Money and the hangman in late-13th-century England: Jews, Christians and coinage offences alleged and real (Part II)
Zefira Entin Rokéaḥ
<plain_text><page sequence="1">Money and the hangman in late-13th-century England: Jews, Christians and coinage offences alleged and real (Part II) ZEFIRA ENTIN ROKEAH The first part of this paper (Jewish Historical Studies XXXI [1988-1990] 83) stated that the Jews accused of coinage offences would be listed in its second part. The preparation of the promised list has proved to be rather more complicated than was anticipated because of the imprecision, wealth and incompleteness of the records, and the technical difficulties involved in presenting the essential evidence concerning each Jew identified clearly and concisely. The last aim, unfortunately, has not been realized in every case, and I can but ask the reader's indulgence. May I remind the reader that the exchequer records tended to repeat entries each year until the amounts owed were paid, and so it is difficult to know when an offence actually occurred. (In the case of judicial records, an offence might have occurred years before it was recorded.) I have included a number of entries clearly relating to coinage offences of dates other than the 1278-9 period which is our main concern, in order to give a fuller picture of alleged coinage offences attributed to Jews in the second half of the thirteenth century. Many of the Jews listed below are among those named in the documents published in the Bulletin of the Institute of Jewish Studies in 1973-5 (see below). While virtually all the Jews noted there - or their spouses - seem to have been charged with coinage offences, some of the Jews are mentioned in other contexts: as buyers of condemned Jews' books, for example (e.g. Aaron son of Vives; BIJS III, 57-8; Jacob of Bedford; BIJS I, 33); as converts (e.g. Mendand the Jew of Bristol; BIJS II, 74-5); or as buyers of condemned Jews' houses (e.g. Manser son of Aaron; BIJS II, 81). There is also difficulty in identifying particular Jews, who may appear in the records under a variety of names. I have not attempted to clear up all the problems of identification. For example, there are in these lists entries for 'Benne de Bedeford' and for 'Benedict de Bed' - who may prove to be the same individual. Where I am in doubt, I have preferred to err on the side of caution and give what may be duplicate entries in order to avoid errors of omission. In Part I (p. 97), I gave the numbers of the Jews and Christians noted as being condemned, hanged or imprisoned in connection with coinage offences; as well as of those whose property was forfeit, or who were allowed to promise a monetary payment (i.e., who 'fined'), or who were to be oudawed because of the coinage. Then as now the numbers given are tentative: if I have added a number of names 159</page><page sequence="2">Zefira Entin Rokeah of accused Jews and Christians since Part I appeared, I have by no means exhausted all the possible sources of information on this subject nor as yet dis? covered the specific names and fates of all the Jews involved. What follows is an updating of the figures offered in Part I, together with a specific caveat: no figure here is final, and the (partial) information given for particular Jews is subject to revision in line with future findings. I cannot here list the Christians involved, as this would make the paper impossibly long, but give tentative figures for them for purposes of comparison. Please note that various unnamed Jews and Christians referred to in the records as having been accused of coinage offences have been taken into account as follows: where they were referred to in the plural without indication of their exact number, I have assumed that two individuals were involved; where families are referred to, I have assumed them to include four individuals; where the reference is to 'many' I have taken five as their number, quite arbitrarily, though many more may have been meant. Where fines are paid joindy for Various persons' I have used four as a multiplier. (I have not even tried to calculate the number of Jews referred to when the cost of transporting Various Jews taken for clipping' from Oxford, Northampton or other centres to London is recorded in the memoranda rolls [E368/53, mm. 23, 24; E159/53, m. 23; both of 1279-80; and see Part I, n. 35].) The number of anonymous Jews may perhaps counterbalance the possible multiple entries that are given for particular Jews who were referred to in different ways. Figures for the total numbers of Jews and Christians identified are given, as well as total numbers of various sorts of punish? ment for each group's members. Since individuals may appear in several cate? gories in the table, the number of punishments does not match the total number of those involved. There are also quite a few individuals whose punishments (if any) are not yet known, though it is clear that they were among the accused. I noted in Part I (pp. 98-9) that although the Christians discussed outnumbered Jews by about five to four, nearly ten Jews were executed for each Christian put to death in the period 1278-9. I also observed that about three-fourths of the Christians fined and only about one-third of the Jews were allowed to do so. The present materials refer to some 1110 Christians and 481 Jews who were noted in the second half of the thirteenth century - that is, the last fifty years or so before the expulsion of 1290 - in connection with coinage violations. They present a somewhat different picture of the punishments meted out to Jews and Christians. The Christians mentioned outnumbered the Jews by more than two to one. While about 5.5 per cent of the Christians were executed on coinage charges, about 15 per cent - nearly three times as many - of the accused Jews were executed. Half of the accused Christians were allowed to pay a financial penalty, as against nearly a fifth of the Jews. As I noted above, these figures are subject to change as more materials are found and analysed. Nonetheless, the discrepancy in the scale of punishments for the same crimes - whether over five decades or only in the 1270s - is instructive. 160</page><page sequence="3">Money and the hangman in late-13th-century England Jews: those noted as 'condemned' [53] those noted as 'burned' [01] those noted as 'forfeits or whose property was confiscated [148] those noted as 'hanged' [38] those termed both 'condemned' and 'hanged' [30] those noted as imprisoned [62] those who paid or promised to pay fines for coinage violations (whether clipping, concealing of condemned Jews' property, or 'having grace') [119] those who abjured the kingdom or city [02] those to be outiawed [09] Total [481] Christians: those noted as 'condemned' [02] those noted as 'burned' [12] those noted as 'hanged' [49] those noted as 'forfeits' [48] those noted as both 'hanged' and 'condemned' [00] those noted as imprisoned [224] those suffering lesser punishments [05] those who paid or would pay fines for coinage violations [555] those who abjured the kingdom [19] those to be outiawed [18] Total [1110] 161</page><page sequence="4">Zefira Entin Rokeah List of Abbreviations and Sources Used in the List1 Manuscripts C47 PRO code for miscellanea of the chancery C 2 60/3 PRO code for a memoranda roll of