in the 'Portuguese Synagogue'. 9 Two folio leaves in Hebrew and English, entided: Prayer. . . on the day of burial ofH.R.H. the Princess Charlotte, 10th day of Kislev AM. 557$ [1817J. See Roth, MBAJf 317: 31; Trans JHSE IX (1922) 109, 128-9. 10 One folio page bearing Hyman Hurwitz's Hebrew Dirge on the death of Princess Charlotte, in twelve stanzas. Printed by H. Barnett, Printer, St. James' Place, Aldgate. The English translation, by Coleridge, comprises fourteen stanzas. See Trans JHSE IX (1922) 109-11; XXI (1968) 235-6; Roth, History of the Great Synagogue (London 1950) 215-16; idem, MBAJ 341: 9. 11 Two folio leaves (see figs 11-14), the first in Hebrew, bearing a 'Poem in ten stanzas, composed by H[yman]-H[urwitz], for Joseph son of Jonah [Joseph Levy], a prayer of thanks on his recovery from a serious fever by the time of his Barmitzvah'. The two following pages are in English. 12 Four folio pages (see figs 15-18), the first two bearing a Hebrew 'Poem in eleven stanzas, composed by H[yman]-H[urwitz], for the Barmitzvah of Naphtali ben Moshe [Henry Isaacs], delivered on Saturday 20 Adar Sheni 5578'. The two following pages are in English. I could find no mention of these poems, or of the Barmitzvah speeches, in Anglo-Jewish sources. See Trans JHSE XXI (1968) 232-42; Roth, MBAJ 131: 113; idem, History of the Great Synagogue (London 1950) 217. It is probable that Joseph Levy and Henry Isaacs were pupils of Hyman Hurwitz's school in Highgate. 13 Three folio pages (see figs 19-21) in Hebrew and English. I have found no reference elsewhere to this Order of Service. 14 Order of Service . . . being the Day of Burial of.. . King George III, ist Day of Adar, A.M. 5580 [1820J. Three folio pages, printed in Hebrew and English by 'H. Barnett, Printer and Hebrew Bookseller, St. James' Place, Aldgate'. It is recorded by Roth, MBAJ 318: 34. 15 Order of Service ... Being the Day of Burial of... King George IV, Th?rs. 24th day of Tamuz, AM. 5590 [1830]. Printed by 'J. Wertheimer, 58, Mansell Street, Goodman's Fields'. It is recorded by Roth, MBAJ 320: 45. 16 Order of Service and Prayer. . . Being the Day of Burial of... King William IV. The Close of Sabbath, 5th of Tamuz, 5597 [1837]. Three folio pages in Hebrew and English, printed by J. Wertheimer, Circus Place, Finsbury Circus'. It is recorded by Roth, MBAJ 521: 55. 17 Two folio pages, in Hebrew and English (see fig. 22), appointing Aaron Selig Ashken azi,1 to collect funds in England on behalf of the Ashkenazi community in Jerusalem, to 99</page><page sequence="4">Arthur B. Hyman help repay debts incurred in building the first Ashkenazi Midrash 'Menachem Zion', and to finance the proposed reconstruction of the 'Ruin of R. Jehudah the pious'. The document is dated '[Tuesday] 18th day of [Iyar] Year 5597 [1837]', and the signatories were Hirsh Joseph,2 Abraham S. Salmons,3 David Reuben,4 Mordecai Avigdor,5 Nathan Saadias6 and Uriah Sabbathai Hyam.7 The document was endorsed by the (Ashkenazi) London Beth Din, directed by the Chief Rabbi (Solomon Hirschel), composed of Israel Levy,8 Aaron Levy9 and A. L. Barnett,10 on '7th of Tebeth, 24 December 5559 [1838]'. The three laymen authorized to collect donations were Aaron Joseph,11 Solomon Keyzer12 and Jacob Pariente.13 The first folio page of the broadsheet bears an English translation of the original Hebrew, the endorsement of the Ashkenazi Beth Din, and the appointment of three laymen to solicit funds. The second page bears the Hebrew original, signed by the leaders of the Jerusalem Ashkenazi community, with an endorsement in English by the Sephardi Beth Din, of the statement made by the Ashkenazi Beth Din, signed '8 Tebeth, 5599 [1838], David Meldola,14 Presiding Rabbi, Elimeleh Mudahee,15 Abraham Haliva.'16 NOTES 1 See R. A. L. Frumkin, Toledoth Hakhmei Yerushalayim III (Jerusalem 1928-30, Hebrew) 156, where it is stated that the emissary was sent from Jerusalem on 18 Iyar 5597 (1837); ibid, p. 242, n. 3; A. Yaari, Sheluhei 'Eretz Yisra'el (Jerusalem 5711 [1951]) 783-5, 791-2. 2 Yaari (see n. 1) 777, 783, 785-6. 3 Frumkin (see n. 1) III, 154, 162, 177, 274; Yaari (see n. 1) 19, 761-2, 774-7, 781-2. 4 I have been able to find no reference to this person. 5 Yaari (see n. 1) 786. 6 Frumkin (see n. 1) 224; Yaari (see n. 1) 783, 785? 790 7 Frumkin (see n. 1) 253; Yaari (see n. 1) 783, 802. 8 The only reference I have found to an Israel Levy who may have served on a Beth Din is in Roth, History of the Great Synagogue (London 1950) 259, n. 2. This individual was the son of 'Reb Aron', and was subsequently Minister in Hull. However, it is most unlikely that this Israel Levy the son of Reb Aron is to be identified with the member of the Beth Din who signed the endorsement in December 1839. Firstly, his signature appears above that of the Reb Aron who is presumed to be his father; and secondly, a father and son may not serve as dayanim on the same Beth Din. It is possible that Israel Levy acted only in the capacity of secretary, although the signatories are referred to as 'the underlined assessors of the Beth Din'. 9 Aaron Levy is the well-known 'Reb Aron' discussed in Trans JHSE X (1924) 150, n. 1; Roth (see n. 8) 193. 10 See Roth (see n. 8) 193, n. 5; Gaster, History of the Ancient Synagogue . . . (London 1901) 177, where he is mentioned as having signed the declaration against the Reform Movement on 24 Elul 1841. 11 Possibly Parnas of the Great Synagogue, see Trans JHSE XVIII (1958) 120; XIX (i960) 110-11. 12 See Misc. JHSE V (1948) 184; C. Duschinsky, The Rabbinate of the Great Synagogue, London, from ij56-1842 (London 1921) 112, 260-3. 13 See Trans JHSE XX (1964) 15, n. 2. 14 See Trans JHSE XXI (1968) 1-38; Gaster (see n. 10) 179; Hyamson, The Sephardim of England (London 1951, 2nd ed. 1991) 233, 255 7, 283, 309-11. 15 Trans. JHSE XX (1964) 29; Gaster (see n. 10) 162; Hyamson (see n. 14) 255-6. 16 Trans JHSE III (1899) 56; XXI (1968) 309; Gaster (see n. 10) 177, 180, 182; Hyamson (see n. 14) 255-6, 291, 305, 311-12. 