Contents Vol 41
<plain_text><page sequence="1">YOIXMi: 41 JEWISH HISTORICAL STUDIES Transactions of lite Jewish Historical Society of England</page><page sequence="2">JEWISH HISTORICAL STUDIES</page><page sequence="3">JEWISH HISTORICAL STUDIES TRANSACTIONS OF THE JEWISH HISTORICAL SOCIETY OF ENGLAND VOLUME 41 THE JEWISH HISTORICAL SOCIETY OF ENGLAND 2007</page><page sequence="4">The Society as a body is not responsible for statements made or opinions expressed by contributors to this volume. ? The Jewish Historical Society of England 33 Seymour Place, London wih 5AP ISBN 978-O-902528-41-3 Printed in Great Britain by Biddies Ltd., King's Lynn, Norfolk</page><page sequence="5">Contents Preface xi In memoriam Lionel Kochan, 1922-2005 xiii LAUREN FOGLE The Domus Conversorum: The Personal Interest of Henry III 1 EDGAR SAMUEL The Mahamad as an arbitration court 9 MIRIAM RODRIGUES-PEREIRA An eighteenth-century Sephardi lady - her relations and her property 31 DAVID CONWAY John Braham - from meshorrer to tenor 37 GEOFFREY GREEN England expects ...: British Jews under the white ensign from HMS Victory to the loss of HMS Hood in 1941 63 STEPHEN MASSIL Two Hebrew grammars and the Enlightenment 99 GABRIEL SIVAN Izak Goller (1891-1939): Zionist poet, playwright and preacher 145 EDGAR SAMUEL Jewish missionary activity in Portugal between the Wars 173 MARTIN SUGARMAN 'Hagedud Ha-Sini' - the Jewish Company of the Shanghai Volunteer Corps, 1932-42 183 CLAIRE HILTON A Jewish contribution to British psychiatry: Edward Mapother, Aubrey Lewis and their Jewish and refugee colleagues at the Bethlem and Maudsley Hospital and Institute of Psychiatry, 1933-66 209 v</page><page sequence="6">Contents MARTIN SUGARMAN Captain Isidore Newman 231 JOHN GOLDSMITH Mac Goldsmith 257 BERND KOSCHLAND Kindertransport: Tylers Green Hostel for Young Jewish Refugees 271 BOOK NOTES Geoffrey Cantor, Quakers, Jews and Science: Religious Responses to Modernity and the Sciences in Britain, 1650-1 goo 291 Bea Lewkowicz, The Jewish Community of Salonika. History, Memory, Identity 294 David Cesarani and Gemma Romain (tds) Jews and Port Cities, i^go?iggo: Commerce, Community and Cosmopolitanism 295 Edward Gelles, An Ancient Lineage-European Roots of a Jewish Family Gelles-Griffel- Wahl-Chajes-Safier-Loew- Taube 297 Lydia Collins and Morris L. Bierbrier, The Sephardim of Manchester: Pedigrees and Pioneers 298 Israel Finestein and Joseph Roth (eds) Opportunities That Pass: An Historical Miscellany 298 Sam Aaron, Jewish Ancestors: A Guide to Jewish Genealogy in Lithuania. No. 6 in the Jewish Ancestor Series 299 Contributors to this volume 301 Notes for contributors 303 Society officers and council 305 Index 307 vi</page><page sequence="7">List of Illustrations COVER: 'The Jew Beauties' (see p. 50) THE MAHAMAD AS AN ARBITRATION COURT Plate i Jacob Mendes da Costa's lawsuit against Catherine da Costa Villareal 11 Plate 2 David Alves Rabello 13 Plate 3 Ephraim Lopes Pereira 13 Plate 4 Jacob Key alias John King 14 Plate 5 A Moroccan Jewish rhubarb seller, dressed as a Turk 16 Plate 6 A Moroccan Jewish rhubarb seller 16 Plate 7 Jacob Kimhi, slipper seller and scholar 17 Plate 8 A Moroccan Jewish slipper seller 17 JOHN BRAHAM Plate 1 Incledon and Braham in Family Quarrels 46 Plate 2 T courted Miss Levy', from the vocal score toFamily Quarrels 49 Plate 3 'The Jew Beauties', 1806 50 Plate 4 John Braham, by Samuel de Wilde, 1819 58 ENGLAND EXPECTS... Plate 1 The Central Synagogue, Great Portland Street, London, 1905 66 Plate 2 HMS Terrible First Class Cruiser 67 Plate 3 Jewish Royal Navy Officers and Ratings 69 Plate 4 Stoker William Stern and the Light Cruiser HMS Pathfinder 70 Plate 5 HMS Princess Royal Battle Cruiser 71 Plate 6 Able Seaman Isaac Goldstein and the First Class Cruiser Defence 72 Plate 7 HMS Nicator Destroyer 72 Plate 8 HMS Minerva Protected Cruiser 75 Plate 9 HMS AfridiTribal Class of Destroyers 77 Plate 10UMS Hood 78 Plate 11 Alfred Pitzer, September 1939 79 Plate 12 HMS Legion alongside HMS Ark Royal 80 Plate 13 Commander Richard Jessel, 1979 81 Plate 14 Able Seaman Lou Levy, 1943 81 vii</page><page sequence="8">List of Illustrations TWO HEBREW GRAMMARS Plate i Grey's Hebrew grammar, 1738 102 Plate 2 Bolaffey's Hebrew grammar, 1820 103 Plate 3 America Square with the obelisk, c. 1850 123 Plate 4 'The Physicians of the Medical Society of London' 124 Plate 5 The bookseller's ticket of Abraham Berlandina 131 Plate 6 Inscription in Haham Meldola's Kol Rinah, 1825 136 IZAK GOLLER Plate 1 Izak Goller 146 Plate 2 Goller's teaching advertisement 148 Plate 3 'So the Goyyim Still Hate You?' 153 Plate 4 Rhymed version of 'Hallel' 154 Plate 5 Cohen and Son (1932) and portrait 158 Plate 6 Judah and Tamar (1931) 160 Plate 7 Modin Women (1931) 160 Plate 8 A Purim-Night 's Dream (1931) 162 Plate 9 A Purim-Night's Dream 162 Plate 10 The Scroll of L?fs Wife (1935) 164 Plate 11 'Adonai Shema!' from The Passionate Jew (1923) 167 Plate 12 Izak Goller's tombstone 171 SHANGHAI VOLUNTEER CORPS Plate 1 Collar badge of the Jewish Company 184 Plate 2 Patrolling the Bund, 1938 186 Plate 3 Alex Katznelson and a lorry mounted with a Lewis Gun 186 Plate 4 Lewis Guns at a training camp, 1938 186 Plate 5 After a patrol in August 1937 187 Plate 6 In Sector B, August 1937 187 Plate 7 Lance Corporal Ike Goldfield, August 1937 187 Plate 8 Benjamin Slossman 194 Plate 9 The Jewish Company on manouevers 194 Plate 1 o The Jewish Company on field exercise 195 Plate 11 The Jewish Company on parade 195 Plate 12 Members of the Jewish Company 197 Plate 13 The last march past, April 1940 197 Plate 14 The last annual parade 198 ISIDORE NEWMAN Plate 1 Isidore Newman with Dolly Marks and Rhoda Rose, 1939 234 Plate 2 Isidore Newman's agent photograph 237 Plate 3 Newman's inscription on his parents' grave 252 viii</page></plain_text>