money paid in c. 1258 E9 PRO code for plea rolls of the Jewish exchequer E1 o 1 PRO code for accounts, various, of the exchequer E159 PRO code for the king's remembrancer's memoranda rolls E352 PRO code for the chancellor's rolls E368 PRO code for the lord treasurer's remem? brancer's memoranda rolls E370/2/20 PRO code for a roll of desperate debts (rotulus pullorum) from some pipe rolls of Henry III and of early Edward I E372 PRO code for the pipe rolls E401 PRO code for receipt rolls of the exchequer JUST 1 PRO code for eyre and assize rolls JUST3 PRO code for gaol delivery rolls KB27 PRO code for coram rege rolls (same as king's bench plea rolls) Books and Articles Adler, Exet. Michael Adler, 'The Medieval Jews of Exeter', Transactions of the Devonshire Association for the Advancement of Science, Literature, and Art LXIII (1931) 221-40 Adler, JME Michael Adler, Jews of Medieval England (London 1939) BIJS 'Some Accounts of Condemned Jews' Property in the Pipe and Chancellor's Rolls', Bulletin of the Institute of Jewish Studies (University College London) I (1973) 19-42; II (1974) 59-82; III (!975) 41-66 CChtrR Calendar of Charter Rolls CC1R Calendar of Close Rolls CEJ Calendar of the Plea Rolls of the Exchequer of the Jews CFineR Calendar of Fine Rolls CInqMisc Calendar of Inquisitions Miscellaneous C1R Close Rolls CPR Calendar of Patent Rolls Hill, Med. Line. James W. F. Hill, 'The Jews' in Medieval Lincoln (Cambridge 1948) 217-38 1 Most of the sources referred to in the table are Crown Copyright records in the Public Record Office (PRO), London, and are cited here by kind permission of the Controller of H. M. Stationery Office. 162</page><page sequence="5">Money and the hangman in late-13th-century England HUCA 'Crime and Jews in Late Thirteenth-Century England', Hebrew Union College Annual LV (1984) 95-157 JHS Jewish Historical Studies: Transactions of the Jewish Historical Society of England JHSEM II Rev. Michael Adler, 'An Unpublished Pipe Roll of 1285. Inventory of the Property of the Condemned Jews', Miscellanies of the Jewish Historical Society of England II (1935) 56-71 RH I, RH II Rotuli Hundredorum Temp. Hen. Ill & Edw. I. in Turr' Lond' et in Curia Receptae Scaccarij Westm. Asservati 2 vols (1812-18) SelPl J. M. Rigg (ed.) Select Pleas, Starrs, and Other Records from the Rolls of the Exchequer of the Jews, A.D. 1220-1284 (London 1902) Other Abbreviations Used in the List dtr daughter H Hilary term M Michaelmas term P Easter term s son of T Trinity term 163</page><page sequence="6">Zefira Entin Rokeah List of Jews possibly involved in coinage violations N.B. Jews' names are given in the following table as they appear in the records. The places noted in parentheses are those associated with them in the entries cited, and may be their places of birth, residence or business. Name Money Condemned Forfeit Hanged Gaoled Misc. Aaron (? London) CEJ IV: 149, 172: paid re plate 1275-7 Aaron de Arcubus (Lines.) CChtrR II: 222 1280 Aaron de Eylesbyr' (Aylesbury, Bucks.) JUST1/56, m. 44J: indicted bailed re clipping, 1247 Aaron s Benjamin of Colchester: see Aaron of Ireland Aaron s Benyamin (Cambr.) false plates CEJ III: 277 (at London) 1277 Aaron s Bonenfaunt (Bedford) (BIJS 111:54) BIJS 111:54; C47/9/50 Aaron Boubon (Glos.) BIJS IL77; JHSEM II: 63, 70 Aaron de Caerleon (Exeter) clipping accusation; Adler, Exet., 234 M 1278: paid re respite; E401/91 Aaron Crespin (London) money trespass E101/119/12; E9/36, m. 6d (T 1280); E9/67, m. 1 (M 1283) C47/9/50; CChtrR II: 233; CPR 1280:389 1280 Aaron s Deulecresse (Warws.) E9/37, m. 6 (E9/37, P 1281 164</page><page sequence="7">Money and the hangman in late-13th-century England Name Money Condemned Forfeit Hanged Gaoled Aaron of Dorchester (Exeter) clipping accusation; Adler, Exet., 234n.i; CEJ III: 205-6 Aaron (s Benjamin of Colchester) of Ireland (Bristol, Colchester) SelPl, pp.121, 127: fused plate; fined re release of suit SelPl, p. 120: in Bristol Castle Aaron s Isaac (Bristol) E9/45, m. 4 Aaron s Josce Grubbe (Canterbury) (BIJS 111:46) BIJS III: 46 and n.4 CChtrR II: 212 (1279) C47/9/50; CChtrR II: Aaron s Josce le Jeovene (York) CChtrR II: 222 Aaron de la Rye (Oxford, London) (BIJS III: 41-2) BIJS III: 41; E9/36, m. 9; CChtrR II: 214; C47/9/50 Aaron s Salle (Canterbury) (BIJS III: 45-6) BIJS III: 45-6 (CChtrR II: 212) CChtrR II: 212; (C47/9/50) Aaron s Samme (Bedford) (BIJS III: 53) BIJS III: 53; C47/9/50 Aronet s Sarecote (York) clipping and other trespasses by Jews, Christians; CEJ III: 277-8 CEJ III: 277-8: to I London at cost of York Jews Aaron s Vives (London) not to be molested re any clipping trespass; CPR 1279: 318 165</page><page sequence="8">Zefira Entin Rokeah Name Money Condemned Forfeit Hanged Gaoled Abbe Jordan (York, Lincoln) [? = Jew] as Aronet s Sarecote; plates of clippings for sale as Aronet s Sarecote; m. 6 Abbe son-in-law of Josce (York) as Aronet s Sarecote as Aronet s Sarecote Abigail de North' (Northampton) CEJ IV: 99: acquitted re clipping Abraham s Abraham (Chichester) fused clippings, tools: CEJ III: 119, 124, 209 (inquiry re chattels; CEJ III: 209) (CEJ III: 119) Abraham de Aliman' (of Germany) (PLondon) CEJ IV: 150. 173: fined re money trespass Abraham s Benedict of Winchester (Winchester, London) (BIJS II: 74: his chattels sold) (E9/39, m. 9 - H 1282) Abraham of Berkhamstead clipping and other trespasses pardoned; C1R 1251, p. 418 166</page><page sequence="9">Money and the hangman in late-13th-century England Name Money Condemned Forfeit Hanged Gaoled Abraham s Bonamy of Hereford (Oxford) indicted re clipping, he fined re respite; JUST 1/700, m. iid Abraham s Bonefaunt of Nottingham Abraham of Caerleon (Bristol) E 9/40, m.5 (M 1282) Abraham Chasteleyn (York) as Aronet s Sarecote as Aronet s Sarecote Abraham s Cok s Aaron s Abraham (London) CChtrR II: 246 Abraham of Colchester (Lincoln) E368/20, m. 10: adulterine exchange indictment Abraham Culle (PCaille) (Lincoln) money trespass; abjured Lincoln 7 years: E 9/27, m. gd Abraham s Deulecresse (Norwich) for money and other trespasses; E 159/54? mm. 7, yd (1280-1) I at Tower re money; E101/249 I I/23 67</page><page sequence="10">Zefira Entin Rokeah Name Money Condemned Forfeit Hanged Gaoled Abraham de Dorking' (London) E101/119/12: his chattels concealed Abraham s Master Elias s Master Moses Abraham son-in-law of Genta (York) as Aronet s Sarecote as Aronet s Sarecote Abraham s Hagin de Berkhamsted (? = Abraham of Berkham stead) E 9/38, m. Abraham de la Jelousie (London) CEJ IV: 149, 172 (1275-7) paid in clipped coin, fined Abraham s Josce (Bristol) JUST 1/274, m 14J: one of 8 convicted Jewish clippers (1248) Abraham Levi JHSEM II: 64. 