18 A letter (apparently copied by an inhabitant of Jerusalem), composed in Hebrew by Moshe Yaffe, a resident of Hebron, appointed emissary of the Tiberias community to 100</page><page sequence="5">A collection of Anglo-Jewish ephemera travel to India and the Far East. It was sent to Rabbi Joseph Schwarz of Jerusalem, and is dated 12 Ellul 5607 (1847). This copy of the letter does not mention from where it was sent. But the English and German translations, discussed below, state that it was sent from Bombay. It deals with information he received on his way to India concerning the Jews of Ethiopia and Aden. The present copy is written in a strange mixture of Ashkenazi cursive with 'Rashi' script, and includes obviously Sephardi transliterations and calligraphic nuances. The final peh is not used. The text is fuller than any of the printed versions, and despite the many grammatical and spelling errors, I believe it to be a copy of the original Hebrew. Rabbi Joseph Schwarz published his Hebrew geography of Palestine, Tevuoth Ha-'Aretz, in Jerusalem 1845. An English translation by Isaac Leeser, entitled^ Descriptive Geography .. . of Palestine, appeared in Philadelphia in 1850, containing Rabbi Moshe Yaffe's letter translated into English on pp. 510-12. A German translation of the book was published by the author's nephew, Dr Israel Schwarz, entitled Das heilige Land, in Frankfurt am Main, 1852. Yaffe's letter appears there in German on pp. 417-19. Yaari, in Sinai VI (1940) 353-5, published a Hebrew text of the letter. The first part is copied from Neubauer, Kovetz cal yad IV (Berlin 1888) 62, who had found the fragment in Oxford, and the rest retranslated into Hebrew from the German translation by Israel Schwarz. See Yaari, Sheluhei 'Eretz Yisra'el (Jerusalem 5711 [1951]) 788, ns 78-9. 19 A Hebrew liturgical hymn, in Yemenite style, with minor departures from the text commonly sung in Chassidic circles on Simchath Torah. See Davidson, Thesaurus of Mediaeval Hebrew Poetry II (New York 1929) 261: 82; Yaari, Toledoth Hag Simhath Torah (Jerusalem 1964) 433: 381. 101</page><page sequence="6">lien thsyh ? ar? *s ? nWd vnrwn mi/ia iny$ *ti3 to min iani iavftfc /ri nhSra torn* no wow/in * ivVy to1? iiaa lan * ?wo 3p)P "jf * la/iw nan vfy non iroto : iantowi bp ? yaw *d nan rw : ttoi iwn 3io ; oipaa tsy zw briabi anabiTa naftori d\aittfmal " vnsD^Trovm * itoan iaan? iwiil : |OMn>D3pwmin'^?nh to v?<a : oSij; TV vto nai3fi ? * raBha nn epitf Gin poly mto * crrawiD^h^? * ?vto -fto ntt? ?bi?w taM rofton ' ^toi hmJ o^'/i nsi * tjwi tf?i ion ns ly Dft lawn * rftoao o*o ti? : Trim "?33 iniatoai * -fw rniaaro nnV?rt * vftri ytsh trrto ia? nnotai <a ? nipsh ntoio unton *?ipV ntri ovn ronfc>pn * toil Yna /wft ? ^torrarn toian lotaa ?TpM * mtn roi mart upatwana matoa to^maam % ntotn bsn tt?*" Jnroi * fwo W to ombi b1? aia * nnj* ^.^T^^nr^jro npun abftDft libra nian *. iaa wni ia rfaaa : tono n*r vrna wife rurtii : wto iao * 13 an *nHa nnyi * mr rrn meii nwt1? * pixi otoha yysfr ibn iw?l ^ rnv i?/? nnn nttr? laatoa iaan? n?nm ? npmrr tt /wi i1? ro* Toy rronrft nftnn rtnit wntot rofton ins nans *a * yian ?wo nnv Min iwia * TfiWa nnrawi ntoaa intowao ?wtr ? MfiMann tw to ian* i^nbn/n * nbnn -ft nrw pb ' rra naiwi vfttooo n3l * wrd *TiP3?D3 nfcy* na y*o? ' i^abo dmd nyin n^ai * iaipo nbno nnon ? * ib wan* nmm nairf mn? irwVi rr*T ner^iwi ^liab nai!?an mo* nnwai Pisa ? nn?i ? ia nDia ibon *- twtojd^ : in in1? nnm ? * nna tnfi fii? Tab bm mi ? n^nn vmt ratr aipai ? r^i ?id!? nna ?b *3 ? tt? ibwftb ^ ' ypvo *39 awn V? ? ?3? * viatw ma mbas mpi nyh oa wriW * i ii?aa mm i3ii?i nwa mti o*bd ? n?mnn !>?i mm b? yiD?b rrv'^nb ften M?*i d^tsw ipns * inrri : n? rrn< aiy pyb rm\ * ra^na nma "pan ovn o * n1? lasoin ^ai bbn niHSin n?t toi ysn * DiposT^^siDDTi^NiwnMiiT'a^Mwnvipabm * iann iia i?b o*na rnw ? mat dhVimv natron *nowi n?mr i "i^ob dm1?? ttiwo.p to ytri ?airn pi? nan? o ? ^a .? : ?n ii-nv D3saH ? ivto bnb n33 ?n ? naVaan ani toi o^arn n? Y*"? ^aiia *nsi lyi : ontraa'riDVt toa war ? 1^ rtotftmr ? piinmADVftnn^. ftbnlioipbniM*ian?n apy? no wow : nNTnnwy?i"3 * Yi?n ^33 m nrna ' rnw^sa i taipaarpirnyninDmimn*^!^^ ? iraria 'Wby iani ftn* : DWivion npix laoy nwb ioaw /i? ?vikV aitn : rftb ion : tftv iy iaoy nTin nom ianmhi wfton tap* ot6? * Printed by L. Alexander Np.; 4, Sandy Street, Bifliopfgate Street.*' Fig. i See item i. 102</page><page sequence="7">A collection of Anglo-Jewish ephemera Foffta of ^BM; ?hdlFlraile, IN TUB GREAT ;SYNAGOGtr?, St. James's, Duke's Place, On THURSDAY the 23d of APRIL, bemgijie 27th Day of the Month Nissan, fAnno Mundi 554^ For the happy Recovfcr^ of our Sovereign Lord th? King, ?Whofe GLoiy (hall be exalted. ,,f Compofed in Hebrew, by the Reis DAVJD SOLOMON SHIFF^High rrieft. of tte/ftid Synagogue. And trandated into Englifli^by command * ie Prefidehts,and Trcafurer, of the faid Synagogne,. By DAVID LEVi^iiithor of Lingoa Sacra, Ac. * ? ?*. . * ' I " ' ? A PTER the AFTERNOON SERvf^fe tlie READER arid *CONGR*EGACTION are ?to , chant the fallowing PSALMS, viz. '^jy. 1'ftlm j8. To 'thje chief Mufician, * P?lm of ?arid, fervantof the* Lord. - si. To the chief Mufician, a Pi fifing J1iaj*W?*c> ? ?r r- 27.. A P/alm of David. The Lord is my light. ? 30. A Pfalm WSong, at the dedication of thehoufe. ?^-=33? Rejoice in the Lord, O ye righteoui. -35* Ax'Pfalm of David. Plead my caufe, O Lord. ?- 45. To the chief Mufician on Shofliannecm, a P?dm for the fans of Koran. ?~ 61. 'Jo the chief Mufician upon Neginath,.a P/?lmof ? .117. O praife theiLo* Jl ye nations* f ' -118.6 give thanks unto the Lo r o, for he is good. ? 124.. A fong of degrees.of David. U it had not bun the Lord.. ? 136* O give thanks unto the" Lord,* Tor he is good. ? 138. A V/alm of David. 1 will praife thee, with all my heart. -.150. Praife ye the Lor d,praife God in hit faniluary. ?-i? 66. To the chief Mufician,a Song er Pfalm. * *?! After which the High Pricft will repeat the-following: He who ahfwcred King David, when he faid thefe Pfalms, .he IhaUanfwer us, arid hear the voice of the thankfgiving, (with which) we praife and glorify him this day; which our Sovereign Lord, the pious King George the Third, hath ordaintd to praife and glorify him that hath created the heavens, and ftretchccT them out: that fpread forth the earth, and that which comethoutof .it: he that giveth breath unto the people upon it, and fpirit to them that walk therein: to him filence is praife, for the mercy and goodnefs which he hadi wrought for all the .inhabitants of this.iQancJ, and all his Majcfty's dominions: by raifing^their king from his iicknefs and pain, to his former power. And this hath not been done on account of our righteoufnefs and the uprightnefs of our heart i but for tlie righteoufnefs and uprightnefs of heart of our Lord the King, whole heart hath always been perfect with the God of Heaven, and with all rhofe that take refuge under his ihadow:; doing juftice and righteoufnefs at all times. And behold, as all and every of the fubjedts of his Majefty's realms, do give thanks and praife for the deliverance and cure above-mentioned; and .we alfo, the Jews, that dwell under his government, and have obtained grace and favour in his tight, fo that he hath dealt moft gracioufly by us; we therefore will raife our tongues to exalt and praife the God of Abra ham, Ifaac, and Jacob, who is our God, the Rock of our heart, and our portion; for all the good which he hath done unto our Sovereign Lord the King, and us.j and for whofe profperiry we pray, hat as long as the earth continues, there may neither be breach; nor cry unto our excellent and. pious King George,the Third, whofe throne lhnll be exalted; fo that he may fpend his days in every good, and enjoy his old age. May he, as alfo our excellent and pious Queen Charlotte, George Prince of Wales, and all the Royal Family, receive blefling and peace from the God of order. In dicir days and in ours (ha)( Judah be faved, and Ifrael dwell in fafety. Amen. Then a Sermon by the High Pricft, fuitable to the. occafion. Fig. 2 See item 2. 103</page><page sequence="8">Arthur B. Hyman ... .trfW* 2 ?: i m IJon ?um ninin to -nj] D*atyp) ?trteinav Ombl? Vnprr *]VKrpMri *a^p *<~-*W|5W^ TTlV/titotarr w *T3p itrwrin^tijto ?*?pitflinwBnTrrV ?o ^an raw "w "TOUi ^#?na tfpns tor A . *an ju* "ft nan wft ?nfr ^mvwtorDptA-nD *ffflDtD Trash *ib vi ? -r^T^n? ntn ovn vn? vrma\ orntwa mv ?rnir\ nmto rotfc -rin tnr-vftm tniw itnm thiki m^pcrn to man ?Sin * -Tto otf> ntawa um ?rmwn nun jqni nw inawtnaa wwo to nutatairfaiD *rptf:W tiT&ab ntanr-fffr Ttonaran? far aab waiJiprraa on * ?tonirproi?nnwiwino wiwtoitaeta tmwmto nnr T^iff m UHra*irifaw.nrvi mwwi pnwn;3ana? oai -Smaran mmnt ntori ?ttTTawMiA oto^ n#> Tiaaa wncft -ovjip onon w toxfe wya Tom -vamfay rncyv na>on to to ?upbm uaa!? Tix-wnta Hm ?apyn pn* .arm tp mr *h x*m w ta tw D^tonjo um uftm *wm .n?T ixxa -?vxcho Nvmi nin an? ?vtowi tnjw yonrnmnrr qton warno pai ivntwj ?nBi* ?oifrwiTiwiin rrWNn JTjboro wn ?wni i<n aisa jvbih vitoiDrnanaim!??vw\^naftonan? toi?tonc)Miajn? ?p? -naab pxr ^Hiitn rrnrr wwai ~*t) t?aH piuno ?a*w vnm -p Trim Fig. 3 See item 2. 104</page><page sequence="9">A collection of Anglo-Jewish ephemera ?!VC. v Who blpiTted i|iU pfe on Sunday PtcniR, ibc jMi of December 1791, m )h? ??-J~i:~^:JiA lUy ^at I flli ?l fell,. ? at in the w irld dwell^ Srm?Mfi^ nei rs J*| 1 crs-?nd weepinRfftdfi^ ? ' Hl* 1 ^chiefs sand ;Fp}:?ur Pries^H dead. ?mSo? more/ ,?;hiih aiva(S'e^'wiih'h '^Hover4be flijeld'of.iitterpMngfo>? ?: ? Intone tfeatl^ where lies tti| bitter f?rig, >iM)V?cbQ>ng Woes- (hall frakgjie vallies ring j, h ; ?' . ?' ; Cpgjjj'li thqtf not take fomq;6?eft off the ltage< ;\.. ' Vorfllire^^iditmi^i><*OTfMri^age? -.v. Mown BrctHreii'l for We muiflrefign,. , y ? ? ? WorthyrMapbe/-?M^'(Wd^(lm ::; --.J, nlyfronj us Avai fhatctv<?away, * \ , RtEsf who'to u?hi^abinuesatddi(play,: Almighty God t j j receive hitn VR ftprei * * , t ; can be faid enough of mis dear man, ??.; ) the paths bfyir^e ft? ;great:&er|U ina^^-uj^^^^.. y And f4reycrvgranted fV, 1 ?1 Fig. 4 See item 3. 105</page><page sequence="10">Arthur B. Hyman p'A ?opn rm vrhrt m pmfTiDfr top taTurcrannotaiqpr?run/araa mwinitnp mn \ . * ; Vihv ? ' ? ? f i wittwiirmmnari?? iwnvrnran?vwp .r mm^Shw? j ifWD 3*n no dm vniras w&fhvm iran? vto pp.nuA iron ttosnyo?! njfl /nyki3Di9n ?Vo* psh?jflnn) ranV Vuoo Vf^tdwi nsxa *won *v v6 nrapn Twin ?llwW^nWlISPlfr^^nnwViTD?'DIl? MwnbsMon wpV> Tin iwm rnvooon V) nop iniBn *|V9Tn4 W> ? ponno port piwh i vvtvifwo Tsta run wu imoi ? nw* 'fh noe\ Tonte "Tai^wjrwspi 1 VswftwnftnTsnVabPDsnnrfi ?bineTi'ak iwonBJt romDKc nn ? X0313Hni?rhttoHIVmTWlKXb3*VDO Sf lamm tb? ? oftoniraS rnonn vmo ?*ten fmroi chm u'mnj vor md naiofr ""lion 10 wiiui an tu n3H wif nwri ^bS cucm ?dtoid to^tonrriSnaa ra>\aaViT9Pva niiT.^iiTwiVs'i ?UTnnwVrtiA fww*o Tan ;nm 'acnponn snVbn iBimnn ? vajpfiiMi^n^jnBttnnn) .VjnppVvia 119^)^19 imi ? niD* Sna* ow tmi fwm i^n Va ottopn hv cwrun torh ?twnvttsoxBBf inwop ^jp \av ? lAm wocn tchvnn ^vnmn oipbn St TiiiiaiiniranvAsfr'Brnaannnv^npai irtn lyVaoptxi puni lAffinn n TaaVrn ruurSim inntaDxiiain'itpfU'wiiv ?imnim 1 |onrao wutmVi ivmV * twii neun 'anw W3 Vjrun roon 109 noi ?^atma mw mtnn EXTRACT OF AN EXHORTATION DELIVERED BY TUB RE*\ SOJLOMO'Jf MUSCHEL, At llicSynagogue, Puke'* Place, on Saturday, January i, A.M. 5567. Smmttfrnm*, I Ln* m~k tkmt m Kmfrmmmm mte Ik* llm*u*f Imwmf; Oarfrnftmrnmr 0* trartf mt mm mmmtk, mmi fwi lln wmw| ^im m>?IU kiTlT. Tw? VwvMt i? fcw mmu/ij timwM ? mini., ?h?? in 4w>>li.11? Jrdbw, bi> wiih lie mm itmArn, mi'm pmh, *w+ iT I??rillAMi??7 'ITm Unld^jakmmUmwm whUh*Hy W m wil?4?m.TvUi?tobo?U* K, ifuliii? bpwI y ? fcww.wUw m ?y iww% w imj immfm *ffm Jiiiw to llw chy i ?lhj UxwmW wm un h hmm mm. *Imw k it riw wjly ?4 Im wIh* i?|mwwI m Imi mjmJ ?f mb Immb mt ImmI, to hwi ? ?f Imj litoi. mm to nltiillr ihrirwiiM ifiiMf it ?