7i 168</page><page sequence="11">Money and the hangman in late-13th-century England Name Money Condemned Forfeit Hanged Gaoled Abraham de London (Lincoln) accused clipper; plates of clippings; JUST 1/486, m. 37^(1281); E 9/28, m. 4 (T 1278) at Dover castle, M 1278; E I 9/29, m. i2d Abraham of Norwich (? = Abraham s Deulecresse) CFineR I: 154; lately hanged Abraham of Norwich (Norfolk) false money in ?1282-3; JUST 1/579, m 64^ (1286) JUST 1/579, m 64^ (in/by 1285-6) Abraham Russel (Wilton) indicted clipper, exchanger; acquitted for fine; CPR 1253, p. 184 Abraham s Salle (Canterbury) (CChtrR II: 212) CChtrR II: 212; C47/9/50 Abraham s ? Simon (?Kent) alleged clipper, exchanger; JUST 1/369, m. 6d Abraham of 'Southampton' (Hampshire) (chattels); JHSEM II: 61, 68 169</page><page sequence="12">Zefira Entin Rokeah Name Money Condemned Forfeit Hanged Gaoled Akechun (PHakechun) s Isaac (Oxfordshire) I JUST 1/710, m. 56 (1285) PAmice, wife of Cresse of Bedford (Bedford) indicted clipper, exchanger; fined for 'peace'; E9/27, m. 11 Antera (widow of Abraham s Vives) wife of Josce s Benedict (York) as Aronet s Sarecote as Aronet s Sarecote Avegaya (Pwife of Jacob s Contessa) (Hampshire) alleged coiner and source of false coins; E9/29, m. i2d Avegaya widow I of Salle (Kent) PE9/37, m. ud\ jfud' dampn'; not clear she is the one meant I Batekin s ? (Oxford) cleared re clipping; JUST 1/700, m. 11 I Bekota (Glos.) RH I: 179: taken and released; possessed clipped money I (RH I: 179) 170</page><page sequence="13">Money and the hangman in late-13th-century England Name Money Condemned Forfeit Hanged Gaoled Belassez wife of [Master] Josce de Alemania (Wallingford; Oxon.) clipping and other trespasses; E9/26, m. 6 Belassez, dtr Salomon, of Wallingford (Lincoln) E372/i33> m. 31 (1287-8) Hill, Med. Line, pp. 234-5 (Lib. Cant., fol. 107, no. 290) Belassez widow Sampson s Sampson (PNorthampton) BIJS I: 31 n. 2 Belecote, mother I of Salle (Hants) BIJS II: 69-70; JHSEM II: 60, 67 E9/38, m. 3 (T 1281) Belya wife of Coppe (Kent) Bela wife of Sauuage (York) as Aronet s Sarecote as Aronet s Sarecote I Belya le Velye (York) as Aronet s Sarecote as Aronet s Sarecote Benedict (alias Benetonus) (Marlborough, Wilts.) JUST 1/1001, m. 36; (CPR 1281, p. 428) 171</page><page sequence="14">Zefira Entin Rokeah Name Money Condemned Forfeit Hanged Gaoled Misc. Benedict (s Abraham) of Winchester (Winchester, York, Bristol) BIJS II: 65-7 E101/119/20; E9/39, m. 4d (H 1282) CChtrR II: 220-2 (1279); JHSEM II: 59-60, 66-7 E352/82; E372/134, mm. 1, 2od; CC1R 1280, p. 36: 'lately hanged'; E9/57, m. 1 (c. 1279); E401/1579 CC1R 1279; p. 519: at Tower re money CFineR I: 144: 1000 marks paid of his concealed goods I Benedict (York) (BIJS I: 42 and BIJS II: 59-60; his widow Sarra fined 10 marks re money trespass) I Benedict de Bed' (PBedford; PLondon) CEJ IV: 149, 172: paid re clipping allegation 1275-7 Benne de I Bedeford (Bedford) [ = brother of Jacob] SelPl, pp. 125-7: fraud re false plates P 1283 Benedict le I Bulur (York) [?=Jew] as Aronet s Sarecote as Aronet s Sarecote P 1277 Benedict de I Cant' (PLondon) CEJ IV: 153. 176: paid re exchanging 1277-8 Benedict de I Celario (Northampton) CPR, 128 P- 463 E9/40B, m. ^d (M 1282) Benedict (Benett) s Cok (s Aaron s Abraham) (London) CEJ IV: 148, 171: paid re exchanging E9/35, m. 7: recently condemned (P 1280) CChtrR II: 246 (1280) CChtrR II: 213 (1279) and C47/9/50 1280 172</page><page sequence="15">Money and the hangman in late-13th-century England Name Money Condemned Forfeit Hanged Gaoled Benedict of Colchester (Stamford) JUST1/1187, m. ibd. See JHS XXXI: 99-101 JUST 1/1187, m. ibd I JUST 1/1187, I m. i6d Benedict Crespin (Wilts.) BIJS II: 79: chattels sold Benedict son-in-law of David (Northampton) BIJS I: 28-9 27 Benedict s Deulecresse s Aaron (London) E9/33, m. 4: clipper E9/33, m. 4: re money Benedict of Dursele (Bristol) as Abraham s Josce (Bristol) Benedict, living at Hailsham (Sussex) clipper, to be exacted and outlawed; JUST 1/912A; m. 38 Benne s Hake le Chauntour (Lincoln) CEJ III: 276-7: accused clipper fled Ben' de Hanl' (Henl') (Oxon.) E 9/42, m. 4J: his goods concealed Ben' s Isaac (Cambridge) CEJ III: 277: false plates I CEJ III: 277 (at I London) 173</page><page sequence="16">Zefira Entin Rokeah Name Money Condemned Forfeit Hanged Gaoled Ben' s Isaac (of Honiton) of Tiikesber' (Tewkesbury; Glos.) E 9/40, m. \d (M 1282) Benedict s Isaac of Warwick (London) E101/119/12 Benedict s Jacob (PLondon) CEJ IV: 148, 171: paid re exchanging Ben' s Josce le Jofne (Jeovene) (York) as Aronet s Sarecote as Aronet s Sarecote Benedict s Licoricia (Winchester) CPR 1280, P- 357: for felony Benedict s Meyr (POxford, PLondon, PNorfolk) I CEJ IV: i5?> 156, 174, 180 I (respite) Benedict Monoth' BIJS II: 74: chattels sold Benedict of Wilton (Exeter) Adler, Exet. 234 n. 1: accused clipper (?I276) E401/91 (M 1278): I paid for respite Benyzun Calboc (Bristol) as Abraham s Josce Bessa wife of Abraham s Abraham (Chichester; Sussex) CEJ III: 119: she, husband and Josce of Oxford accused as clippers at Tower Bessa (Bossa) widow of Vives of Gloucester E370/2/20, m. 12/2^/: 14s for exchanging trespass 174</page><page sequence="17">Money and the hangman in late-13th-century England Name Money Condemned Forfeit Hanged Gaoled Misc. Binchecok Ballard (PLondon) CEJ IV: 149, 171: paid re exchanging 1275-7 Blakeman s Jacob Copin (Exeter) Adler, Exet, pp. 233-4: accused re clipping 1276 Blanche the widow (Stamford) CChtrR II: 225 1280 Blassa, wife of Saulot le Petit (PNorthampton) E9/37, m. 3: plates of clippings, assault P 1281 Bona wife of Diaia s Soleil (Sx.) SelPl, pp. 8-9: alleged loan in clippped coin 1244 Bonamy of Beaudesert (Warwickshire) E9/41, m. 3d and E9/37, m. -jd (H 1283; P 1281) his goods concealed (HenP district) Bonamy s Bonamy of Oxford E9/35, m. 7 P 1280 Bonamy of Caune (Kaune) (Calne, Wilts.; PBristol, Glos.; POxford) E9/25, m. 8: accused clipper, fined (1277); BIJS II: 76; JHSEM II: 62, 69 his chattels sold M 1277 Bonamy le Hare (Glos.) BIJS II: 77 his chattels sold 175</page><page sequence="18">Zefira Entin Rokeah Name Money Condemned Forfeit Hanged Gaoled Misc. Bonamy of Hereford (Herefordshire, Oxfordshire) JUST1/700, m. i2d\ he, son, and Leo de Gazre accused as clippers, fined re respite 1247 Bonamy de Tiiarz (Bristol) as Abraham s Josce Bonamy of York E401/ 1583 (M 1286): fine I re various amerce? ments Boneuye of Newbury (Berks.; PLondon) JUST1/37, m. 29J: clipper 1241 Bone fey (s Lumbard) of Cricklade BIJS III: 55 and 62: 200 marks for grace (fine); E159/55, m. \d\ fined re money (1281-2); E352/74: part of money fine (1280-1) (E9/39, m. \d\ his chattels concealed; H 1282) E9/54, m. 13J: at Tower as concealer of con? demned Jews' chattels and alleged killer; freed (T 1284) CFineR I: 216: to pay 20s a year of money fine (1285) Boneuye (Bonefey) s Vives de Oxon' E101/119/12; E9/39, m. 3 (H 1282) E101/119/ 12; C47/9/50; JUSTi/ 707, m. 25J (1285); CChtrR II: 223 (1280) 176</page><page sequence="19">Money and the hangman in late-13th-century England Name Money Condemned Forfeit Hanged Cherecote (Notts., Derbys.) E372/129; BIJS I: 36-7: fined re money trespass (husband condemned) Cok of Andover (de Andeuere) (Hants) BIJS II: 72-3: his chattels sold after his death JUST1/784, m. 21 (1280-1) Cok s Duceman (Hants) Adler, JME p. 225; E372/130 (1284-5) BIJS II: 74: his chattels sold; JHSEM II: 61, 68 Cok s File (Hereford) C1R 1244, P- 245: accused clipper, counterfeiter Cok Hagin s Cresse (London) CChtrR II: 214: Cok's half of plot is 'surrendered' (1279); C47/9/50 Cok le Lamper (PLondon) CEJ IV: 149, 172: fined re clipping allegation Cok (Kock) Luctor (Lincoln) JUST1/486, m. 37 (T 1281): taken re money JUST 1/486, m. 37: later hanged re money Cok s Salomon le Convers (Norfolk) E9/38, m. 11 (T 1281); indicted re money, fine to be paid by other Jews as he is too poor 177</page><page sequence="20">Zefira Entin Rokeah Name Money Condemned Forfeit Hanged Gaoled Misc. I Cok s Ursell (Worcester) RH II: 282: counterfeiter and