*km liitiiirt.Mtowj, him ' * k < , KliMtdbtoM _UWf /hmniJmrJttet m m ttmt,hmmm Im |A? kmmu j /im/j L ?.to Im* m< mim! mmmwmm. mm! hwin mw uThU. lW g|A w* nmmmm* jpwm In )iM( Jl mm1i Which JmH cmm Mr iW m*m?I al mm mmmik i i.?. mil i I IbylWyftrf l.p,! .mi mmw? to pm, mt mmt*,* mhUk JmI )<Mr?w?i mm! h)mi mom mq vtil bWly to Mm mi mm mm* uW mm m* Und, A? wm Wik*?, Uli m Imm temrmifjnm mti t.m. %mm tow if m*nky mm to Ai. wl to mtm, in mj mw. Fig. 5 See item 5. 106</page><page sequence="11">A collection of Anglo-Jewish ephemera tray TTm**ii?itj We, the uwlen^ncd\ conjointly *kh oUMtspcttSta BETH-Offe, fining taken into our ttost serious consideration the growing evil practices, in vi&a?oo of our Holy Lew, that haw prevailed Mnohg our licensed Iwtcbers andethets, of treirtcking fa Food that is forbidden to us, although It be with Penew of other religio?? peisuatiofNi. and further thai inch Jkrtcfaef* lee. hat? been In the. Habit of supplying mne Persons of the Jewish Permission with Ifud^iiarlers, or parti ?wreof, at Rumpsteaks, Ice that had not previously irodergone the indispcnsaidn preptituion of purging, in direct Opsiomien to the. Hdy^Conmiaiidinent expressed in the ncred Law? of Moese: tee Gnats** ch. xxxii. v. 39, end in Ltvitkus, cht#ii. v. 85, etc ate. respecting impure. Fett in order,Vierter**to slop such {iroceedtnes, we have unanimously agreed and determined, and it * hereby ordered and strictly enjoined at follows: I? That no Butcher of the Jewish penutoliMi shall, supply or tend forbidden Meat of soy kind wjietem, directly or indirectly, either to Jews or other Persons.. ;? * * ? ; '" " ;" ? . '". tr ?_'< ' . . That the Dutcheri dan not suffer Hindquarters of any of the Qiiadrapedt which Jews are permitted to cat, er Farts thereof, whether cut in Rump-Steak* or otherwise, to be conveyed out of their Shops, or from any other Place, to any Person whatever, jiraless the atme shall have been purged by a Person autuoraed tor the purpose by us the Chief Rebbicn. Nor .shall the Butchers permit Meat of any other part wbattoever to lie sent from their respective Shops without being first purged, and if slain near three Days, to be properly imrnerged according to our Law. And no Me*} is to be minced unless it be first inade ?WO, and minced with TeO Utemilt, fcc. ?*^IH; ?The* the Persern m the^earviee oTu^Bvtohefa stall 1*.strict observers.of our Religion, end pot presume to infringe any of the idigious Rules end Orders, notwhhstanding any commands they nay receive from their Employers for such a'porpmej in'which Case it is their bounden Doty to acquaint cither of the Rabbics of any such Directions, as likewise of any Circoimiancc or l^occeiUng, of whatsoever nature, that any come to their knowledge, (which is a Duty equally incumbent on every conscictuious Jew, so that the Public may not innocently be led to/do wrong) on pain of ever after forfeiting all ^ufrl^n^ inj immediately losing their Wtiislfftn* on then* MitpendiHit being dhcovered. IV. That no one shall admit into hnSbopany.Ueat unlesv h be properly sealed, in cordormity to the ftgulation already made or hereafter to lieinade:?To prevent Mistakes, the Skmtrim are strictly forbidden to affix any Seal to a Hiitd^narter,; vnthoor^being specially leo^iind so to do by some Jew-Butcher,. whose Name is to be noted in such Skmtr>s Book; and particular care is to be taken that |he Quarters to sealed 1? iiot greased. - ; Any one who shall U discovered as refractor the synagogues as unfit, and unworthy to sell Meat to Jews. In Order that no one at any Tune may plead! Ignorance, this Notice shall always be affixed in the dincrent JteednVs Shops, in a conspicuous Place \ so that the tame may be publicly known and manifest to all whom it may concern, and taDdauk thereof Uie B^ Character", and be dealt with accordingly. ?That the God of Israel through bis infinite Reicks may guard his chosen People, and that, by a ?we Attention to Iw4tely Law, they may render tbenwelves worthy bis future Favour, and obtain burden for post Errors, is ort iw? hearty Wish and fervent to R. DE M. MKLDOLA. SALOMON H1RSCIIBU Fig. 6 See item 7. 107</page><page sequence="12">Arthur B. Hyman Vrun vxhbhrtn retnrb nan i?m Dym ^a-Dra c!/.' r.. i; :?: f;?,.- ;;t.: v.; c* ?.:,-.'j : pa"^ "fypn nan in ova '. ? ? ? \;um , ?? '. ?. '.ine '.'JiTfjnif r^r*'.5 wrr'? jrr cstcsrr c: r ar q*? q*"i cfrt: Fig. 7 See item 8. 108</page><page sequence="13">A collection of Anglo-Jewish ephemera ITA: ?ii" ? \xyw tbA two tfa i uiu i" . : ernto to Vir Vni .ijw fjru * * * ' eis u% 'fc rum RTcptf- ?c'q ?;.6d*yi nwnrn p* ppno^? **f : pun to two t*n> flTiro'rjkinfl0n s vrtnn to jrw *n irrrcu bta* hj pi*n prai ? pffp ?vp ifff YD TD Jfr HDID"Alt bpiidid Vnp ptl TIOM^SMI ? whin to jwip* ^iitrnsj f/jo* *o fsw KTntos '^ntooo BNofarn to nwtoi *pKn to to ito svtofli pmt mam rmanm rnom rfmvi mm* xmm ivuttiw "n tcw hk rry iwA ton or^ryft*lgn^ rjroi "iwn Fig. 8 See item 8. 109</page><page sequence="14">Arthur B. Hyman 9 nnajwnnn* ? w po 1A nru * * uaromtdr aicomnw?^ tonTni Two to vi irr ofrvn nanaa tan ^aw* tut trcwn 10 Tsnp ppoo izyjo Tutnncvamnn tjt? mra lonren "*a dik *jafr wmtoii non vA w ? ntn ova nana opjnV-pito'n nna UK if? rvsBCi waaS Ttpvyj}^{'FW^t^V^WT*iWP?133 pH *a urr 71 R3R DvAk vi K3 * train Torna dr*a oiton naia jirtA n^am *jnaio npo mpoa iA *a rniprui van' htaraT "ptif? 'jtikVm VwnEn parA uato |n ^avp to iTOOTi Wi?'hhiV^ xi 'l?fe^iiiri' "?tt tritiwroMPj/on to nuft map tm pHn nKp&;fli|X3te *?ro?ri*^i /vm frort; ftr pnR rshtpr *a pRa oft** nwp.tr^rn irm.r^im itiwr?^^ffi -V nwan nn* * tnp va dtp&q nfypo twb ?in tibo wiqri *itov irswa nan dvttr vi Twin nnii * iimRirA maw nvR rnoiyjn msma nxsor mva tu Jim anan ? f? *nr iro? *a ?lAwnn rS wjmn ? noaj ira-ra 16 *a xh s *pafr imfos rww tuir \> um i%tp iras on pinR ttA n tfin 'TpTV po^a laaooi lAa usna * vnpa *nw tw hb%% oiton jnR rsr tinman *wn nswn mn iA s^nm^* nuri nra nri r\jm noan nn vto mTtxifh orarvi vwai ?? pvn "ji^tnoiip 10*0*7 Tpavn homS "jnn *t V? na to 13 ?r* ?Vi ? match orrinvram : oAwOicvnMTi3%<n pviqiA w ft ? fapijin TPTioovnit OTOBOE ttw THIRD, TOTTI UtflD to TOTTI R3 All? * pR *ato Sa lAoOn Vi R3R lias nw utoai ? vov vra to* i*tRn * vAnofr roioi natiR nVpn ? t p * pmifiS wpTO vor mtiri * frh vn?r ? na m&4nn * o^inya wem x |or in in loa wtubp ? "itnn tVo v to co1 ?ipjt ro^amaon ?eoro? t^iNCE^ waia wir to T?n ?I1?? trnto -n inriry^toi *Tif^V^^ RlSiin 'TmaTaoTtoinoin pisni noann *iir fwn Fig. 9 See item 8. no</page><page sequence="15">A collection of Anglo-Jewish ephemera r-ra ?V.a er? i^t?H^: c 'J r '! ? : Wrt;1 r.-r/n vac tVrr r^i :cr;j vAV nv <p j:ni" v*v.* 17 : . Ti rvvn j.-jr -i'sr cyci; i'i&scf r^f K?r ;:?.:ff siry* r.y'rt: :r;Vftn*'*i ^rp.rM 1 r;:. :r rr^r-.1/: */:^rf v.r.- dtarri ? ? ' . ,M.-?r?.T-Vis; rtr::\ t ^ , ? i rr i'i.:r' Vi.;.- :jcr r;;* .7.-. ?? . .. Fig. 10 See item 8. Ill</page><page sequence="16">Arthur B. Hyman nVno hv im rw 3 psjsr p tjDi* nan :?*??w vn vjtpoi rnn .nrrn vjtd30q jrnpn iw* rrV? dttoo jto tv y*xn nVn nett ram na rn :t> vww? b? .-uro /pna iTnhm tt ?nyo oip? dm an ,iroo mtnan tt?h o rmn /norft um ,p?? rrw ?to:*;nAo3\Tm :d?w ana 153 ?y tow ,vwrn ran n?w run.;nai} :rr? ora viM rrort bvb rmn anwi ?raiowi to Ss t h M fr. /yrt? .i^tfron IT r- a f; oh nsvj a?p *?;' ?riTT?rf nor6 ? /tote tfitj Fig. 11 See item 11. 112</page><page sequence="17">A collection of Anglo-Jewish ephemera ?w r*ins *w zAt\ m rfltT dm Q| t *9 TO ?"JJf *T# iflSj * nf>-i|| on Uff) ?a ?* *3fl tt^ft itJUi Vif^ w flap 4^9- ^SgS "flW ^ *W Hi! ^"9*? 'TOW ^jfe *J ?3|& "I tfPf r-n Fig. 12 See item n. 113</page><page sequence="18">Arthur B. Hyman ADDRESS, SPOKEN BY JOSEPH LEVY, on %\)t of Ina Confirmation; SATURDAY, the 31st JANUARY, 1818. My most Honoured Parents, I' should ill deserve the happiness of calling you-by!this? endearing name, were I to suffer this solemn day to pass; without publicly ex? pressing' the gratitude which your innumerable bounties 'have excited-in my breast. Reflection, that dear offspring of the soul, teaches nie, that to you I owe. not only my life, but all that cart make it pleasant and desirable. From my birth up to the present moment, not a week, not a day, nay, not an hour has passed without my experiencing the sweet influence of parental affection. Not only have you supplied all my wants, but often anticipated them. You have smoothed the ascending rugged path of life, and strewed it with roses. In such a series of uninterrupted benefits, your grateful child finds it no easy task to select any one, that most claims his humble tribute. They all deserve my thanks,?are all engraven on my heart. And yet, on reviewing the scenes that have marked the morning of my life, I find one spot, a spot where once thorns grew, that particularly arrests my attention. I allude to the period, when the Almighty had chosen to afllict me with a malady, that threatened my exist? ence. From delightful health was I thrown at once on the bed of sickness. Oh ! what a fever consumed me! Oh ! what excruciating pains forced the sounds of agony from my breast! Low burnt my lamp of life. Iis tpiivering flame seemed expiring, wavering, rising, sinking, wandering to and fro, as if loth to Fig. 13 See item 11. 114</page><page sequence="19">A collection of Anglo-Jewish ephemera quit its slender hold. And as it eblwd and flowed, ascended and descended, it filled your souls with animating hope, and desponding fours. Oh! how shall your child enough* thank you for the goodness of that joy ?how compensate'you for the pain of that despairI Ahl how awful was that suspense!?how dreadful your sufferings!?ti?V terrible the pangs you endured! ?and that all for your child's sake) My Parents I my dearest, dearest Parents! can I forget all you have'done for ine?' can I forget' the many sleepless nights, and restleiis days, you have endured for me P Melhinks I see you even now sup? porting my drooping head; with trembling hands tendering the balmy cup; assuaging my pain;,.find soothing'the anguish of my soul. An<l when all that parental solicitude could do, proved unavailing,?ali! then you turned in fervent prayers to iJiw, who alone " maketh tore and bindcth jtij?, woundtth and hit hands " make whole." ** Father of Mercies I" you exclaimed, "Ohl heal our Child I " Afflict us, afflict us, Father of MerciesI' but save our Child I* God heard your prayers, and saved your Child.' And what can that Child do to merit your affection? What compensa* tion, what return can I make? Shall I offer you thanks? Away with those empty sounds I that often drop deceitfully .from the hps of feigned gratitude. Let ine.rather.en4?aYQDC to merit your .bounties,;.by religious und virtuous pursuits.) Let my actions manifest? my jafe^ so; many sources of kindness and obligations;?and that rooted principle of duty,i kindled and rendered delightful to me by the tenderest recollections of the most grateful love. * ?,i * ?,l *tUy1o aujA|?-'[iu ivtu ?. i* .:. ;i; > >\. .i ?; :-,I-f*-: ? .*?.: {..??:?..!. I.Ai[ Jixhtfi iasn it i'?. l .-ilii ...i ; .1 ?!'?? I.-. ; J ii; if in. J -v ?fui Joa j?'ritr ? ! ? : ,!.. .:.!??..! luv ..iJ i,t *? '?- ?* * .unii'i^ilii tuJtivii.i^.')u |f^ii/ftiti J w. -il t.i... .ir t.. i " a n?7 .nj;i|l 1 il.i.ji ?ij4ii Jn 1 . .- . m II. i. .I.^pi.t .1 ilii? n \ownv. hfli: ! l ..ih.r. i : h \ i.tuti ini >h.l,\1Wit; ? lil iii itf I. ihpmrj)fl!.'.:f . <: .i .;? ..i ..... . - iiil rJil.ji.f:! tiiii?L jjdin Ji.ili, ....;,?.!?....; . i ... i .. ? ??;/ I.-;..", .lupu -fta .i . L.: . ! ...i. ;.. . . .. ,J - ;, ? ...j is... I t.";il in^'fa ^tiiiitii,.! !,?:.'... -.i..; ; <<i s l .?*?:!??? :?? Y#m ^1 u;!i.'_ i. .. -* ? ? -i i * -? ....u - jf?i. .i ?..!.. -. ri.,1 i?.Y iWM* Jy J. J. ftfe* 3W, G*rt, CWiy Urn, lm*m. '> f / Fig. 14 See item 11. "5</page><page sequence="20">Arthur B. Hyman -fr mv mwD r? ppn p ^dm narrt iDK' nn? tman num? parffl ?snpa mis6 vrcua nypn * n ttni "a anp nat?> ?rtn ?iia wto 7? 