clipper Contessa (Cuntessa) Cat (Kat) (PLondon) CEJ IV: 152, 164, i75> 187: exchanging fines 1277-8 Contissa de I Oxon' (Wallingford, Oxon.) E9/26, m. 6: clipping and other trespasses H 1278 Copin (?of Hailsham) (Sx.) JUST 1/912A, m. 38: he, two other Jews = suspected receivers, clippers 1262: itinerant and fugitive; to be outlawed Copin s I Lumbard (Exeter) Adler, Exet., p. 234: he and brother Leo accused as clippers ?i276 Cota (Pwidow of Michael le Eueske) (Hants) BIJS II: 71-2: her chattels sold after her death; PJHSEM II: 61 and n. 3 E9/37, mm. 8, 13 (P 1281) P 1278: paid fine in part I E401/ 1576 Cota wife of I Simon of 'Bruges' (PLondon) BIJS II: 81; BIJS III: 43: fined re grace Cressant de Hauerberg' [PMarket Harborough] (Leics.) E159/65, m. 22d (of 1291, re 1280) Cressaundin the Jew E101/119/ 20: paid re concealed chattels of Jews 178</page><page sequence="21">Money and the hangman in late-13th-century England Name Money Condemned Forfeit Hanged Gaoled Cresse (Bedford) E9/27, m. 11 (p 1278): he and wife indicted as clippers and exchangers, fined for peace (BIJS III: 54) BIJS III: 54 Cresse s Floria (London) BIJS III: 44; BIJS II: 82: fined re grace Cresse (Cressaundin) s Leo (London) E9/35, m. Id: concealed a Jew's chattels E9/35? m. -jd Cresse (s Milo) le Eveske (Bristol) Ei59/57> m. 5d: lately hanged (1283-4) Cresse of York (POxford) E9/37, m. 6d Crispin (Hereford) (E370/2/19) E370/2/19 David of Oxford (Northampton) BIJS I: 27, 29: widow fined re his concealed goods 179</page><page sequence="22">Zefira Entin Rokeah Name Money Condemned Forfeit Hanged Gaoled Misc. I Daykin (Kent) JUST1/369, m. 6d: he and other Jew clipped, coined, and exchanged money 1279 (in house of Simon Hagyn) Deudone Crespyn E401/ 1583: fined re various amerce? ments (M 1286) I Deudone s Isaac (Winchester, Hampshire, London) CChtrR II: 220 (1279) 1279 Deudone of I Winchester (London) (? = Deudone s Isaac) E9/38, m. 3 (T 1281) CChtrR II: 246 (1280); (JHSEM II: 64: his chattels sold) CPR 1280, p. 360; CPR 1280, P- 365: lately hanged (in Winchester); E401/1584 (M 1287) Deulecresse s Bon(en)faunt (Bedford) (BIJS III: 54) C47/9/50; BIJS III: 54 Deulecresse s Bonefey (Nottingham) E9/38, m. 2d T 1281 Deulecresse le Chapeleyn (Exeter) Adler, Exet., P- 234-' accused clipper ?i276 Deulegard of Marlborough (Wilts.) JUSTi/ 998A, m. counterfeiter, to be outlawed 1268 180</page><page sequence="23">Money and the hangman in late-13th-century England Name Money Condemned Forfeit Hanged Gaoled Misc. Deulegard le Orfeure (Glos.) BIJS II: 76: his chattels sold (BIJS II: 76) Deulegard (Winchester, Hants) BIJS II: 73: his chattels sold (BIJS II: 73) Dyaya le Eueske (PLondon) CEJ IV: 148, 171: paid re lead allegation 1275-7 Dyey (Diaia, Dieus) of Hulme (Stamford) E352/69 (1275-6): paid ?100 fine re money trespass E9/38, m. gd (T 1281) CChtrR II: 222, 225 (1280) E9/47, m. 3 (T 1286) CPR 1276, p. 137: re deaths, receiving, and other trespasses Diaia s Soleil (Sx.) , pp. SelPl, 8-9: allegedly had clipped money 1244 Didde son-in law of Bateman (Stamford) CChtrR II: 225 1280 Drabel (York) [? = Jew] as Aronet s Sarecote 1277 Dyabella (Diabella) (Lincoln) ?372/133, m. 31 1287-8 Elekyn (Elebryn, Elias) s Bassa (Bassina) (Northampton, Oxford) JUST1/707, m. 25^ JUST 1/707, m. 2sd 1285 Elias (husband of Henna) Caperyun (London) E9/36, m. 8d: action by widow Henna to recover money for king T 1280</page><page sequence="24">Zefira Entin Rokeah Name Money Condemned Forfeit Hanged Elyas de Baus (Stamford) CChtrR II: 225 Elyas (son-in-law of Aaron de la Rye) s Elyas (London) ?CEJ IV: 148, 171: accused re lead, fined Elyas of Gloucester (Glos.) BIJS II: 78: his chattels sold; JHSEM II: 63, 70 Elias s Isaac Lumbard (Warwick) SelPl, p. 11: convicted clipper Elias s Ister (Northampton) CChtrR II: 261 Elias s Manser (Stamford, Lincoln, York) E9/37, m. 2: taken re money E9/37, m. 2 Elias le Mire (Southwark) CChtrR II: 222 Master Elias s Master Moses (London) CPR 1279, p. 322: pardon re 'trespasses and excesses' re money and clipping Elkyn s Chera (Norwich) E9/29, m. 10: fused plates charge Emma (?Henna) widow of Moses de Ebor' (York, London) Emne (Henna) of Rising BIJS II: 81; BIJS III: 42-3: fined for grace BIJS III: 51 C47/9/50 182</page><page sequence="25">Money and the hangman in late-13th-century England Name Money Condemned Forfeit Hanged Gaoled Misc. Filla (Notts., Derbys.) BIJS I: 36-7: fined re money trespass; E372/129, m. 3d (husband condemned; BIJS I: 36) Floria widow of David of Oxford (Northampton) BIJS I: 27, 29: fined re husband's concealed goods; E363/2, Floria de Grascherche [Gracechurch] (London) E101/119/ 20: paid Jews' chattels and fine re concealment ? = Floria widow of Isaac (s Abraham) of Berk hamstead Fluria of Kingeston (Southwark, Kingston, London) CEJ III: 124-5: sold plate of clippings; long a clipper; CEJ III: 292: fined re clipping 'infamy' CEJ III: 125: re refusing mixed jury re money 1276 1277 Floria de Petresfeud (Petersfield) (Wilts.) BIJS II: 79: her chattels sold (BIJS II: 79) Floria de la Selereye (Norwich) BIJS III: 50 and n. 2 (C47/9/50) C47/9/50 Fluracote widow of Leo (York) CChtrR II: 232 1280 183</page><page sequence="26">Zefira Entin Rokeah Name Money Condemned Forfeit Hanged Gaoled Misc. Gamaliel of I Oxford (London, etc.) C1R 1251, p. 418: general pardon re trespasses, including clipping; E101/119/ 20: various Christians paid part of his fine re condemned Jews' concealed goods (C1R 1251 p. 418) 1251 1283 I Genta (York) as Aronet s Sarecote as Aronet s Sarecote 1277 Genta (widow of Dyey s Deulecresse) of Gloucester (Norwich) (E9/37, m. 2: debt acquitted when she had free adminis? tration of it) P 1281 Genta (Pwidow of Isaac) of Buckingham BIJS I: 28: owes money re husband's wool sold; E352/74 (1280-1); E370/2/20 (husband hanged: BIJS I: 28) Genta wife of Isaac of Calne (de Kaune) (Oxford) JUST1/705, m. 26: she and Isaac = indicted clippers, to be outlawed 1285 (E9/45? m. 7: she and son in trespass case; M 1284) 184</page><page sequence="27">Money and the hangman in late-13th-century England Name Money Condemned Forfeit Gaoled Genta I PPickethen ((Lincoln) [? = Jewess] Hagin s I Benedict (Lincoln) Hagin of I Gloucester (Hereford) Hagin s Hagin of Canterbury (Kent, Sx.) JUST 1/921, m. gd (re outlawry and escape? re clipping?)2 I JUST 1/921, m. gd: re clipping (1279) Hagin son-in-law of Mich' (Bristol) as Abraham s Josce 2 Stephen de Pencestre ordered his hanging, according to JUST 1/921, m. gd, a Sussex eyre roll of 1279. He does not seem to have been one of the eyre judges (see David Crook, Records of the General Eyre [London 1982] 157-8), although he was commissioned on other occasions as a judge (see e.g. CPR 1276, p. 178 - re felonious vagabonds in Kent, Sussex, and Surrey). He served as one of the coinage judges (CPR 1279, pp. 297, 312, 338), in Sussex and elsewhere (ibid. 338). It seems likely that he sentenced Hagin to death in his capacity as a coinage judge. 185</page><page sequence="28">Zefira Entin Rokeah Name Money Condemned Forfeit Hanged Gaoled Hagin (Winchester, Hants) BIJS II: 73: his chattels sold (BIJS II: 73) Haginet (London) CEJ HI: 205: taken with clipped CEJ III: 205: at Tower Hake (Rochester, Kent) CJUST1/36Q, m. 38: chattels) JUSTi/ 369, m. 38* Hake s Abraham (s PHabia or Habrae) (Lincoln) JUST1/486, m. 37: clipper JUST1/486 m. 37: re clipping Hake s Bessa (Norwich) C47/9/50 (Pdue to flight) Hake le Bio (Norwich) CEJ III: 264: fined re clipping 'infamy'; E9/29, m. 10: plate seized Hake de Danecastr' (Yorks.) Hake de Dorking (Bristol) 3 The pledges and chattels of Hake and Salle, dead Jews, are noted under the rubric: 'chattels of hanged Jews'; we cannot be sure that they died by hanging. 