7$ *nar nnri .n-?an n^k \*na# u?? .nji Vipai .?fy r?T^ DKy. i7 ^ a ?on? rgqi p? 7K o^t^ ii? 7? ^noi rnrn ^an * orna ^ito pn ?in ?Dy-ft^ niana ^ jng ?Dn^ rinn dn abq 1 ,>jT\n 7^9? ia? nftf? ?dti ^ ^ d^r? ?in w ?"?rmyo aito nin? Dia? Fig. 15 See item 12. 116</page><page sequence="21">A collection of Anglo-Jewish ephemera 2 n ?Wimilto'iimfir Mal&a mLm MMft m?Im ???J 'VI ? wwl JVjft ill) jrypft, ta) ?Win 09x1 TH n nfo rnin? ^ftpft ??Uro to ^rt*? wi Fig. 16 See item 12. 117</page><page sequence="22">Arthur B. Hyman ADDRESS, spoken by MJEMltY I????8, ON ?TfK foxv of W ?QnttvnxxUQn, SATURDAY, MARCH 28, 1816. Most Honoured Parents, i ?? WITH a heart overflowing with gratitude, and glowing with affection, I rise to address you. Permit me to say, that I consider this day, on which T am allowed publicly to express the genuine sentiments of my mind, as the happiest of my life. To enumerate the many and various favors you have conferred on me, would be a vain task.?Equally vain would it be to describe the impression they made on me; since no words could adequately express the grateful feelings that play round my heart. And yet I feel a particular delight in reviewing the many bounties you have bestowed on me: the bare recollection renews former pleasures, and diffuses the most rapturous emotions through my soul. O! what a happiness it is to have such benefactors ! What a blessing to have such loving Parents! It is to you I owe my being, my support, and all my joys. You have watched my infant life with a care, that nothing but parental solicitude could have sustained. How often have you restrained me from dangerous Fig. 17 see item 12. 118</page><page sequence="23">A collection of Anglo-Jewish ephemera pursuits, assisted me iu my difficulties, and encouraged ine iu my duty t In all my weakness you sympathized; in myjawful pleasures you rejoiced: and never thought yourself mure happy than' when you saw your child so. Anxious for my future welfare, you provided for the improvement of my mind. Your liberality has afforded me ajjliueral and religious education, which, whilst it pre]>ares me for the active scenes of life?whilst it enables ine fully to appreciate the benefit of your love?teaches me at the same time what I owe to you, and to our God I . . , j . Permit me then, dearest Parents, :to offer you my poor thanks, my 'filial love, and ardent affection. Accept this humble tribute; it is the only thing I have to offer. , \ May the Almighty God of Israej, whom you have taught me to adore, reward you. May he shower down his blessings upon you, my dear relatives and friends; and may you all experience such gladness of heart, as cperieii that which I feel at the present moment H Amen. ?*4 * iff J i ::. . it . K. Jintim, Printe-, Brich Uoe, Nplialliclita!' Fig. 18 see item 12. 119</page><page sequence="24">. msy or1? up xmxnxa nrwa tornr nfrnp wip ivh nropora ^?^i?^ roten nateon rrnj lip3 IV HI1/ T prt fitf^n rar PRAYER AND PSALMS 8$e of ?rfcf, COimCRATBO IT TUB CONGREGATION OP GERMAN JEWS, IN LONDON, AND THROUGHOUT ENGLAND, 0* TIIJB DAY OF BURIAL ?r Her late Most Gracious Majesty, Queen Charlotte, 41b DAT OF KMLAV, A. M. CAT* LONDON: II. Barmctt, Printer ami Hebrew Bookseller, ?, St James** Place, AMgate. Fig. 19 see item 13. 120</page><page sequence="25">A collection of Anglo-Jewish ephemera ?^?^?^??aap'^s*^inD-*bo "?> ? ?A ? ina-j? ? m ?mvnpnria ?^??n |tnn w afirt : tw ivVi ? tornaiSo^ ^? ? ?*? wan dw ->vp new -nV? out : vaipo iv law im wn may nvi *a ifsr p n-iwn f?sa vo? Tsna vim : iavtoo w *nm lonVfiW :TO?nni P * vunni out nofi sTom^a 16 oiaon vh*a non;*rm? p*ar tf?1? axwi nw : iron* td? '?a Wtt*?wrf* Tien np? fjov : opwn yri inaiyv* yiv * : im nma tpmacm -npo w *a rton nwno ntfw maw Taw *i?m*? San itwT** nn? ? o'armn wm ovfc *n *jair Sjr nwn o?am -porra ? nn* ow to Sy ot tun ? nnnnit n? iwn Tfioi ? rom.li lonn awn npo nnn ? pun ^a nute *non o ? iom to ?jnn run roon n? ? axan nro o*nn jih vaa1? nna nan ; mjnn kwi RSn^irn tronco njen ? nut pat* tp nrnt iA fmnVi/ o*na iirtA Ijm *n lawro reoai maten jinn * ona to orntn oni* naar* "wh * ots&vorn cppnm nmrn nrnnnvKTiDnnpno ?\?a*pr^tom;a^noanomKiwtei-piiiaVo ntwm ? Tonn uato oaer Vir rnwon not ? niatao *a* ? tan rmnxn Vir charlotte, natoan nianoa w? rrW moy natoon maa mir aiea noton *a nnm *7t> nna w tuki ? n/ar iw nni to ? nwo trwoa nu* Tua pawV ? na? na^ra rrait ri*? ta natn ? ow nm* npV *a ? naaw *?o? ?I^T1? r?S? .v? Tpi? 31 HO trpn rorma im np * mvj; ppump ygmt. owi ma Taa1? wawin mVao wan laan *n ton ormn "w'nvif) 01 ? nti tf? ito i6v pn o1^? 16 o ? pa?u?aAi l?v way ? rocn ova yuhv p?i u*>ai ? wanpa arm paa nm ? roteani cwnpn ian ranS aS iA in na cm mm * mpn nnn8 ? nift lab^rrorf? o warn * ioe? pri ^ajroa ? troaVur rwwn wwiai ? Vawo1? ntyoV TorpaSap na ia axxmSn^j/d nvi i^a niavat * em npo ^oir x^k *n Vy'a?ur Ute Gnicioui QUKEN cUAULOTrK, nraan nova nit tram : \ch Tao na nmcv vaern nmSa ?-mn ? nvaaS inr Hson * raaa * n^arf? vornan oW * oranan cna mnvn nana nit ioi-?co pn c\nV* k3k * nto fott * nonam mnvM upo nrw *a * ia*e*93 u'rys^ n^cinjni ??3V "H'o <r> -'rD Ta V? ? *o? ? -re : prut nmnaa ? njnuvn jnon Fig. 20 see item 13. 121</page><page sequence="26">PllAYEll, 9fc. Afternoon ?>erWte. Thm ihr n?jt?r.R awl t*?*c*i c*Tt?<*. aa-mirlj, rrpM Huh* 0,13, 93,32,90, 49, 88,00,01, i?, lau, ist, m. MAN, horn of* Woman, few of days, mid full of trouble, cometh forth like a flower, ?ml in cut off, flecth like a shadow, and continue!h not Man's days an a* ? raw, aft a flower of the field so he flnurhlteth, the wind passes over, and it it gone, and the place thereof shall know it no more. What is mau, O Lord! that thou lakcth knowledge or him, or the son of man that thou makeat account of him ? Man is like to vanity, hm days pass like a shadow! This I recal to my mind, therefore I have ho|H*. It is of the fiord's mercies that we are not con united, bemuse his cmipawtion* fail not! How glorious is thy grace, O God! that the children of men may take shelter under thy wings, that they may be abundantly satisfied with the fatness of thy house, and drink of thy pleasant rivers; for with thee is the fountain of life: in thy light is the true light seen. JMIAYEK. O IjOHD GOD, Lord of |<itrds! thou who in thy wisdom lust created the universe, whose eyes overlook it from the beginning of the year even unto tlie end thereoft and although thou art the Highest of the high, yet, through thy earth : thou art the source of goodness, ,of grace1 exalted mouth no evil nrce of goodness, ,of grace, and of mercy; and from thy goclh forth. Jlehohl thou hast placed before us life and t-il; and thou, O Ijord our God! hast commanded US to great mercy, dost thou regard the inhabitants of clay, for thy grace filleth the " - i, ami <t - - _? __h Torlh. Jlehohl thou * goodness, death and evil; i _ make cltoice of l^fe; and to shew unto us the |Mlhs of light hast thou caused thy laws and statutes to shine forth from above, whereby man shall act, ami where* with he sludl live. Thou hast appointed ami anoiuieil kings to the earth, and fillet! their hearts with wisdom that they may reign justly | and how precious the grace then hast shed over these kingdoms! that thou hast placed die burthen of sovereignty on our pious Kino, ami completed his glory by the kingdom, a crown to her husband, the late gracious QU KEN and pious carriage has procit glory and the grant of length of life, until'the . . . . behold, she is no more! for the l<ord lias taken her. She is gathered to her ornament of tin _ CHARLOTTE, neural from thee the emanation of completion of her days; when, _ _ _ _ en her. She is gathered to her fathers at an advanced age, to enjoy her honours in the reign of eternal life. I low great is the blessing thou hast reserved for thy adorers!! We submit our supplication Itcfiire thee, O God, on this day on which we have called au assembly, a period in which our eyes are roused to observe, and nur hearts to understand, that riches are not eternal, nor the crowu endure 1o generations; that man does not lire for ever, neither has he power in the day of death. Grant, we beseech thee, unto our hearts the CMitprchctMion of thy holy and wonderful ways; renovate a proper spirit in us to regulate our steps in the paths of riglitcmtsitein for the sake of thy name, and cause ns to be convinced flint to those alone who place their ho|ie iu thee, can the hope of inconceivable and eternal lire lie allotted; and that through Dice alone can they be brought to perpetual salvation. O Ijiird God, with whom lies the source of life, and in whose right hand eternal pleasures are stored for those who trust in thee, receive, we pray, in thy great mercy, the soul of our excellent departed QU KEN CHARLOTTE! Slay it find* delight under the shadow of thy wings, after she had waxed old: may her soul be satiate with joys in thy presence. We pray thee. O God, pour out from thy high seat the cup of comfort and salvation t dinpcii?c consolation to her mourners, and thy comforting shall deligllt our souls, for thoii art the source of salvation and consolation. Amen. , allrtmlrly, rrynl Mm IS, ID, KI. 57, Alt, 10,01,71. rilAYKK Kill THE UOVAL FAMILY. Fig. 2i see item 13. 122</page><page sequence="27">A collection of Anglo-Jewish ephemera To our Urethren the Israelites of linrnpe, the liberal ami benevolent Contributor)) towards every holy and pious purpose,?read*' to stand in the breach to evince their love for the land of promise : to the well-wishers of Jerusalem and friends of Zion (dearer to us than life), who extend their bounteous aid to this holy city, and devote their beat means, in love and affection, " to take pity on her stones, and show mercy to her dust." To the illustrious and excellent Rabbies, to their worthy und distinguished assessors, to the noble chiefs and faithful leaders of Israel, to all congregations devoted to the Lord, and to every member thereof,?health, life, and prosperity. May the I^ord vouchsafe his protection unto them. May they rejoice and be exceeding glad ; and with their own eyes may they behold when the Lord resloreth Zion. Such be his gracious will. Amen. It is a fact well known throughout Judah and Israel, that " the glory altogether departed from the daughter of Zion," since, upwards of one hundred years ago, the congregation of German Jews in this holy city were forcibly deprived of their honours and inheritance. Dreadful and grievous was the yoke under which the despots of this land oppressed them. Tyranny and cruel usage ground them to the dust, and forced them to forsake their habitations, to abandon their houses and all their property, and to seek safety in (light. Thus the large Court they inherited from their ancestors remained deserted and uninhabited, until it was seized upon and possessed by aliens. The sacred edifices it contained, namely, the Synagogue and the Mcdrash, were by them demolished, the whole of the property utterly ruined, and possessions, lawfully ours, devastated before our eyes. Then did our souls refuse all consolation .' for how could we bear to behold the destruction of our inheritance I How could we bear to witness the evil which befel our people 1 As the light gleams forth from a spark, so did our Congregation take heart and return, again to form their establishments, and to take root on the'holy Mount, But we could find no rest for our wearied feet,? no place consecrated and appointed for prayer and instruction. Our aching eyes beheld how every nation and tongue, even from the most distant isles of the ocean, is here possessed of structures defended by walls, gates, and portcullis, whilst the people of the Lord, forcibly expelled from their inheritance by rapacious barbarians, were covered with obloquy, scorn, and disgrace. The cries of the people ascended unto the Lord, who dwelleth in Zion. lie looked down, and in pity beheld their sufferings and oppression. And ever since the Ruler