186</page><page sequence="29">Money and the hangman in late-13th-century England Name Money Condemned Forfeit Hanged Gaoled Hake s Duce of Patripol (York) as Aronet s Sarecote as Aronet s Sarecote Hake s Elias Episcopus (London) Hake s Horess' (? = Besse) (Norwich) BIJS III: 50 and n. 1 C47/9/50 Hake s Meyrot (Bristol) CEJ III: 196 and SelPl, pp. 91-2: false and silver plates Hake Poleyn (PLondon) CEJ IV: 153, 176: fined for selling plate Hake Poteman (PLondon) CEJ IV: 149, 172: paid re plate suspicion Hake le Prestre (Bristol) BIJS II: 77 and n. 1: chattels sold; JHSEM II: 62-3, 69-70 E372/i33; E352/82 Hake s Rose (London) E101/119/12 Hake s Sarra de London (Northampton) BIJS I: 27, 29: fine re father's (Isaac's) concealed chattels Hake de la Selerie: see Isaak (Hak') de la Selerie 187</page><page sequence="30">Zefira Entin Rokeah Name Money Condemned Forfeit Hanged Gaoled Hanne (Henna) (Hants) BIJS II: 67-9: her chattels and pledges post death Henna (Hanna) dtr Belecote (Hants) BIJS II: 72: chattels sold, and pledges redeemed post death; JHSEM II: 61, 68 Henna widow of Jahu (Jehu) (London) E9/27, m. gd: concealed Jehu's chattels E9/27, m. gd: till 9 marks of chattels paid Henna widow of Moses de Ebor' (York) Henna de Perine JHSEM II: 60, 67: her chattels sold (JHSEM II: 60, 67) Henna the Widow (Notts., Derbys.) [? = widow of Vives s Jo?; see E9/40B, m. 3, of M 1282] BIJS I: 35, 36: fined ?37 6s 8d re money Isaac s Aaron CC1R 1282, p. 150 CC1R 1282, p. 150: hanged re money trespass 188</page><page sequence="31">Money and the hangman in late-13th-century England Name Money Condemned Forfeit Hanged Gaoled Isaac s Aaron (Som., Do.) E9/42, m. 2 Isaac (s Abraham) of Berkhamstead (London, Northampton) CPR 1278, p. 287: indicted re clipped coin E9/34, m. gd (H 1280); E9/36, m. 8 (T 1280) (E9/34, m. gd); CChtrR II: 232 (1280) I CEJ IV: 160, 184: I respite 1 fine Isaac father of Akechun (Oxford) JUSTi/ 705, m. 26 Isaac Babelard (PLondon) CEJ IV: H9, 173: suspected clipper, fined Isaac s Benedict (Kent) E9/37, m. 10 (E9/37, m. 10) Isaac s Benedict de London (Norwich) CPR 1280: p. 411: money trespass E9/37, m. 13 (P 1281) CPR 1280, p. 411 (re money) E9/37, m. 2: re money (P 1281) Isaac s Bonefey (York) E9/26, m. 2 (H 1278): fined for payment in clipped coin Isaac of Buckingham (Northampton) E9/42, m. Sd; E9/43, mm. 3, 3d, 4d; E9/54, (BIJS I: 28 wool sold) BIJS I: 28 Isaac de Caune (de Kaune) (Calne, Wilts.) JUST1/705, m. 26: he, wife Genta, indicted clippers, outlawed; C260/3, m. 44: acquitted re money (1278-9) (JHSEM II: 63, 70: his chattels sold) I CC1R 1290, p. 87: re forest trespass Isaac of Carleon (Bristol) as Abraham s Josce 189</page><page sequence="32">Zefira Entin Rokeah Name Money Condemned Forfeit Hanged Gaoled Isaac de Celario (Northampton) (apparently not re money) E9/38, m. 2 (T 1281) Isaac le Chapeleyn (Gloucester) E9/40, m. 5 Isaac de Danecaster (Doncaster) (Yorks.) Isaac Ericun (Exeter) Adler, Exet, p. 234 n. 1: clipping accusation Isaac (s Rose) le Eueske (York) as Aronet s Sarecote as Aronet s Sarecote Isaac Hariprud (Horiprud) ( = Isaac of Marlborough) (Gloucester) BIJS II: 78: his chattels sold Isaac (Hak') s Isaac de Pulet (Oxford, London) E101/119/12 {c. 1284): fined re concealed chattels of condemned Jews PCChtrR II: 221 (1279) [cf. Isaac de Pulet Chernun] |CPR 1286, pp. 258, 259: re killing; JUST3/ 36/1, m. acquitted Isaac of Ivelchester (Som., Do.) E9/37, m. 13d Isaac s Josce (War., Northants.) E9/36, m. 9 (T 1280) E9/27, m. gd (P 1278): re money; E9/39, m. 2d (H 1282) (E9/37, m. Sd) (P 1281) 190</page><page sequence="33">Money and the hangman in late-13th-century England Name Money Condemned Forfeit Hanged Isaac s Josce of Yarmouth (Norwich; Norf.) BIJS III: 47, 49: fined 100 marks re respite Isaac of Kent (Glos.) BIJS II: 77: his chattels sold (BIJS II: 77) Isaac of Lincoln (Northampton) CEJ IV: 99: acquitted re clipping Isaac of London (Northampton) (BIJS I: 30-1: debt owed Isaac) E9/36, m. Sd: re money (T 1280) Isaac le Lung (Worcester) RH II: 282: counterfeiter and clipper Isaac (Hake, Hakin) s Manasser (Worcester) E159/45, m. 2: re alleged fine re illegal exchange Isaac s Moses (Oxford) Isaac s Moses (York) as Aronet s Sarecote Isaac Motun (Stamford, Lines.) CChtrR: II: 225 Isaac of Northampton (BIJS I: 27, 28: fine re seizure of Jewish widow's goods) 191</page><page sequence="34">Zefira Entin Rokeah Name Money Condemned Forfeit Hanged Gaoled Master Isaac of Oxford (POxford, London) Isaac of Provins (Lincoln) E9/37, m. jd: false plates of condemned Jews' chattels; fined Isaac de Pulet Chernun (Oxford) PCChtrR II: 221 (cf. Isaac s Isaac de Pulet) Isaac (Hak') de la Selerie s Moses (Norwich) CEJ III: 264: fined re clipping 'infamy' (P 1277) E9/38, m. II: re money trespass (T 1281) Isaac of Stamford (York) as Aronet s Sarecote as Aronet s Sarecote Isaac de Thrapeton' (Northampton) E9/40, m. \d (his chattels) (E9/40, m. 4d) Isaac s - TikehilT (Tickhill, Yorks.) ?de E352/52: fined re exchanging Isaac (?s Ursell) of Doncaster (Yorks.) Isaac s Vives (Northampton) CChtrR II: 255 192</page><page sequence="35">Money and the hangman in late-13th-century England Name Money Condemned Forfeit Hanged Gaoled Isaac (?s Manser) of Warwick (London) CEJ IV: 148, 171 (1275-7): paid re lead allegation BIJS III: 42 and n. 1; CChtrR II: 215, 246; C47/9/50 Ives (Ivo) s Abraham of Stamford (Northampton) JUSTi/6i4B| m. 38: indicted re clipping Jacob (Exeter) JUST1/181 m. 9 (1281-2) Jacob s4 of Abraham of London (Lincoln) E9/28, m. 4: plates of fused clippings; E9/29, m. \2d Jacob of Bedford (Bedford; War., Leics.) [cf. Jacob s Pictavin of Bedford, below] SelPl, pp. 125-7: fraud re false plates (P a*); E101/119/12: paid re plates SelPl, pp. 125-7: re I fraud; C255/18, m. 5B: take him into custody P1282) Jacob (Jake) s Bonamy (London) CEJ III: 291: acquitted re clipped money near his house Jacob s Contessa (Hampshire) E9/29, m. i2d\ alleged clippers and coiners E9/28 refers to him as Jacob, his [Abraham's] son; E9/29 as Joe' his brother. 