of Egypt first assumed the government of the Holy Land,?a Ruler who maintains justice throughout his domi? nions,?an edict was issued permitting the Jews to do whatsoever they deemed right and expedient with respect to the rebuilding of their demolished Synagogues and Colleges. Us, likewise, the Lord in his mercy vouch? safed to remember, and caused us to he reinstated into the heritage of our fathers, even to the afore-mentioned Court, which is called the Ruin of R. Jehudah the pious (of blessed memory). Messed be the Lord our God, the God of our fathers, who inspired the heart of the Ruler of ligypt to restore unto us the possessions of our ancestors. Nor did we delay or lose time in the matter, but exerted ourselves to rebuild the Medrash. " We fenced it, and gathered up the stones thereof," and the sacred undertaking prospered in our hands, so that we have completed the Medrash, " and great is the glory of the house ;" and ulso houses for the teachers of the law, and for the hospitable reception and entertainment of strangers, which were indispensably necessary to accommodate the many pious Israelites who visit the holr City during the festivals. And on Rosh llodesh Shebath last we joyfully placed a Sepher Torah in the Medrash, which we consecrated by the name of " Mkna hkm Zion," for the Lord hath vouchsafed to comfort his people. But although we have thus, under the blessing of Providence, retrieved from devastation a part of the pos? sessions bequeathed unto us by our pious ancestors, yet our hearts are afflicted and our eyes are dimmed when we behold the sanctuary of the Lord, the Synagogue, which still lies in ruins ; nor is it in the power of all of us (the German Congregation) to rebuild it ; for, alas, great is the number of our poor who stand in need of bread, and the debts we contracted in building the Medrash are large, and weigh heavily upon us. The cause of our grief is thus ever present to our eyes, whilst the ruins of the Synagogue are heaped in the middle of the Court, and rank weeds spread over the consecrated pile. We therefore deem it our hounden duty to dispatch a messenger unto our brethren the children of Israel, who are dispersed and in exile, in order to acquaint them with " the salvation of the Lord in the land," so that they may arise and take pity on Zion, lor it is time to show mercy unto her. To undertake this laborious duty was the voluntary oiler of our dearly beloved friend, that profound and renowned Rabbi, the zealous and honourable Aaron Sklig AsilK.bn KU. He is a man confirmed in the fear of the Lord, of u faithful stock ; and him we depute as our messenger, worthy of all trust, to make proclamation unto the communities of Israel, " according to the sight which he has seen in the holy mount;" and to him we have given letters of authorization, containing full particulars as to his pious mission, and every necessary infor? mation relating thereto. Now, therefore, let the righteous behold and rejoice ; let the pious exult and triumph in gladness: the day ye so long have hoped for is come, and ye see it. The crown of holiness will again adorn its former abode. Therefore, arise and take upon yourselves, according to the words of this Letter, to devote a portion of your wealth us a sacred tribute towards erecting "the temple of the most holy King on the Mountain of Lord," that ye may have a portion and a righteous record in Jerusalem. Let no one among you refuse his aid ; but let the poor man contribute his mite for himself and his household freely, as the rich dispenses the bounty wherewith the Lord hath blessed him. Let fathers and their offspring, the aged and the youthful, alike arise in mercy to Zion at this propitious season. Let each man encourage his neighbour, and say, "We will he zealous and perse? vering for our people and the city of our Gud. And for the love of Zion and the sake of Jerusalem we will not rest nor be easy until Jerusalem is praised throughout the earth, and foremost in our joys, even as we have vowed. ' If I forget thee, Jerusalem, let my right hand forget her cunning; if I prefer not Jerusalem above my chief joy.' " Such are the words of your brethren, who uddress you for the glory of God, and for the honour of his laud, his people, und his inheritance,?continually praying for our exiled brethren, and offering up our orisons on holy ground, and particularly near the Wkstbkn Wall, that it may be well with you everlastingly,'as you yourselves desire, and we most sincerely wish. Signed ut Jerusalem, the 18th day of Year 5597, a. M., by the Wardens of the Medrash and Members of the Building Committee, on behalf of the Congregation of German Jews in this holy city. (Signed) lliusii Josiirn.?Abraham S. Salmons.?David Reuden.?MonuECAi Aviooon.?Nathan Saaoias.?Unixa Sabuathai Hvam. The undersigned, assessors of tlie ilcth-din, by the direction of the Rev. Chief Rabbi, hereby certify I list K. Aaron Selig Auhkeimzi is ac? tually deputed for the purest- mentioned in the ahoye Circular. London, the 1th Tebuth?2 ith December, 55??. Israicl Levy Aabon Lew a. 1.. Rahnktt. On his arrival in London the undersigned, deputed by the German Congregation ut Jerusalem, respectfully solicits the attention of his brethren, the Israelites of Oreat Britain, to the above Circular. The facts which it narrates are well known to the eminent Rabbies of the Continent, us well as to the Hev. Solomon llirschel, Chief Rabbi of Britain and its dependencies, whose zealous exertions in favour of the holy City and its inhabitants have on many other occasions been warmly seconded by that genuine benevolence and devotion to our sacred faith, for which British Jews are so justly cele? brated, and to which, in the present instance, the undersigned presumes confidently to appeal. Aaron Selio Asiikenazi. SOLOMO^^KEYSERTEsq^ | JACOB PAR1ENTE, Esq. j have kindly undertaken to collect donations. Fig. 22 see item 17. 123</page></plain_text>