193</page><page sequence="36">Zefira Entin Rokeah Name Money Condemned Forfeit Hanged Gaoled I Jacob Copyn (Exeter) E9/40, m. Sd (M 1282) E9/40, m. 5d JUST1/181, m. 9 (escheat) E9/40, m. Sd; CC1R 1284, p. 278; JUST1/181J mm. 9, 38^ (1281-2) Jacob of I Coutances (?Sx.) SelPl, p. 9: alleged clipper and inculpator of Jew I Jacob Crespin (Glos.) BIJS II: 78: his chattels sold (BIJS II: 78) Jacob de I Dunemawe (Dunmow; PLondon) CEJ IV: 152, 175: fined re clipped money I Jacob s Jacob (Hereford) E9/40, m. \d E9/40, m. \d Jacob of Marlborough (Wilts.) E9/49, m. 5 ( = CEJ III: 102-3): Jew's alleged victim, clipping entrapment Jacob s Peytevin (Pictavin) (Bedford) [cf. Jacob of Bedford above] CPR 1285, p. 183 (in error); CFineR I: 218 (1285) E372/131, m. 5*/; CPR 1285, P. 183; E101/249/ 27, m. 21: for felony I Jacob Sabelyn (York) E401/1584 (M 1287); E401/1585 (P 1288) E401/1583 (M 1286) 194</page><page sequence="37">Money and the hangman in late-13th-century England Name Money Condemned Forfeit Hanged Gaoled Jacob s Samuel CC1R 1290, P. 85: clipper CC1R 1290, p. 85: for clipping Jacob of Shafton (Wilton; Som., Do.) E9/37, m. 8 (P 1281); E9/39, m. 4 (H 1282); his chattels (E9/37, m. 8) Jacob de Wycumbe (Oxon.) Jaew (Jahu) (London) CEJ IV: 148, 171: fined re going to law re clipping (1275-7) E9/27, m. gd (p 1278); E9/35, m. jd (P 1280) E9/27, m. gd: for money trespass Jeremiah (Jurimio) s Isaac (Exeter) CEJ III: 205-6: clipping accusation Joppe de Merleberge (Marlborough; PLondon) CEJ IV: i50> i53> 174, 176: fined re clipped coin, exchanging Jornin s Abraham Sakerel BIJS III: 63 and n. 1 Jornin s Dyaya (Dieya) E368/20, m. 10: adulterine exchange indictment 195</page><page sequence="38">Zefira Entin Rokeah Name Money Condemned Forfeit Hanged Gaoled Jornin (Jurnin) of Kent (Canterbury; PSurrey) [Master] Josce de Allemania (Wallingford, Oxon.) E9/26, m. 6: clipping and other trespasses Josce of Aylesbury (Bucks.) JUST1/56, m. 44^: indicted and bailed re clipping Josce Batecok (Bedford) SelPl, pp. 125-7: fraud re false plates (p 1283); E101/119/12: false plates (1284) I SelPl, p. 125 Josce of Bedford E101/119/ 12: re his concealed chattels Josce s Benedict (Josce Bundy) (Oxon.; Ess.) SelPl, p. 95: receiver and clipper; inculpator of Jew re clipping; CEJ IV: 126 clipping and other trespasses SelPl, p. 96: as renegade Jew Josce s Ben[edict] of Tickhill (Norf.; Yorks.) as Aronet s Sarecote, P 1277; E9/37, m. jd (P 1281) E9/37, m. i3d (P 1281) E9/37, m. -jd: re money trespass; CFineR I: 154 (1281) as Aronet s Sarecote 196</page><page sequence="39">Money and the hangman in late-13th-century England Nan Money Condemned Forfeit Hanged Gaoled Josce son-in-law of Bonamy (Bristol) as Abraham s Josce Josce of I Caerleon (Bristol; PDevon) E9/42, m. %d\ false plates, chattels (E9/42, m. I Josce le Caleys (Hampshire) JHSEM: II: 68: his chattels unsold (JHSEM: II: 68) (JHSEM: II: 68) Josce of Canterbury (PLondon) CEJ IV: 149, 172: fined re clippings in house; CEJ IV: 150, 173: fined re money trespass Josce Caton (Tacun) (PLondon) CEJ IV: 153? l66> 176, 190: paid re exchanging and a (clipped) I CEJ IV: 166, 190: paid re respite Josce s Cresse (Kent) (E9/37, m. IJosce s Isaac (Norwich) E9/36, m. gd: acquitted re tin plates I Josce le Jeovene (York) (ChtrR II: 222; CPR, 1281, p. 462) PCChtrR II: 222 Josce s Master (Magister) (Stamford) E9/38, m. E9/38, m. 11: re clipping 197</page><page sequence="40">Zefira Entin Rokeah Name Money Condemned Forfeit Hanged Josce of Marlborough (London; Hampshire) BIJS II: 82; III: 44-5: re fine for grace Josce of Oxford (Chichester; London; Surrey) CEJ III: 119, 124, 209: clipper (CEJ III: 209) Josce s Salle (Canterbury) E9/37, m. (P 1281) C47/9/50; BIJS III: 45-6 CChtrR II: 212 (1279) Josce s Salle (London) CEJ III: 290-1: acquitted re clippings in house Josce de Scola (Northampton) BIJS I: 27, 29: fined to avoid trial Josce de Waleis (Hampshire) BIJS II: 73: chattels, acquitted pledges Jospin s Salomon of Marlborough5 (Wilts.) (JUSTi/ 1001, m. 36) Jowa daughter of Margalicia (London) Joya daughter of Genta PPickethen (Lincoln) BIJS II: 81; III: 44: fined for grace 5 The Jews of Marlborough and of her other dower towns (Gloucester, Worcester and Cambridge) were expelled at the queen mother's request in 1275 (see CPR 1275, p. 76 and Select Pleas, p. 85). The granting of Marlborough Jews' houses may relate to this rather than to forfeits. 198</page><page sequence="41">Money and the hangman in late-13th-century England Name Money Condemned Forfeit Hanged Gaoled Misc. |Juda(h) de Acre (Glos.) BIJS II: 76: his chattels sold Judea the I Widow6 (Notts., Derbys.) E372/129, m. 3d: 6s fine re money trespass if. 1283) I Leo (York) CChtrR II: 232: = widow's forfeit 1280 Leo s Duce (of Patripol) (York) as Aronet s Sarecote as Aronet s Sarecote P 1277 Leonius de I Gazre (Oxford) JUST1/700, m. iid: indicted clipper, fined re respite 1247 I Leo s Lumbard (Exeter) Adler, Exet., P- 234: alleged clipper ?i276 I Leo le Mire (Glos.) BIJS II: 77: his chattels sold; JHSEM II: ?3> 70 I Leo le Prestre (York) as Aronet s Sarecote as Aronet s Sarecote P 1277 I Leo of Warwick [?son-in-law of Isaac of Warwick] (War., Leics.) CEJ IV: 148, 171: paid re lead allegation (1275-7) E9/39, m. 3d (E9/39, m. 3d) H 1282 6 Literally, the Jewish widow (Judea vidua); not necessarily a name. Another entry on the same membrane reads: Judea Vidua Filla of [sic, for and] Cherecote, Jewesses and wives of condemned Jews, [owe] 20s of fine. Filla and Cherecote appear elsewhere, separately; Judea thus seems to be an additional Jewish widow, wife of a condemned Jew. 199</page><page sequence="42">Zefira Entin Rokeah Name Money Condemned Forfeit Hanged Gaoled Misc. Lumbard husband of Antera dtr of Aaron of York (York) (CC1R 1280, p. 28) CC1R 1280, p. 28: re money trespass Lumbard s Benedict of Winchester (Hants) (PJUSTi/ 784, m. 33) (PJUSTi/ 784, m. 33) 1280-1 Lumbard of I Cricklade (Oxford; Wilts.) C1R 1250, pp. 298-9: clipping fine; E159/50, m. 22: fine re exchanging C1R 1250, pp. 298-9: re clipping 1250 1276 Lumbard of I Devizes (Wilts.) JHSEM II: 61, 68: chattels sold Lumbard s I Licoricia (Winchester; Hants) E101/603/6, m. iid\ owes re exchange trespass list of debts in Hampshire I 1267-8 I account Lumbard s I Lumbard (Marlborough; Wilts.) BIJS II: 79: his chattels sold (PJUSTi/ 1001, m. 36 [1281]; PCPR 1281, p. 429) Lumbard de I Pertresfeld (Marlborough; Wilts.) (PCPR 1281, p. 429) Lumbard s Salomon of Marlborough (Wilts.) (PJUSTi/ iooi, m. 36; CPR 1281, p. 428) 1281 Lumbard s Saniary (Glos.) BIJS II: 77: his chattels sold BIJS II: 77 200</page><page sequence="43">Money and the hangman in late-13th-century England Name Money Condemned Forfeit Hanged Gaoled Lumbard of Windsor (Berks.) E9/32, m. $d: faced clipping charge at (natural) death Lyum (? = le Levere (Worcester) Leo) RH II: 282: counterfeiter and clipper Magge le Ble (le Bio) (Norwich) C47/9/50; BIJS III: (48),5i Mannyng de Holm (Holme; Stamford) CChtrR II: 246 (1280) Manser s Aaron s Abraham (London) CPR 1278, p. 285: plot to inculpate him re clipping; CEJ IV: 148, 171: paid re exchanging (1275-7) I CPR 1278, p. 285: re alleged clipping; CC1R 1278, p. 1437 Manser s Benedict (Lines.) CChtrR II: 222 Manser s David (Rudand) E9/38, m. 11 Manser s David of Stamford (Northampton) CChtrR II: 233 Manser s Elias (PRutland) E9/37, m. 13^ Manser (Maunsel) s Jacob of Brauncegate (Lincoln) BIJS I: 38, 40: fine (Pre money trespass) 201</page><page sequence="44">Zefira Entin Rokeah Name Money Condemned Forfeit Hanged Gaoled Manser s Josce (Manasser s Jossy) (Worcester) RH II: 282: counterfeiter and clipper Manser s Ursell I of York (Norwich) E9/37, m. 10 (P 1281) C47/9/50; BIJS III: 49-50 C47/9/50; BIJS III: 49-50 Mariota (Miriana, Mariana) the widow (Notts., Derbys.) BIJS I: 35-6: fined re money trespass Marona the I widow (Northampton) BIJS I: 27, (28), 30: she and daughter concealed husband's chattels; E370/2/20, m. 13-3^: fine I Meyr (Norwich) E372/132, m. 6 (1286-7) JUSTi/ 579, m. 71^(1286); E372/132, m. 6 Meyr de Bruges [PBridgnorth; PBridgwater] (Salop.; Oxford) CEJ II: 101 (M 1273): clipping, 'enormous trespasses and larcenies' CEJ II: 101 (1273) Meyr(ot) s Jacob (Pnephew of Belleassez) (London) E9/36, m. 8i (T 1280): fined re concealment of chattels of Jew E9/27, m. gd (P 1278): all chattels = forfeit re concealment re other Jew E9/27, m. gd: re conceal? ment 202</page><page sequence="45">Money and the hangman in late-13th-century England Name Money Condemned Forfeit Hanged Gaoled Meyr de Kyrketon' (Yorks.) E9/26, mm. 2, 3: fined for paying clipped coin (H 1278) Meyrot son-in-law of Duce of Patripol (York) as Aronet s Sarecote as Aronet s Sarecote Mendand' (Mendaunt) (Bristol; Glos.) BIJS II: 74-6: his chattels and money; JHSEM II: 62, 69 BIJS II: 74-6 (Pre coinage/ Pas convert) (PAdler, JME, pp. 223-4: re coinage) Mendant le I Traffur (PLondon) CEJ IV: 152, 176: exchanging fine I CEJ IV: 151, 160, 165, 174, 184, 188 Michael Episcopus (Bristol) as Abraham s Josce Michael le I Eveske (Winchester, Hampshire) E9/37, mm. 8, 13: his widow Cota noted; unclear which of them was condemned I Milo le Carte (Norwich) BIJS III: 47, 49: fined for grace I Milo s Milo (York) E9/37, m. 7 Mirabilia daughter of Marona the widow (Northampton) BIJS I: 27, 30: she and mother fined re father's concealed chattels 203</page><page sequence="46">Zefira Entin Rokeah Name Money Condemned Forfeit Hanged Mocke (Winchester, Hampshire) BIJS II: 73: his chattels sold BIJS II: 73 Molle brother of Isaac (Hak') de la Selerye (Norwich) CEJ III: 264: fined re clipping 'infamy' Moses the Jew (Sussex) JUST1/915, m. 3: refused exchange offers; Ptook clipped coin with bailiff Moses (Warwick) [cf. Mossekinus s Leo] E9/40B, m. 4 (M 1282) CChtrR II: 222 Moses s Aaron (Canterbury) E9/37, m. i$d (P 1281) Moses s (Master) Aaron (Winchester; Hampshire) E9/37, m. i6d; E9/38, m. id Moses s Avegaye (Northampton) E9/36, m. 8: re his fabrics E9/36, m. 8 because of money trespass Moses of Bedford (Canterbury) BIJS III: 45-6 CChtrR II: 212 (1279) CChtrR II: 212; C47/9/50 Moses s Belaset (Northampton) BIJS I: 29: his widow fined re concealing his chattels Moses s Bonefey (Hereford) E9/40, m. 204</page><page sequence="47">Money and the hangman in late-13th-century England Name Money Condemned Forfeit Hanged Moses s Bonefey (York) SelPl, p. 128 (1283) SelPl, p. 128: for money trespass I Moses s Bonefey (Worcester; Oxford) E9/43,m. 3 (T 1283): clipper E9/43 m. 3: as money clipper Moses le Chapeleyn (Northampton) BIJS I: 27, 30: his widow fined re his concealed chattels Moses s brother of le Chapeleyn (Norwich) E9/54, m. 4 (T 1284): alleged fraud re lead for silver I Moses of Clare (Suffolk) BIJS II: 81; III: 43-4: fined for grace I Moses of Colton (York) as Aronet s Sarecote Moses of I Devizes (Wiltshire) BIJS II: 79, (81; III: 43): his chattels; JHSEM II: 61, 68 E9/39, mm. 4* 9 (H 1282) (E9/39, m. 9) I CFineR I: 148 (1281): I hanged of late 205</page><page sequence="48">Zefira Entin Rokeah Name Money Condemned Forfeit Hanged Gaoled Moses de Doggestrete ('de Hocstrete') (London; Kent; Sx.) JUST1/915 m. 32 (1279): indicted at Tower re money; BIJS II: 81; III: 44: fined for grace E9/37, mm. gd, 16, i8d (P 1281): re money; BIJS II: 81-2, n. 6; JUST1/921, m. 1 (1279): chattels SelPl, I PP 115-16 (T 1281): re usury (Moses and wife Bona) Moses s (H)agin CC1R 1281, p. 86: fine re money trespass Moses (Mossy) son-in-law of Isaac le Lung (Worcester) RH II: 282: counterfeiter and clipper Moses s Jacob (Norwich) E9/36, m. gd: he and Josce s Isaac acquitted re tin plates and suspicion re clipping Moses s 'Jew' (iudei) (PCanterbury) E9/39, m. 4 Moses s Josce (York) as Aronet s Sarecote as Aronet s Sarecote Moses of Kent (Bristol; Glos.) BIJS II: 77 and n. 5: chattels sold E352/82 (1288-9); E101/249/ 27, m. 12 Moses of Kent (Wiltshire) (BIJS II: 78) BIJS II: 78: his chattels sold Moses de Lane' [?for de Kane'] (Glos.) E9/40, m. 5 (E9/40, m. 5: chattels) 206</page><page sequence="49">Money and the hangman in late-13th-century England Name Money Condemned Forfeit Hanged Gaoled Mosse(kinus) s I Leo (Warwick) E9/37, m. 6 (P 1281); C255/18, m. 5A; SelPl, p. 122 (M 1282) E9/36, m. 6 (T 1280); E9/37, m. 16 (P 1281): his chattels; C255/18, mm. 5, 5J; CChtrR II: 222 (1280) E9/36, m. 8 (T 1280): re money trespass; SelPl, pp. 122-4: re clipping; C255/18, mm. 5, sd: re clipping Moses Levy (Levi) (Glos.; London) JHSEM II: 62, 69; BIJS II: 76: chattels sold C47/9/50; CChtrR II: 215 (1279) Moses s Moses I of Clare (Lincoln) (CPR 1281, p. 452: his detained chattels) Moses s Salomon of Marlborough (Marlborough, Wilts.; Som.) E9/37, m. 10 (P 1281) Moses de Sancto Licio [Senlis] (York) as Aronet s Sarecote as Aronet s Sarecote Moses of Winchester JHSEM II: 64: his chattels sold (JHSEM II: 64) I Moses of York (York; PLondon) (BIJS II: 81; III: 42-3: widow fined for grace) I Motta of Oxford (Oxford) E101/119/ 12 (c. 1283) (E101/119/ 12: chattels) JUSTi/ 707, m. 3d (1285): at London 207</page><page sequence="50">Zefira Entin Rokeah Name Money Condemned Forfeit Hanged Mulecok's Flor' (Norf.) E9/29, m. 10: fused plates Murian the widow (York) [? = MurielT widow of Jacob Cokerell; E9/40B, m. $d (M 1282)] CChtrR II: 231 Pastrella widow of Moses of Devizes (London, Mx) BIJS II: 79 and n. 1, 81; HI: 43: fined for grace, owed silver pieces Pictavin (Notts., Derbys.) [? = Pictavin s Isaac] BIJS I: 34-5 and n. 1: fined re money trespass Pictavin s Aaron of Worcester (Oxford) E9/42, m. 6d: sold false plates Pictavin s Briton [Brecon] (Stamford; Lincoln) E9/41, m. 2 Pictavin s Floria of Northampton (London, Mx) E352/74: fined for grace before money justices (1280-1) Pictavin s Isaac (Notts., Derbys.) (cf. Pictavin) E9/28, m. ud (T 1278): had clipped coin 208</page><page sequence="51">Money and the hangman in late-13th-century England Name Money Condemned Forfeit Hanged Gaoled Rosa widow of Josce Batecok' (London) BIJS II: 81; HI: 43: fined for grace Sabina the Jewess (York) as Aronet s Sarecote as Aronet s Sarecote Sakerel of Berkhamstead (PLondon) CEJ IV: 153, 176: plate-selling allegation Salomon (Salle) (Rochester, Kent) see Hake (Rochester, Kent) and n. 3 above Salomon (Sussex) E9/39, m. 4 Salomon s Belecote (Winchester; Hants) E9/38, m. 3 (T 1281); E9/34, m. 3d E9/38, m. 3 (E9/38, m. 3); BIJS II: 70-1: chattels sold; JHSEM II: 60-1, 67 E9/39, m. 4: for money Salomon de Bungeye (Norwich) E9/54, m. 4: alleged fraud re lead, silver pledge re loan Salle (Salomon) Bunting s Sam' (London) E9/36, m. 6 (T 1280) Salomon (Salem') of Chippenham (Wilts.) JUST1/1001 m. 16: taken, hanged re clipping BIJS II: 79: his chattels sold; JHSEM II: 61-2, 68-9 JUSTi/ 1001, m. 16: re clipping 209</page><page sequence="52">Zefira Entin Rokeah Name Money Condemned Forfeit Hanged Gaoled Salle Goseballe (Norwich) C47/9/50; BIJS III: 49 Salomon de Hamerstayn (Glos.) BIJS II: 77; JHSEM II: 63-4, 70: his chattels sold (BIJS II: 77; JHSEM II: 63-4> 70) Salle s Hamon (York) as Aronet s Sarecote as Aronet s Sarecote Salle de Hamptone (Wilts.; Hants; Winchester) [? - Salle s Salomon] E9/28, m. lod (T 1278): accused coiner; PE9/27, m. 11//(P 1278)] BIJS II: 78 and n. 2: his chattels sold Salomon of Holme (Holim) (York) as Aronet s Sarecote as Aronet s Sarecote Salle Horiprut (Glos.) BIJS II: 76; JHSEM II: 62, 69 Salomon s Jacob of Alcester (War.) E9/37, m. 6 Salomon s Jornin (Norwich) Salomon s Josce of Marlborough (Wilts.) E9/37, m. 13 (P 1281) 210</page><page sequence="53">Money and the hangman in late-13th-century England Name Money Condemned Forfeit Hanged Gaoled Salle of Marlborough (Oxon.) Salle Poleyn (Kent) E9/38, m. Sd: chattels Salomon s Salomon (Exeter) Adler, Exet., P- 234: accused clipper Salle (Salomon) s Salle (Salomon) of Hampshire (Winchester, Hants) [? = Salle de Hamptone] E9/37, mm. 8, 13: his chattels sought (E9/37, m. 8) E9/37, m. 8: re money trespass Salekin s Salekin (Marlborough, Wilts.) E9/49, m. 5; CEJ III: 102-3 (H 1276): alleged inculpation of Jew re clipping in time of Henry III Salomon (s Salomon) de Beverlee (Hants) E9/37, m. 16 Salemon (Salemin) de Stafford' (Staunford, Stamford) (Canterbury, Kent) E9/38, m. 3d BIJS III: 45-6 and n. 3, E9/37, m. 1d (P 1281) CChtrR II: 212 (1279) E9/38, m. 3d: for clipping; C47/9/50 Salle of Wilton (PBristol; Wilton) (JHSEM II: 61, 68) JHSEM II: 61, 68: his chattels 211</page><page sequence="54">Zefira Entin Rokeah Name Money Condemned Forfeit Hanged Gaoled Misc. Salomon of Winchester (Winchester, Hants) E9/36, m. 5 (T 1280): clipper E9/27, m. 9 (P 1278); E9/36, m. 5: re clipping E9/27, m. 9: his widow Sara Sam' Levy (PLondon) CEJ IV: 150, 173: fined re (clipped) money 1275-7 Sampson (?Sx.) JUST1/915, m. 8: clipper 1279 Sampsekin s Belya (Bristol) as Abraham s Josce Sampson s Duceman (Hants) (BIJS II: 74) BIJS II: 74: his chattels sold Sampson Giffard (PLondon) CEJ IV: 150, 173 ?' paid re money trespass 1277-8 Sampson s Master (Magister) (Stamford) CChtrR II: 226 1280 Sampson le Mire (PLondon) CEJ IV: 150, 173 bis: fined re plate (CEJ IV: 150, 173: his plate sold) CEJ IV: 150, 173: died in prison 1275-7 Sampson s Sampson (Northampton) BIJS I: 31 and n. 2 (debt owed him); (E9/40B, m. 6 [M 1282]: same debt) E9/37, m. 8 (P 1281); ?9/38, m. 8 (T 1281): his chattels sought CChtrR II: 231 (1280) E9/37, m. 8; E9/38, m. 8: widow Belasez 212</page><page sequence="55">Money and the hangman in late-13th-century England Name Money Condemned Forfeit Hanged Gaoled Misc. Samuel (York; PLondon) E352/69 (1275-6): fined 50 marks re money trespass; CEJ IV: 148, 149, 171-2: exchanging; plate E9/36, m. 6d: 3 bezants of | trespass fine (T 1280) Samuel s Aaron (London) ?CEJ III: 93: clipped money noted in his entry 1276 Samuel s Abraham (Lincoln) E368/20, m. 10: adulterine exchange indictment 1248 Samuel Godfrey (PLondon) [?=Jew] CEJ IV: i5?> !52> 173, 176: fines re exchanging 1275-8 Samuel son-in-law of PLenn' (Lincoln) E368/20, m. 10: adulterine exchange indictment 1248 Samuel s Manser (Lincoln) E9/37, m. 16 P 1281 Samuel s Maunsell CFineR I: 131 (1280): clipper; gaoled and banished CFineR I: 131: at Tower re clipping, refusing jury CFineR I: 131: may fine to return (other Jews paid) I Samuel s Meyra (Stamford) CChtrR II: 222 1280 213</page><page sequence="56">Zefira Entin Rokeah Name Money Condemned Forfeit Hanged Sam's Milo E9/27, m. 11: exchanging and clipping; fined Samuel s Moses de Pauely (Nottingham) E9/38, m. 2d Sarra widow of Benedict (York) BIJS I: 42 and n. 1; II: 59: fined re money trespass Sarra widow of Isaac de London' (London) [cf. Sarra de London] E101/119/ 20: paid fine re concealing condemned Jews' chattels Sarra widow of Moses s Belaset (Northampton) BIJS I: 29: fined for concealing Moses's chattels Sarra widow of Moses le Chapeleyn (Northampton) BIJS I: 30, 27: fined re concealing husband's chattels Sarra de London (Northampton) BIJS I: 29, 27: she, son Hake and daughter Slema fined re concealing husband's chattels Saulinus son-in-law of Aaron (Stamford) CChtrR II: 225 214</page><page sequence="57">Money and the hangman in late-13th-century England Name Money Condemned Forfeit Hanged Gaoled Saulot le Petit (Northampton) E9/37, m. 3: fused plates (? and theft); (compen? sation, amerce? ment) Saunte s Salomon (Northampton) CEJ IV: 99: clipper CEJ IV: 99: died in prison Sauuage the Jew (York) as Aronet s Sarecote as Aronet s Sarecote Senior (Seyngor) le Euesk' (Norwich) (BIJS III: 51 and n. 3) E9/43, m. 3d (T 1283) BIJS III: 51 and n. 3; (C47/9/50) BIJS III: 51 and n. 3; C47/9/50 Senior s PJosce de Rychemund (Norf.) E9/39, m. id Symon the Jew (Sussex) [?of Hailsham] JUSTi/ 912A, m. 38: clipper and receiver; fugitive, to be outlawed Simon of Andover JHSEM II: 63, 70: his chattels sold Simon de Bruges [PBridgnorth; PBridgwater] (London; Oxford; Hereford) BIJS II: 82; III: 45: fined for grace [cf. Cota, wife of Simon de Bruges] 215</page><page sequence="58">Zefira Entin Rokeah Name Money Condemned Forfeit Hanged Gaoled Misc. Simon Hagyn [? = a Jew] (Bredestede [Brasted], Kent) JUST1/369, m. 6d: he received Jews and Christians; they coined and clipped in his house JUST1/369, m. 6d JUSTi/ 369, m. 6d 1279 Simon s Salomon (Hereford) CEJ III: 319: accused re clipping; E9/25, m. jd: tools and clipped money T 1277 M 1277 Slema daughter of Sarra de London (Northampton) as Sarra de London Sweiteman le Eueske (Glos.) (BIJS II: 78) BIJS II: 78: his chattels sold Swetman s Meirot (Bristol) SelPl, pp. 91-2: fused plate SelPl, pp. 91-2 T 1276 Sweteman s Vyves (Kent) (E101/119/ 12) E101/119/12 (E101/119/12: his concealed goods) c. 1283 Sweyteman de Wiltone [?de Winton']7 (Glos.) (BIJS II: 77-8) BIJS II: 77-8; JHSEM II: 64, 71: his chattels sold Terta the Widow (Stamford) CChtrR II: 225 1280 Tony s Aaron (Stamford) E9/41, m. 2 E9/41, m. 2 H 1283 Tonyettus s Saunte (Lincoln) CEJ IV: 99: acquitted re clipping H 1277 7 Adler suggests (JHSEM II: 64 n. 10; 71 n. 20) that Sweyteman of Wilton and Sweteman of Winchester are the same man (the chattels noted for them are identical and distinctive). 2l6</page><page sequence="59">Money and the hangman in late-13th-century England Name Money Condemned Forfeit Gaoled Ursell (Exeter) Adler, Exet., p. 23411. 1: accused clipper Ursell son-in-law of Amyot (Devon) CInqMisc I: 25: he, wife, children, fled due to clipping defamation (CInqMisc I: 25: Amyot's site now escheat) Ursell de Huntedon' (Norwich) E9/29, m. 10: fused plates Ursell s Josce (Lincoln) E9/36, m. 9: his concealed chattels (E9/36, m. 9) Ursell Levy (Lincoln) CChtrR II: 249 Vivelettus a Jew (PLondon) CEJ IV: 148, 171; plate ; CEJ III: 318-19: cleared re fused silver, clipping I CEJ IV: 148, 171: fined re respite Vives le Chapeleyn (Oxford) SelPl, p. 95: inculpated re clipping; innocent Vives Crespin (London) CEJ III: 291: acquitted re clipped money Vives s Diaye (Northampton) BIJS I: 28 fined 'for the same'8 The previous item states that Genta of Buckingham [owed] ?4 for her (hanged) husband's wool, which had been sold. 217</page><page sequence="60">Zefira Entin Rokeah Name Money Condemned Forfeit Hanged Gaoled I Vives s Hagin (Sussex) (JUST1/915, m. 34: his chattels sold) JUSTi/915,1 m. 34 Vives de I Hauerhulle (Norwich) (C47/9/50) C47/9/50 Vives de Hoylesham10 [Hailsham] (Sx.) (JUSTI/915, m. 17: chattels) Vives le Lung [?s Copin] (Oxford) CEJ III: 185 (T 1276): alleged receiver, clipper E401/104 (p 1285) (E401/104) JUST1/707, m. 2$d (1285) CEJ III: 185 (at London) Vives of Northampton (Lincoln) E3 68/20, m. 10: adulterine exchange indictment Vives le Petit [?s Bonefey] (Oxford) Vives le I Romansour (Northampton) Vives s Vives of I Gloucester (Oxon.) 27, BIJS I; 29, 31-' fined (?for seizing a Jewish widow's goods) 9 Corrected from Hagin to Vives in JUST1/915, m. 34; JUST1/917, m. 39J has Vives. 10 His chattels were sold for 36s; he may be Vives the slain Jew, whose chattels were sold for 36s (JUST1/915, m. 34//; JUST 1/917, m. 38). Both entries appear among those for the hundred of Dill {Th?le). 2l8</page></plain_text>